Institute for Social Innovation

What will Spain's new housing law mean for homeless people?

Raluca Budian |
casa de carton

The passage of the first housing law in Spain, the 2023 Housing Act, has been one of the most talked about topics in recent days. The main goal of this law, passed in April, is to establish a general and homogeneous framework to create a housing policy that can prevent and solve inequality in the country, especially among the most vulnerable groups. After several years of debate and negotiation, the law is expected to have a significant impact on the Spanish housing market.  

Having a national housing law establishes certain basic standards and criteria at the national level, although how they are implemented in each region through different public policies may differ. This national regulatory framework will facilitate the coordination of the various regions’ housing policies and make it easier to address issues such as prevention and interventions with homeless people in terms of the right to decent housing. 

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