SDG Observatory
The SDG Observatory is an alliance committed to the 2030 Agenda and analyzes the contribution of Spanish companies to sustainable development.
The initiative, promoted by Esade and the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation since 2016, analyzes progress on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs using a large and representative group of Spanish companies. At the same time, the Observatory promotes synergies between companies and encourages discussion on the role of companies in achieving the SDGs.
The Observatory has an advisory board and is also advised by a group of IBEX 35 companies, and a group of SMEs from various sectors. This experience of collaboration between academia and business deepens our SDG knowledge, transfers it to leader training areas, and analyses implementation in the business sphere.
Main goals
- Improved understanding and conceptualization of the private sector role in the achievement of the SDGs.
- Comprehensive observation of SDG fulfilment by a large and representative group of Spanish companies.
Presentation of the seventh annual report of the SDG Observatory
The Esade Chair in LeadershipS and Sustainability and "la Caixa" Foundation present the seventh report of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Observatory, 'Companies face the challenge of systemic change', in which we address the systemic crisis and the growing vulnerability and impact of sustainability risks on companies.
Companies facing the challenge of systemic change
Seventh Report (in sapanish)
Impulsar la sostenibilidad en un entorno de policrisis
Sixth report (in sapanish)
Tensions in the transition towards sustainability
Fifth report
The relevance of the 2030 Agenda in the post-COVID world
Fourth report
The transformational power of the SDGs
Third report
The need to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
Second report
Spanish Companies’ Contribution to Attaining Sustainable Development Goals
First report