Institute for Social Innovation

Employment and Job Creation in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg: analysis, vulnerable groups and solutions

Employment and Job Creation in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg: analysis, vulnerable groups and solutions

Employment is a key factor of social inclusion as a means of economic security, but also through the provision of stability and social protection. However, there are many circumstances that mediate between individuals and their capacity to integrate into the labor market.

This report provides a diagnosis, derived from multiple sources, of the trends and structure of employment, unemployment, and underemployment that considers the broader European context, with a particular focus on what has occurred from the end of the 2000s until the period just prior to Covid. The research pays special attention to elements that have a close effect on (un/under) employment and job creation (national/regional cultures and attitudes, regulations, public policies, and private initiatives), in Europe and particularly in Belgium, France and Luxembourg.

The document is structured as follows: a diagnosis of the context and trends of the European labor market over the past years; identification of vulnerable groups in relation to their involvement in the labor market; analysis of the public policies and private initiatives regarding the challenges around employment in these countries; and finally a summary of the main take-aways.

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With the support and collaboration of Degroof Petercam Foundation

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Maria Sanchez, Maria Laffaire and Elena Costas & Academic supervision, Esade: Lisa Hehenberger and Ignasi Marti Lanuza