Student Associations


Active associations


Students involved

Sports, leisure, professional, volunteer, social and cultural

More than 50 activities each year in Spain and abroad

Global meetings and exchanges including Eurosport and International Week

Esade undergraduate and master’s associations

Professional associations


  • Who we are:
    AIESEC in Universitat Ramon Llull is our university’s committee of the world’s largest non-profit youth-run organisation. AIESEC is an international organisation that provides students with the opportunity of living a volunteering experience in a foreign country, with the aim of raising leadership and cultural awareness amongst young people.AIESEC has a partnership with the United Nations and is compromised to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Board:
    President, Vice-president and Treasurer
  • What we do:
    We provide students with the opportunity to live a volunteering experience in one of the 130 countries where AIESEC is present and we help students find the program that best fits them.
    We organise on campus events to promote the awareness of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
  • Why should you join us:
    You will be able to help students live a life-changing experience as well as have the opportunity to enter a wide network of AIESEC alumni.  You will also be able to go to national and international conferences to represent your university and meet students from all around the world.
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CIEE – Esade International Student Committee

  • Who we are:
    CIEE aims to build a strong international Esade community and to strengthen intercultural sensitivity. We work towards promoting networking between local and international students, improving exchange students experience at Esade and widening international opportunities for Esade students.
    We believe diversity and respect to be essential values when building businesses and we work to embrace them through collaboration with student committees from 25 international Business Faculties around the world.
  • Board:
    - Board (President, Vice-President and Treasurer)
    - Community Manager
    - Exchange Relations Committee (Project Manager, Marketing Manager, Buddy System Managers, Event Manager and Pool).
    - International Week Committee (Two Project Managers, Marketing Manager, Communications Manager and Pool).
  • What we do:
    - International Week Barcelona: Every September 20 students coming from Business Faculties around Europe and Asia, travel to Esade for a week to take part in a business, academic, social and cultural exchange. These incoming students are hosted by Esade students and all of them take part in all the scheduled activities. Activities range from business visits to leading companies in our region (such as Desigual, Puig and Moritz) to academic workshops at Esade and cultural visits around Barcelona.
    - Buddy System: The Buddy System takes place every semester and aims to assign an Esade mentor to every exchange student, so that their arrival to Barcelona and our university is smoother.
    - IWCO Conference: Every summer, a conference gathering representatives from all International Weeks takes place. Two CIEE representatives travel as delegates in representation of our committee.
    - Ice-Breaking and Welcome Party: Every beginning of semester we organise an Ice-Breaking session and a Welcome Dinner for all +200 exchange incoming students at Esade.
  • Why should you join us:
    We are looking for driven students who find pleasure in meeting people coming from different cultures and exchanging ideas. International experiences abroad, cultural exchanges and experience in student organisations and committees in High School (such as MUN models, class representatives, student council boards, summer camp leaders…) are highly valued.
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Esade Marketing Club

