Patrimonial Law Group

Research in the legal sciences must always be sensitive to social changes and propose systems of law that are more efficient for freedom, peace and progress. Drilling down to concrete institutions, the theory of property presents clear functionality and respect for individual freedom.

As jurists, we are interested in and concerned about how freedom – of individuals as well as legal entities – is exercised and limited in decisions affecting property, not only in the context or framework in which the decision takes place but in relation to its content and intrinsic efficacy. In short, property is a space for the projection of personal freedom and a platform for the economic fabric of inter- and supra-individual relationships.


Areas of research

Construction and viability of European private law

Ownership and management of personal property

Modernisation of corporate law

Dimension, protection and limits of private autonomy in contract law

Non-bank financing for start-ups: legal-private risks and remedies

Latest publications