Gender lens investing
Gender lens investing
Gender lens investing can be defined as the use of capital to simultaneously generate financial return and advance gender equality.
The Esade Center for Social Impact has put gender-sensitive investing on our agenda, recognizing the need to offer research and knowledge on this topic. Key statistics on the intersection between gender and finance show a lack of inclusivity in our economy (of which gender is a part). For example, only 2.3% of venture capital funding in Europe in 2020 supported startups led by women, with a mere 12% of decision-makers within venture capital firms being women. With the impact economy gaining traction and ESG (as well as impact) considerations becoming more standard in investment decisions, new and more equitable investment models are emerging.
As a leading business school, we recognize the importance of contributing to GLI research, working at the intersection of conducting rigorous applied and academic research. We also aim to develop a community interested and engaged in gender, diversity, and inclusion and to bridge the gap between academia and practice by generating knowledge, such as this research, that informs and inspires practical action. Through our research, training, and teaching offering, our objective is to cultivate the next generation of business leaders, impact investors, and entrepreneurs focused on empowering women and girls.
GLI in Latin America and the Caribbean
The ecosystem for GLI in the region has been steadily evolving over the last five years – there is greater gender awareness and stronger GLI practices by investors. However, on the spectrum of gender-blind to gender transformative, the finance ecosystem in LAC still has far to go. This report highlights the progress, challenges, and opportunities in the region within the global context. It follows up an earlier landscape launched in 2019, ‘Gender Lens Investing: how Finance Can Accelerate Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean.’ This latest report showcases how GLI has evolved since then and what is needed to develop it further.
Gender strategies in investing
Gender diversity and inclusion has been growing as an area of investor concern and interest over the last decade with the rise of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments, where the risks and opportunities of stronger diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are well-evidenced. Allied with the incorporation of more gender considerations into ESG analysis in public and private markets is the consolidation and growth of gender lens investing (GLI) as a strategy and a field. This report aims to shine a light on why and how European investment firms are incorporating gender considerations into investing, as well as how the field can accelerate progress.