  • Who we are:
    Esade Marketing Club is a student-led organisation that narrows the gap between the theoretical knowledge of marketing and the practical implementation of the same.
    This association makes dreams come true, marketing is about being creative and making the impossible a reality, we are curious about the world of business from a very unique perspective and our aim is to explore it through a very hands on perspective.
  • Board:
    Board of directors and departments based on projects.
  • What we do:
    - Esade Marketing HUB is a case competition involving different companies facing real issues related to marketing. In small groups the students come up with innovative yet actionable solutions for them this way we ensure that both the companies and the students gain experience and learn from each other’s’ inputs.
    - EMC Talks involves all talks, presentations or lectures given by professionals who want to share their own insights of the marketing world today, we encourage the students to ask for relevant topics that they have a genuine interest in so we can all learn about them from experts.
  • Why should you join us:
    - No previous knowledge of marketing is required; we are looking for passionate students who want to challenge the norm.
    - Creativity, proactivity and commitment.
    - Design skills, Photoshop, video editing or similar will be appreciated.
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  • Who we are:
    Founded in 2020, DataHub is the only Data Science association of Esade Business School. Our mission is to support students who desire to pursue a career in data science or business analytics and to align the Analytics and Business world.
  • What we do:
    By providing a workspace free and easy to use for all Esade students and alumni, DataHub offers a platform where students can receive support for the most advanced and technical classes at Esade and build the necessary technical and soft skills needed to thrives in an increasingly data-centric world.
    Understanding the relevance that analytics and data science play in our future we also offer the possibility to participate in speaking sessions, workshops, meetup or Hackathons to create a genuine dialogue with the most influencing AI experts and to encourage students to share insights and discuss topics.
  • Why you should join us:
    - Learn directly from professionals, alumni, students and professor
    - Receive support for advanced technical classes in the field of Analytics
    - Join Hackathons Kaggle competitions
    - Take part in consulting projects focused on Machine Learning and Analytics
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  • Who we are:
    The mission of the Junior Enterprise is to give to Esade students the possibility of working in consultancy projects, in order to allow them to develop their skills by putting into practice what they have learnt in the School and to have a first contact with the business world; as well as to provide companies an innovative and young reality, always with the rigor and the methodology of Esade.
  • Board:
    - Board: President, Vice-President, Treasurer & General Secretary. Departments: Innovation Quest,
    - Consulting Academy, New Events, Projects, Marketing and Human Resources.
  • What we do:
    Consulting services: Consulting Services are the heart of eJoventut; we are a consultancy team, made of 8 Project Managers who aim to provide companies an innovative and young reality, offering consulting services with rigor and the methodology of Esade.
    IInnovation Quest: IQ is a 4-Day Event consisting in a Case Competition with real cases proposed by Leading Companies, 200 International Participants where we organise Workshops and Conferences on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
    Consulting Academy: CA is a 5-day-programme consisting of 4 sessions conducted by leading consulting firms, as well as a Final Case Competition where students have to solve a consulting case in teams. 70 talented participants will learn to solve cases and will gain deep insight about Consulting. Furthermore, they will benefit from networking opportunities with the best consulting firms in the world.
    Blockchain in finance Summit: With a focus on the applications and influence of blockchain in finance, the event features a diverse group of students from the Barcelona area. Speakers will provide a valuable insight into the changing world of finance, and opportunities resulting from disruptions caused by blockchain technology. Demo sessions by blockchain start-ups and speeches by industry leaders offer contrasting perspectives on the changes such technology will bring.
    Consulting lab - PwC: At the crossroads between business and academics, The Consulting Lab is an international Corporate Responsibility project collaboration between the consulting practice of PwC Philippines and eJoventut, wherein consultants and students work together as teams to design sustainable solutions to the immense challenges faced by society today. The program will revolve around the Global Corporate Responsibility focus areas of PwC – Responsible Business, Community Engagement, Environmental Stewardship, and Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Why should you join us:
    In eJoventut we do not search any specific profile, however there are some characteristics that we find especially helpful due to the characteristics of our events and projects. These are: Being a team player, persistence, motivated individuals and sociable people.
  • Find out more:
        Consulting Academy:
        Innovation Quest:

