
Your subjects, year by year

First year


Fundamentals and Structure of Law

In this subject you’ll study how Law has evolved from a historical and cultural perspective and you’ll learn about the basic legal system concepts. Upon completion, you’ll have the knowledge and competencies you need to understand today’s legal system.

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Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Theory of Crime

What are the basic criminal concepts? In this subject you’ll discover these concepts and study the criminal phenomenon as a prerequisite to apply Criminal Law.

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Fundamentals of Constitutional Law

Discover the connection between the Constitution and the State: In this subject you’ll learn about the Constitution’s normative value and its relation with the State and its institutions.

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Your first contact with economic reality: You’ll study how markets work, the effects that public intervention has and how non-competitive markets are structured.

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Introduction to Accounting

In this subject you’ll learn about basic accounting principles and how essential accounting techniques work.

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Constitutional Legal System

You’ll explore the concept of the Constitutional system’s primacy and its sources.

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General Criminal Law

In this subject you’ll study General Theory of Criminal Law and discover its relevance in applying crime-related laws.

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General Part of Civil and Personal Law

A view of Personal Law from a civil perspective: In this subject you’ll become familiar with the necessary systemic elements to understand the sources of Civil Law, the theory of legal-civil norms and the subjects, objects, functions and goals of legal-private relations. This subject will focus especially on laws aiming to ensure equality and non-discrimination and their effectiveness in private legal relationships.

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What are the key macroeconomic indicators in terms of production, inflation and employment? You’ll discover these through this subject and learn about the basic models that explain the different macroeconomic variables, in particular, fiscal and monetary policies.

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In this subject you’ll become familiar with the techniques to enter the most common financial-economic operations into the books and financial statements. At the same time, you’ll also learn about the key accounting valuation norms for operations.

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English I

This year-long subject comprises three different levels (3 subjects total during the first three years of the program). During the first year, students will be divided depending on their respective levels of English. The final level achieved will depend on your initial level, though the workload will, in all cases, be equivalent to 9 ECTS, which should guarantee that you achieve a C1 level of English or higher.

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English II

This year-long subject comprises three different levels (3 subjects total during the first three years of the programme). During the first year, students will be divided depending on their respective levels of English. The final level achieved will depend on your initial level, though the workload will, in all cases, be equivalent to 9 ECTS, which should guarantee that you achieve a C1 level of English or higher.

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Second year


Theory of Contracts and Tort Law

This subject will introduce you to the necessary concepts to understand the basics of private contracts (structure and function) and civil obligation (structure and function), both in contractual and extracontractual terms.

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Constitutional Rights

What specific rights does the Constitution endow us with? This subject focuses on learning about constitutional rights, focusing especially on fundamental rights.

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Types of Crimes

In this subject you’ll study the different types of crimes and how this typology is applied, as well as how jurisprudence interprets it.

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Public International Law

This subject represents your first immersion in Transnational Law: You’ll learn about the principles and structure of the international legal-political system, highlighting the system of leading international organizations.

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Analysis of Financial Statements

In this subject you’ll learn to interpret and analyse basic corporate and institutional financial statements.

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European Union Law

What are the key institutions in the EU legal system? In this subject you’ll learn about the main organisms under EU Law and analyse community freedoms and how EU Law is adapted to each member country’s legal systems.

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Introduction to Procedural Law

In this subject you’ll study how courts are structured and how they work as well as the basic and common procedural concepts and institutions found in all jurisdictions.

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Fundamentals of Administrative Law

This subject offers an overview of Administrative Law: You’ll become familiar with its purpose, functions and basic principles and, in particular, the basic types of public authority administrations, administrative sources and proceedings.

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Private Contracting

This subject will enable you to understand the structure and functioning of civil and mercantile contracts from an inherently practical perspective: You’ll consolidate the knowledge and competencies you acquired in the General Contract Theory subject.

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Derecho de la Empresa y Sociedades

This subject will introduce you to the concepts, functions and sources of Mercantile Law. Through this subject, you’ll study the concept of companies and entrepreneurs and you’ll further explore business practice. In addition, you’ll study topics related to the exercise of free competition and the protection of intangible assets (Intellectual Property and Competition Law).

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Interdisciplinary Legal Exercise I

During the second-semester of the second year, you’ll be assigned the macro, multidisciplinary case study for your 360º Legal Project which you will finalise during the third year of the program, applying the knowledge you acquire from the different legal disciplines you’ll study as you advance through the program. In the first session, we will assign you a case and explain the objectives and methodology you should apply. After that initial session, there will be a 2-hour session each week (10 sessions total): in each session you’ll have to answer a series of questions faculty raise whether individually or in groups (faculty will indicate how each session will proceed). You will have to answer these questions either orally or in writing.

Related subjects:
Constitutional Law I and II; Fundamental of Criminal Law and Theory of Crime I and II; General Part of Civil and Personal Law.

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Interdisciplinary Legal Exercise II

English III

This year-long subject comprises three different levels (3 subjects total during the first three years of the programme). During the first year, students will be divided depending on their respective levels of English. The final level achieved will depend on your initial level, though the workload will, in all cases, be equivalent to 9 ECTS, which should guarantee that you achieve a C1 level of English or higher.

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Third year


Rights in rem

What are rights in rem? In this subject you’ll acquire the systemic elements needed to understand the basics and foundations of rights in rem, in particular, property rights, joint ownership and limited property rights (right of use/usufruct and the right of first refusal).

