
Experience the day-to-day reality of business

Your learning process at Esade will gradually immerse you in the business world. The methodology of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) combines rigorous study of theory with a practical, experience-based learning process that will plunge you into the reality of the corporate world and business decision-making. This immersion will increase gradually, in accordance with the learning-by-doing philosophy and the Impact Learning hybrid methodology: as the semesters advance, the syllabus will introduce multiple management experiences both inside and outside of the classroom.

In the classroom you will study using the Student First – Flipped Classroom methodology, which encourages you to take an active role in your learning.

Learning by doing

MORE INFO, Learning by doing

Impact Learning

MORE INFO, Impact Learning

Student First – Flipped Classroom

MORE INFO, Student First – Flipped Classroom

Impact Learning Key Points


Flipped classroom + collaborative learning + project-based learning + development of competencies and skills.

Multiple Methodologies

Includes different learning experiences with multi-perspective methodologies.

Personal and Purposeful

Learning based on interaction among students.


Hands-on learning that boosts your confidence and motivation.


Students + Professors + Organisations.


A transformative experience that follows the Jesuit tradition.