Empresa i Societat

  • Who we are:
    Empresa i Societat connects Esade to society through socially-conscious activities and events.
  • Board:
    President, vice-president, human resources and communications.
  • What we do:
    Our team works towards improving the lives of others while giving students the opportunity to develop their own social projects.
  • Why should you join us:
    We look for students willing to go beyond what is taken for granted. Emotional intelligence, ability to emphasise and openness to new experience is key to become a member of our association.
    Although having previous experience is not mandatory to join our association, it is important to demonstrate willingness to be active and participative.
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  • Who we are:
    Hello! We are Ennova, an association founded to promote innovation at Esade. We organise different events (such as IdeaUp Challenge) with the intention of acting as  a link between the Rambla de la Innovación and the university students.
  • What we do:
    Our main objective is to promote all the activities that take place in the 5 labs of the Rambla de la Innovación, such as research, hackathons, challenges, conferences... In addition, while we encourage innovation, we propose new projects to develop in the laboratories, and we are open to receive your proposals on what you would like to do.
  • Events created by Ennova so far:
    IdeaUp Challenge: Is a 6-month entrepreneurial competition held on the Rambla de la Innovación, opened to all business, engineering or design students of Barcelona.
    Rambla Open Day: Open Day of the Rambla, where students can have a first  contact with the labs and discover the important activities they propose.
  • Why you should join us:
    We are open to diversity, because it is the most effective engine for innovation. We like people who are energetic and enthusiastic, willing to create new things and get involved. Our association will provide you with great networking possibilities with the companies that collaborate with the labs and with all the participants of the activities that are developed in them, as well as the opportunity to take part in these projects from inside and help organise them.
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  • Who we are:
    Equal is an association that seeks gender equality, the empowerment of women and the visibility of the feminist movement. From our point of view the university is or should be a safe and free space for all of us, as well as a community that supports each other. We wish to join forces and share ideas on how to move forward towards a society that is more inclusive and respectful. We welcome students from all degrees since we believe that everyone can contribute to make our society better and more just.
  • What we do:
    - Events: We do events in which feminist topics such as equal pay and violence against women are discussed amongst the attendees and the panel guests. We have previously held an event on the laws that punish gender violence, in which criminal law professors discussed with the students who attended. We have also hosted female politicians from the different political parties in Catalonia to discuss the role of women in politics.
    - Workshops: We have organised self-defence workshops for two years in a row and the attendees have been very satisfied with it. We intend to do one each year, however due to the current situation we have to rethink how we will do it. We are also thinking of doing workshops in which we learn about female philosophers. We are open to any ideas to do interactive workshops on feminist topics.
    - Debates: We have also organised debates on matters such as the situation of women in Latin America with the help of female students who participated in the SUD program, as well as the impact of sexism in the labour market and politics.
    - Movie Nights: We also have organised movie nights in campus and off campus in which we watched and discussed movies and documentaries about different feminist issues, such as women in law, and the evolution of the feminist movement.
  • Why should you join us:
    In Equal, we seek students that are passionate about feminist topics and that are willing to contribute and participate in the association (assist to the meetings and help organising the different projects and events). If you are interested in feminism, committed to fighting for equality and collaborating to advance towards a more equal society, then Equal is the perfect association for you!
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Esade Student Finance Society

  • Who we are:
    Esade Student Finance Society is the only finance society at Esade Business & Law School. ESFS aims to give its members the opportunity to gain a competitive edge in the financial industry through the organisation of engaging events, lectures and competitions.
  • Junta:
    - Treasurer
    - Two delegates (one for each Esade’s campuses; Sant Cugat and Pedralbes)
    - One team for each project and each member can join the team he/she prefers to collaborate in the organisation of that activity.
  • What we do:
    - Intraday Competition: Trading competition with virtual money during one day. All participants are grouped into groups of four or five contestants, who invest their money in order to achieve the highest cost effectiveness possible. Operations are to be opened and closed on the same day. We count with the collaboration of GVC Gaesco, who provide us the investment platform and brings investors to Esade in order to help out students and give them advice.
    Since it is a one day event, lunch is provided to the participants as well as gifts and a diploma for participation.
    3W Competition. Trading competition with virtual money that lasts for three weeks. Participation is individual where each participant is provided with virtual money. The goal of the competition is to achieve the highest cost effectiveness possible. We collaborate with the platform Broker XTB, which allows participants to invest from their personal computers.
    50 Portfolio. Investment fund managed during the second semester (January to May) by participating students. Each participant gives a monetary contribution (real money) of 20 Euros. This quantity is invested in the chosen values.
    Chosen values? Yes, all participants are grouped into groups of four or five participants. Together they are given a company to analyse and after six weeks the research is presented to all the participants. Finally, after all companies are presented all the participating students will choose which company will become part of the Portfolio.
    - Workshops. One hour long conferences or lectures. Different topics can be presented; we adapt to what students want to listen to.
  • Why should you join us:
    Motivated students with a real willingness to organise many activities! Financial skills are not required.
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ESTalent - Esade Students for Talent

