Research projects


Crowdsourcing en la distribución de última milla. La perspectiva de múltiples grupos de interés en la eficiencia organizacional y en la salud y seguridad laboral


  • Funding body: Generación de Conocimiento 2019 – MICIU (Ministerio)
  • Reference: PID2019-109248GA-I00
  • Period: From June 2020 to May 2024
  • Principal Investigator: Annachiara Longoni
  • Research team: Cristina Gimenez, Vicenta Sierra, Frank Wiengarten & Cristina Sancha


The CrowdWork project aims to empirically investigate the implications of crowdsourced workforce in the last mile delivery industry for organisational efficiency (from the organisational perspective) and occupational health and safety (from the workers perspective).

Logos: Ministerio de ciencia e innovacion y Agencia estatal de investigación


Talent management in large Spanish firms: Integrating industry and organizational variables


  • Funding body: MICINN-FEDER
  • Reference: PID2021-124282NB-I00
  • Period: January 2022 - August 2026
  • Principal Investigator: Jordi Trullén


Talent management (TM), typically understood as the set of activities and processes that involve the systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement, retention, and deployment of those talents which are of particular value to an organisation to create sustainable strategic success has become a critical issue in current organizations. Rapid technological change coupled with broader socioeconomic and demographic trends have created an increasing need for companies to face fierce competition in attracting, developing, and retaining the best talent. Despite the internationalization of TM ideas, its main principles and exemplary cases remain Anglo-Saxon, and little is known about how such ideas translate in other contextual settings. As such, this project pursues the following research goals:

  1. Improve our understanding of talent management (TM) strategies adopted by large Spanish organizations. Specifically, what practices do these organizations implement to attract, develop, and retain their talent?
  2. Analyze in further depth the TM strategies in place in two critical industries of the Spanish economy: hospitality and automotive.
  3. Explore the barriers and facilitators, at a workplace level, concerning the effective implementation of TM practices.

In the first stage, the project will collect data from a stratified and representative sample of large Spanish organizations (with more than 250 employees) on the TM policies and practices that are in place in their organizations, as well as how the COVID19 pandemic has impacted them. The second stage of the project will carry out comparative case studies to capture the rich and complex realities about which we are enquiring. Cases will be equally drawn from the hospitality and automotive industries, both critical in the Spanish economy.

Finally, in the last stage of the project, we will design a multi-level model of effective TM practices implementation, which can be tested in a selected number of firms in the hospitality or automotive industries. Data will be collected both at the individual and group level, asking employees and middle managers. Through these actions we intend to map the reality of TM practice in large Spanish firms and critical industries, as well as to understand key success factors in putting TM strategies to work.
