Consortial borrowing (PUC)

The PUC or consortial borrowing is a free service that allows users borrowing items from the main Catalan university libraries

To access the PUC, it is necessary to identify yourself using your TUI Smart Card.

dos chicas con un ordenador portátil

What is it?

The PUC or consortial borrowing is a free service that allows users from any consortiated library borrowing items from any other library that is member of the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC).

University libraries participating in the PUC are UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdG, UdL, URV, UOC, URL, UVIC-UCC and the Biblioteca de Catalunya.

This agreement allows users from any consortiated library physically access and use any other consortiated library by presenting their university student card. Access may be restricted to the members of each university during peak usage times, such as exams periodes.

How to request a document

You can borrow documents in two ways:

  • PUC in situ: Borrow the book directly from the library that owns it. You must use your URL card
  • PUC vía web: The starting point is Discovery following this instructions.

Who can request this service?

The users of this service are:

  • Undergraduate students, 1st and 2nd cycle 
  • Graduate students, 3rd cycle, masters and doctoral students
  • Professors, research staff, and administrative and services staff

You cannot use this service if you are not currently an Esade member, if you have overdue item, if you have been temporarily blocked from using the loan service or if you are an alumni.

How many documents and for how long?

In addition to the number of documents you can borrow from URL libraries, you can borrow from PUC libraries up to:

  • Undergraduate students: 10 items for 21 days + 6 renewals
  • Graduate students, 3rd cycle, masters and doctoral students: 10 items for 21 days + 6 renewals  
  • Professors, research staff and administrative and services staff: 10 items for 21 days + 6 renewals

The maximum number of documents, includes items that the user has requested or borrowed through the PUC, and items that are currently being returned to their original institution.

How to return the documents?

You can return the documents to your library or to any library of the institution that owns the document.

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