  • Who we are:
    ESTalent (Esade Students for Talent) is a student’s initiative aware of the inequalities in our world. Aware that small contributions can lead to huge changes, the aim of ESTalent is to raise funds for the Esade Scholarship Programme, organising different activities throughout the year.
  • Board:
    Members of the Board (President, Vice president, Treasurer, Secretary), ambassadors and the other members.
  • What we do:
    All of our events have the same goal, contributing to the scholarship programme. Therefore, all our profits are given to this programme.
    - Trip Raffle: we raffle a trip, partnering with Drumwit.
    - Associations BBQ: we are in charge of organising the annual associations’ BBQ. In the ticket there is a part that goes to the programme.
    - Charity Race: we collaborate with EsadeTRI in the organisation of the Charity Race. Participants run through Sant Cugat and the winner wins a price which is provided by different companies.
  • Why should you join us:
    Any student motivated and committed to helping in all activities to raise money for the Scholarship Programme.
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E3 Initiative

  • Who we are:
    The E3 Initiative association is in charge of empowering entrepreneurship amongst Esade students. Our main goal is to promote an entrepreneurial mindset to the entire Esade community. We want to reach this objective through the organisation of several events, workshops, conferences & much more focused on innovation, knowledge-creation and networking with some of the best known startups and investors of the entrepreneurial scene. Our well-known events are TEDxEsade & Startup Turbo.
  • Board:
    - President, vice-president, treasurer
    - Departments: events, network & relationships, finance & commercial, marketing, communication & event coverage
  • What we do:
    - Startup Turbo. Startup Turbo it’s an annual competition, made by and for students where you’ll be able to explore the world of innovation and entrepreneurship as you’d never done before. During a whole weekend you’ll be able to create, develop and design your idea. How? By coming together with students of different universities and fields such as: Business, design and engineering.
     - TED×Esade. TEDxEsade mission is to share and provoke inspiring discussions among students and promote the development of tomorrow’s thinkers. Since the idea first sparked of a 2011 conference, TEDx Esade has aimed to act as a driver for inspiration for 8 years already. We identify with the TED mantra ‘Ideas Worth Spreading’ through actively seeking out the unexpected, the breathtaking, the daring and challenging messages conveyed though mind opening talks.
    - Garage Lunch. Garage Lunch gather CEO’s from all kind of startups to learn from their experience and path. Students enjoy complimentary beer and pizza whilst listening to their experience. An informal Q&A session is held after their explanation, where students get to know everything they wanted to learn about them. We generally gather startups around a same topic, and we also make events in collaboration with other associations from Esade.
    - Student Talks. Student Talks vision stems from the belief that inspiration is the first step towards action.
    We want to shape a new generation of independent thinkers, who will solve the challenges of tomorrow. To face this difficult task, students need an alternative source of knowledge, one that breaks with traditional ways of learning. And this is where we come in. We connect inspirational people with those, who have an unfulfilled potential to impact the world in a positive way. Our goal is simple and humble: entertain everyone - inspire some - change the lives of few.
  • Why should you join us:
    Entrepreneurship, startup and innovation knowledge plus interest on the topics of entrepreneurship in general. Technology interest and knowledge and more specific need for each department.
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HR Society 

