Institute for Social Innovation

Talent development and cultural transformation in NGOs

Ignasi Carreras , Mar Cordobés & Maria Sureda |
Desarrollo de talento y transformación cultural en las ONG

The work environment and team expectations have changed significantly in recent years. There are multiple challenges in managing, attracting, and developing talent in all sectors. Many NGOs recognize that they are held together by their teams: it is the people, their skills, and their passion that drive NGOs to achieve their missions. However, investment in human resources or talent management in the third sector is often non-existent, infrequent, or unplanned.

This report by the Esade-PwC Social Leadership Program (2022-2023), is a joint initiative of the Esade Institute for Social Innovation and the PwC Foundation. The report reflects on key issues linked to talent management in the sector, from how to attract and retain employees in social organizations to how to promote cultural transformation processes that integrate today’s key values and build more coherent cultures that are aligned with their vision and mission.



Publication made possible thanks to the support and collaboration of Fundación PwC

DOI: 10.56269/20231024MC

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Ignasi Carreras
Ignasi Carreras

Director of Programa Esade-PwC de Liderazgo Social

Mar Cordobés
Mar Cordobés

Academic collaborator

Maria Sureda
Maria Sureda

Coordinator of Programa Esade-PwC de Liderazgo Social