Decent Housing Observatory

Faculty and Research

Decent Housing Observatory

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Access to adequate housing, despite being recognized as a right at both the international level — in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights — and the national level — in our own Constitution, has become one of the greatest social challenges of our time. It is currently the main source of dissatisfaction in Europe, especially in Spain. Moreover, housing acts as an enabler for many other recognized rights. In other words, it is a necessary condition to guarantee rights such as health protection, access to education, and personal and family privacy.

In the last decade, rents have increased by 19%, and housing prices by 47% in the European Union, outpacing wage growth. In Spain, these figures are even more concerning, positioning it as the country with the highest percentage of renters at risk of poverty in the European Union. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to housing has described the situation in Spain as "the most serious in Europe and one of the greatest in the world."

For this reason, Esade’s Institute for Social Innovation has created the "Observatory for Decent Housing" project. This project aims to analyze and highlight the various social challenges surrounding housing from a social, international, and cross-sectoral perspective. The objective is to generate, share, and disseminate knowledge on this issue, while also promoting social debate, reflection, and collective learning on this crucial topic.

The Observatory also seeks to be a space for reflection among the different actors and sectors involved in the field of housing, fostering and facilitating the creation of spaces to address the social challenges related to housing.

Main lines of activity


Generate relevant knowledge that contributes to reflection and learning, in the public and private spheres, as well as in academia.

Social debate

Encourage and contribute to social and academic debate on the discourse of housing as a fundamental right, with the potential for impact and capacity for social transformation, with a special focus on the most vulnerable groups.


Creating spaces for dialogue and joint reflection among the various actors involved in the field of housing, encompassing different disciplines (from philosophy to economics) and sectors (public, private, nonprofit, among others). This line of activity is implemented through forums held in different regions of Spain, as well as through the creation of an advisory board that provides support and guidance to the observatory.


Ignasi Martí

Ignasi Martí

Director of the Decent Housing Observatory

Director of the Esade Institute for Social Innovation and professor at the Esade Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability

Raluca Budian

Raluca Budian

Associate Director and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Esade Observatory for Decent Housing

Housing First expert.

Joan Roca i Román

Joan Roca i Román

Researcher at the Dignified Housing Observatory of the Institute of Social Innovation in Esade

See profile

Advisory Board

Joan Canimas i Brugue

Joan Canimas i Brugue

PhD in Philosophy. Master’s in Bioethics and Law.

Scientific Coordinator of the “Observatory of Applied Ethics in Social, Psycho-educational, and Socio-health Action.” Associate Professor at the University of Girona (UdG).

See profile
Jose Manuel Caballol

Jose Manuel Caballol

General Director at HOGAR SÍ

See profile
Susanna Roig

Susanna Roig

Director of the Elderly and Dependency Care Department at the Red Cross.

Coordinator of the housing and energy rights sector of the "Taula d'entitats del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya" (Table of Third Sector Social Entities of Catalonia).

Albert Sales

Albert Sales

Sociologist and political scientist. PhD in Criminology.

Researcher at the Instituto Metropoli. Associate professor at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Advisor to the Barcelona City Council.

See profile
Jesús Leal Maldonado

Jesús Leal Maldonado

Professor of Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Coordinator of the Housing Experts Committee and author of the White Paper on Housing in Spain.

Carlota Sáenz de Tejada

Carlota Sáenz de Tejada

PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning

Postdoctoral researcher at the Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative at ISGlobal.

See profile
Paula Rivas Hesse

Paula Rivas Hesse

Technical Director of the Green Building Council Spain

Architect with a Master’s in Environment and Bioclimatic Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM).

See profile
Laia Grau Balagueró

Laia Grau Balagueró

Urban architect and gender policy specialist

Member of the board of trustees of the Barcelona Institute of Technology for the Habitado (BIT Habitado) foundation and member of the Women's Architects Committee at the COAC (Architects’ Association of Catalonia).

See profile

Sonia Lacalle Álvarez

Lawyer, expert in Housing Rights

Head of the Social Legal Advisory and Rights Support at Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona.

See profile
Sergio Llebaría Samper

Sergio Llebaría Samper

PhD in Law. Professor of Civil Law at Esade

Academic Director of the Doctoral Program in Economic and Business Law.

See profile
Ismael Blanco-Fillola

Ismael Blanco-Fillola

PhD in Political Science

Director of the Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP) and Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Law at UAB.

Javier Burón Cuadrado

Javier Burón Cuadrado

Lawyer and economist. Expert in housing market and public policy.

Managing Director of the Board of Directors at Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda (Nasuvinsa).

See profile
Pau Pérez de Acha

Pau Pérez de Acha

Director of Affordable and Social Housing and Institutional Relations at SAREB

See profile
Omar Rachedi

Omar Rachedi

PhD in Economics. Master's in Economic Analysis

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Finance, and Accounting at Esade.

See profile
Jordi Nin Guerrero

Jordi Nin Guerrero

PhD in Computer Science. Software Engineer. Technical Engineering in Management Informatics.

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation, and Data Sciences at Esade.

See profile

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