  • Who we are:
    The association objective is to promote the human resources department, through talks from experts on the field and activities. We are also implementing a labour pool to give the opportunity to do an internship in the firsts years of the degree and a mentor program for first year students.
  • Board:
    We follow a multidivisional structure, divided into our three main projects (E-Buddy System, Intern for You, and Events)
  • What we do:
    E-Buddy System. The “E-Buddy System” initiative was created by Esade’s Human Resources Association (HRA) as a way of helping upcoming first year students adjust to life in Esade and Barcelona, because we know from our own experience how challenging it could be to adapt to a new life in a different city. The project consists of a mentor, and a mentee who will interact with each other in various ways during the academic year. The main objective is to create a sense of community and fellowship between students.
    Intern for you. The project consists in searching opportunities for our first and second year students, who find themselves willing to be engaged in a new inspiring project based on working in a start-up during a summer internship, applying what they learned at university and expanding their knowledge shaping it with a tangible and enriching experience.
    - Events. The team organises talks and workshops with academics and professionals in the Human Resources Department. The objective of these events is to give students more insights into what a profession in HR entails.
  • Why should you join us:
    We look for highly motivated people; proactive and open-minded teamworkers.
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Luxury Society

  • Who we are:
    We are a student organisation dedicated to organise events focused on the luxury industry, in order to get to know better the luxury world and its Business and Law features, such as Marketing, Branding, Intellectual Property, among others, but from a practical view, so there is always directive from a luxury company such as Balenciaga, Gucci or Louis Vuitton, or someone working in the sector in our events. Our objective is not only to bring the opportunity of getting to know the industry for our student community, but to create a networking bond with the companies and the firms operating in the sector.
  • What we do:
    Workshops and events related to the luxury industry.
  • Why should you join us:
    If you are interested in the luxury industry then this is your association! We work to organise the best events possible and to bring the best speakers related to the luxury sector.
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  • Who we are:
    OIKOS Barcelona is a student organisation based at Esade which aim is to create change for sustainability in economics and management. It is part of the global student network of Oikos International which brings together more than 1000 students, from over 20 countries.
    We encourage students to explore the opportunities and challenges that lie behind new business areas. For this reason, we support our members to implement their own projects and ideas.
  • Board:
    - President
    - Vice-President
    - Events organisers: Project Leaders + Members
    - Departments: Social media and communication, Human Resources and Treasury
  • What we do:
    Sustainability Cycle: The Sustainability Cycle is an event in which students are able to learn about sustainable management through presentations, workshops, and other activities organised by companies and academics. The goal of the event is to raise awareness amongst the leaders of the future about how important it is to change our mentality when it comes to sustainability in business.
  • Why should you join us:
    Passion for the planet and people. Interest in social and environmental practices. It is not necessary any previous experience or knowledge, just your motivation!
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ÁGORA Platform

  • Who we are:
    Agora is a student-led platform whose objective is to spread critical thinking among the members of the Esade Community. Its main aim is organising events in which the opinion of our students, professors and visiting experts are voiced, discussed and assessed from a critical perspective.
  • Board:
    - President
    - Vice-Presidente
    - Treasurer
    - Secretary General
  • What we do:
    - Agora News. periodic event, every 2 weeks, aimed at creating a debate forum covering the most relevant news in the globalised world, referring to finance, economics, politics, social issues and many more.
    - Big events & collaborations: along the last year we have organised several events with big people from their respective industries, whether by ourselves or partnering with other Esade Associations. As for the following year, we want to keep bringing experts and industry leader to have a deeper insight and understanding of a vast spectrum of business fields. Along these lines, we want to become the association that integrates and builds synergies within the Esade Community by partnering, as said, with other associations. These events are not regular, nor already programmed, and will be organised throughout the year.
  • Why should you join us:
    Agora wants to focus on creating a serious space where critical thinking can be spread on campus. It requires a lot of work, consistency, and sacrifice. Therefore, we look for capable, hard working and committed students, who are capable of showing interest on our activities, on current topics and being able to demonstrate they want to go one step further in their life in Campus, creating added value for other students that also want to deepen in relevant topics and share their knowledge. Students wanting to apply will need to show a high level of English (Spanish is not mandatory, but welcome and taken into account positively), knowledge in current affairs, and will also be tested on lateral thinking/case cracking skills, among other criteria.
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TechLabs Barcelona