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Civil Procedural Law

In this subject you’ll understand how the different civil and mercantile proceedings are structured. In particular, you’ll study norms governing competencies as well as the types of declarative proceedings and the most relevant procedural specialzations in legal practice. You’ll also analyse the key alternative conflict-resolution mechanisms.

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Fundamentals of Tax Proceedings

This subject will introduce you to taxation. To begin, you’ll study the economic, doctrinal and legal foundations of the General Part of Financial and Tax Law. This will enable you to expand your knowledge of the key taxes included in the Spanish tax system more systematically. You’ll also become familiar with the different types of tax proceedings.

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Derecho del Mercado

Individual Labour Law

In this subject you’ll learn about the sources of Labour Law and the primary institutions related to Individual Labour Law from a legal and jurisprudence perspective. Together, we’ll analyse the different positions the parties in a labour relation adopt regarding economic and social issues, including gender. You’ll also acquire basic notions on the purpose of the Social Security system and its structure (assistance and contributory schemes).

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Public Administration Activity

In this subject you’ll become familiar with general administrative proceedings and, in particular, the framework governing public activity (especially, norms, sanctions and expropriation) and the public sector’s contractual and patrimonial liability systems.

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External internships

You will complete your semester-long professional internship during the third year. Students generally carry out this internship during the first semester, though you can opt to do it later. These internships generally imply spending 100 hours at the organisation under the supervision of a professional tutor and an academic tutor. During this internship, you’ll hold a real job in a law firm or company, giving you your first professional experience with activities normally carried out by legal professionals.

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Corporate Operations, Bankruptcy and Stock Market Law

Based on the knowledge acquired in the Corporate Law class, in this subject you’ll analyse the key capital and structural change operations. You’ll also learn about the primary functions and normative benchmarks in Bankruptcy and Stock Market Law.

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Direct Taxation

What are the most prevalent types of direct taxes? In this subject you’ll discover and learn about norms governing personal income tax and corporate tax, in particular.

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Security Rights and Property Registry

In this subject you’ll immerse yourself in the foundations and functions of Real Estate Registration Law and you’ll analyse the systemic elements needed to understand the structure and functioning of security rights.

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Collective Labour Law

How are collective bargaining agreements reached? In this subject you’ll become familiar with the key representative instruments for workers and the means to defend their interests as well as make the most of collective bargaining mechanisms. You’ll also analyse the impact employment policies have on the job market. 

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Legal Ethics

Practicing Law has ethical implications: In this subject you’ll study and analyse the ethical aspects of Law and its practice.

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Interdisciplinary Legal Exercise III

During the third year you’ll continue working on your 360º Legal Project, a multidisciplinary macro-case study begun during the second year and finalising during the second semester of the third year. As in the previous year, this subject consists of one 2-hour session per week (10 sessions total):  In each session you’ll have to answer a series of questions faculty raise whether individually or in groups (faculty will indicate how each session will proceed). You will have to answer these questions either orally or in writing. There will be a final exam at the end of the subject. Your final mark will take into account your ongoing assessment mark for the in-class sessions. Participating actively during class sessions may give you extra points to improve your final mark.


Fourth year


Commercial Contracts and Securities

Based on the Private Contract knowledge you’ve acquired previously, in this subject you’ll analyse the primary types of mercantile contracts as well as securities.

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Indirect Taxation

In this legal-economic subject, you’ll become familiar with the primary types of indirect taxes, in particular, norms governing the value-added tax as well as transfer tax and the tax on documented legal acts.

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Private International Law

In this subject you’ll understand the function, traits and structure of Private International Law. The ultimate objective is for you to be able to interpret and apply the different Private International Law norms, in particular, in the EU Law area.

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Family and Inheritance Law

You’ll acquire the foundations needed to understand the primary institutions in the Family and Inheritance Law area, all from a perspective which takes into account social changes that have occurred over time and their legal relevance.


Criminal Procedural Law

What are the principles and institutions involved in criminal proceedings? In this subject you’ll learn about criminal proceedings, their functions, principles and basic institutions from a jurisprudence perspective.


Final Degree Project

The Final Degree Project encompasses a complete multidisciplinary case which you have to resolve. It serves to demonstrate that you have successfully incorporated the knowledge, skills and competencies addressed throughout the programme. You’ll have the support and guidance of a tutor throughout the project. At the end, you’ll be required to present an original written report with a well-argued and duly-based resolution which you will then also have to defend orally.

TFG: Clinicum de Derecho Público
TFG: Clinicum de Derecho Privado



50 ECTS distributed amongst subjects offered throughout the programme and which will allow you to complement your education and improve your competencies based on your specific interests. This category also includes the exchange programme.

The list of electives is tentative and could change in the next courses.


Debate League (3 ECTS)

In this subject you’ll participate in debates on current legal issues in teams. This subject is compulsory for students who want to participate in the interuniversity debate league competitions in which Esade habitually takes part.

Moot Court (6 ECTS)

Esade participates in some of the most prestigious interuniversity competitions which simulate legal or arbitration proceedings (these include, amongst others: Moot Vienna, Moot Madrid and Moot Jessup). To participate, you have to complete this subject which, in groups and based on a practical case study, consists of presenting a written statement of claim and statement of defence and simulating hearings in a trial or arbitration proceeding. More information is available about these moot courts in the Learning by doing section.

Exchange Incoming Students

For more information visit the Exchange Factsheet 2024/2025 and check the Grade Conversion 

Law Exchange Program (Fall)