  • Who we are:
    We are TechLabs Barcelona, an interdisciplinary team from various study programmes – with and without tech backgrounds – but united in one mission: teaching digital skills to young tech enthusiasts, thus fostering a new generation of digital thinkers who will lay the groundwork for our digital future within their areas of expertise.
  • What we do:
    TechLabs Barcelona offers a platform, where students from all disciplines can acquire state-of-the-art tech skills that will enable them to solve problems digitally and entrepreneurially. We react to the increasing need for coding expertise by offering comprehensive online curricula in the fields of web development, data science and artificial intelligence. At our regular meetups and workshops, students can exchange their tech ideas, get in touch with companies and work together on joint projects.
  • Why you should join us:
    - Set yourself apart by acquiring new tech skills in just 50 hours
    - Get access to free online courses.
    - Receive individual support to tackle tough coding challenges.
    - Gain hands-on experience at our workshops and meetups with industry players.
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180 Degrees Consulting

  • Who we are:
    180DC is the world's biggest volunteer consultancy with chapters at top universities across Europe and the United States.
    As the premier consulting association at Esade, we match teams of ambitious students with social enterprises and not-for-profits, whom we provide with pro-bono consulting services around (amongst other fields) financials, operations, business modelling, or marketing. Open for BBA and MSc students.
  • Board:
    5 members per team, including one project lead. 5 board members. One 180DC global representative.
  • What we do:
    Besides various social events, 180DC organises consulting workshops and career sessions with professionals from the field.
  • Why should you join us:
    Previous consulting experience is not required. We look for BBA and MSc students with high GPAs and a strong interest in the not-for-profit sector.
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Leisure associations


  • Who we are:
    DAC is a student association, whose goals are to promote cultural and artistic life in Esade from an interdisciplinary perspective, and make students discover the “secret” and “real” Barcelona.
  • What we do:
    We organise three kinds of activities:
    - The Book Club: a group of students read and discuss a book.
    - Theater classes: we organise in Pedralbes Campus theater classes every week, with the aim to perform a Theatre play and the end of the year.
    - Events: we organise exhibitions, guided tours and activities in Barcelona, in order to discover some secret places that reflect Barcelona’s history, and its reality, far from clichés and the holiday pictures.
  • Why should you join us:
    Every student who enjoys art and culture and is interested in the town is welcome!
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Esade Motor 

  • Who we are:
    Esade Motor offers students the opportunity to learn about business and other aspects of the motor industry, organising talks, careers and other events, such as Uniraid or Formula Student.
  • Board:
    It is composed of the president, the vice president, the treasurer and the manager. The other members are organized into departments and projects.
  • What we do:
    - Talk on UNIRAID, by Albert Margarit, president of UNIRAID.
    - Participation as judges of the Business Plan of Formula Student Spain. Collaboration as assistants of a participating team of the Polytechnic University of Terrassa.
    - Collaboration with the Alumni Automotive Club. With them, making talks and debates with senior executives of the automotive sector.
    - Collaboration with other associations (Ágora, DAC, etc.). We believe that collaboration with other associations promotes networking and synergy between different sectors is positive.
    - Collaboration with non-profit organisations to promote social and development aid.
    - Informative talks or debates between participants in activities and competitions related to the world of the motor, or with businessmen of this sector.
  • Why should you join us:
    We are looking for different personalities, but all of them are hard-working and dedicated people, who know how to work in a team and are motivated, and who are preferably fans of the motor world.
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Esade Musicians

  • Who we are:
    Esade Musicians is a group of Esade students that have in common the passion for music. We meet during our free time to share interests, experiences and values through music, because we believe in boosting the campus experience for Esade.
    The EM’s mission is not only to promote music but to use it as a tool to foster moments, experiences and feelings, and overall to deliver added value to society.
  • Board:
    It is organized by projects with the help of a marketing department, a human resources department and a group of musicians.
  • What we do:
    The Voice. Inspired by the TV show, we made auditions for the recruitment process of new musicians + Concert for the Esade Campus Party.
  • Why should you join us:
    For Musicians: people who love music and sharing experiences within a group, who is keen on taking part in the events organised. Musical knowledge necessary, if technical better.
    For Administration: people who are willing to organise events, stay in contact with organisations such as Esade and sponsors, who can spend time building the association.
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Esade Sports

  • Who we are:
    Hello everyone! Welcome to Esade Sports, one of the associations with the larger trajectory of the Esade University. Our goal is to promote sports among students  both outside and within Esade. Besides the events we organise, we have 8 official Esade teams from different disciplines such as volleyball, tennis, basketball, soccer and cheerleading. One of the characteristics of E-Sports is the mix of hard work and good vibes with which we like to work.
  • Board:
    Board members (chairman, vice president, treasurer), ambassadors and other members. We also have four team directors: Sponsors, Social Networks, Public Relations and Human Resources.
  • What we do:
    - Diada Esportiva. Sports tournament for all Esade students in the disciplines of volleyball, basketball, football, tennis and paddle.
    - EuroEsade. International tournament for all Esade students and universities from around Europe and North Africa in the disciplines of volleyball, basketball, football, tennis and cheerleading.
    - Official teams’ management: Our association is responsible for managing the  training of the teams, their equipment, the international tournament they attend, etc.
    It is important to emphasise that the sports association staff is responsible for the organisation of Esade sporting events and for the management of official teams. To be part of an official team, you must attend the trials that are usually held on the third weekend of September.
  • Why should you join us:
    Students with a special interest in sports and in the organisation of events.
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IT Fashion Society 

  • Who we are:
    IT Fashion is an Esade association whose aim is to approach people with an interest in fashion and the business sector. Our team members are extremely passionate about the fashion and textile industry as well as the business world, therefore, our objective is to combine both worlds in order to start introducing ourselves into the sector
  • Board:
    We are organized by projects, but we also have three departments: marketing, human resources and finance.
  • What we do:
    IT Day. The day will be divided into two main parts: in the morning 3-4 talks will be given by companies in the fashion sector and / or designers to encourage debate among participants. The food would be served on the campus and in the afternoon a real case would be presented to the students of those interested companies and the students would be left for 2-3 hours to solve it in the teams previously created. Next, the proposals of the different teams in front of the company and the rest of the students would be presented in the auditorium of the campus. Finally, companies would choose a winning team to which it would be interesting to be able to give a letter of recommendation (from the company) and the possibility of visiting their facilities.
  • Why should you join us:
    People interested in fashion with knowledge about this industry, with communicative skills and motivation to work hard and achieve the association’s goals.
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Transpose Magazine

  • Who we are:
    Transpose is Esade’s first and only fashion and lifestyle bi-annual magazine, run by students for students! This magazine serves as a platform to express creative ideas in the fields of art, culture, fashion, music and dance. Transpose Magazine provides students with an opportunity to write about their recent volunteer projects, travelling experiences, favourite restaurants and other interests.
  • Board:
    - President and editor-in-chief
    - Vice President and Operations Coordinator
    - Treasurer and Director of Sponsorship
    - Graphic designer
    - Director of Communications
  • What we do:
    Transpose magazine: The association launches 2 magazines a year which we work on during each semester. The teams involved in this process include: Editors, Photographers, Stylists, Web & Graphic Designers, Make-Up Artists, Communications & Sponsorship members.
  • Why should you join us:
    We are looking for dedicated, creative individuals who are able to meet deadlines in a timely-manner.
    - If you are interested in an editorial position, you must write 1-2 articles a semester of your choice, therefore, a strong command of English writing is needed. Having interesting topic ideas or previous experience in creative writing is a plus!
    - If you have a passion for portrait photography, you are at the right place. Photographers must be willing to work one weekend a semester to work on photoshoots. If you are interested, please send us a copy of your photography portfolio.
    - Do you prefer applying your creativity in a marketing-oriented way? The communications team is always willing to welcome members who can participate in managing the association’s social media accounts, as well as communicating new events and announcements on campus.
    - Sponsors are very important to the association, that is why we members for the Sponsorship team are very valuable! Your responsibilities would be to find and communicate with external businesses who would be interested in advertising themselves in the magazine. Fluency in Spanish is needed.
    - If you have an eye for Graphic & Web Designing, let us know! Previous experience is very much appreciated.
  • Find out more:
    Facebook: Esade Magazine:

Rugby Lions

  • Who we are:
    We are an association that strives to become the greatest social community on Esade always inspired by the values of rugby; teamwork, respect, solidarity and integrity. European university rugby is well known and through our participation in international tournaments such as the WISC in Croatia or the ER7 in Lille, we proudly represent Esade. Thanks to our diversity, we are a unique association which has members from all Esade programmes, creating a link between Pedralbes Campus, Sant Cugat and Master's students.
    Oh, and one last thing; #GOLIONS!! 
  • Board:
    President, vice president, treasurer, captain, community manager
  • What we do:
    We train every week and we organise international tournaments, games against other Barcelona universities, team building activities, parties and charity events.
  • Why should you join us:
    You should join us not only because you want to play and learn about this amazing sport, but because together we create an amazing family that is very well known all around the university campus, a family where you will have a place.
  • Find out more:


  • Who we are:
    There is no universal definition for art; some believe it is a revolution, a lie that makes us realise the truth, a protest against our extinction or simply beauty. As passionate artists, we aim to explore our beliefs and opinions through curiosity, creativity and companionship. We organise creative meet-ups, hands on workshops and expositions of our artwork. Our commitment is to foster art at Esade, and we invite you to be a part of it
  • Board:
    Management section (president, treasurer, marketing managers, human resources, finance, event management and IT) and artistic section (painters, photographers, writers, directors ...).
  • What we do:
    - The Studio Expositions: here we present all of our creations to the public. We take  a space such as the Egarage and turn it into a 2-day art gallery.
    - Artistic talks: we bring experts from business areas to share their experiences + bring practical cases
    - Creativity contest: this is an artistic competition which is open to all members of the Esade community: students, teachers, personnel... Winners are presented on Solidarity Day.
    - Weekly meet-ups with artists: we meet-up weekly in order to create art and prepare our projects for the exposition.
  • Why should you join us:
    Artistic with positive energy and desire to express himself/herself. No previous knowledge is required; everybody is an artist!
  • Find out more:

Thomistic Society

  • Who we are:
    We are a student chapter of the Thomistic Institute in Washington D.C. at the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies.
    The Thomistic Institute exists to promote Catholic truth in our contemporary world by strengthening the intellectual formation of Christians at universities, in the Church, and in the wider public square. The thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Universal Doctor of the Church, is our touchstone.
  • Advisory Committee:
    - Dr. Pablo Guerrero. Professor of Constitutional Law, Esade
    - P. Pep Maria, S.J. Professor in the Department of Social Sciences, Esade
    - P. Lucas Prieto. Professor, Instituto Santo Tomás
    - P. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. Professor of Systematic Theology, Dominican House of Studies
  • What we do:
    We hold regular conferences on theology, philosophy, politics, and anything that might further intellectual discourse at Esade. Moreover, this year we are attempting to publish the first student-run journal at Esade.
  • Why should you join us:
    This association is a great opportunity to meet others interested in these topics, as well as providing ample possibilities to engage in such topics with renowned speakers.
  • Find out more: