Research seminars
Check out all the seminars held during the 2019-2020 period.
Jesper Rosenberg Hansen
Professor, Aarhus University
7th November 2019
Title: Does salary have the same effect on job satisfaction in public and private sector: And does it matter?
Leif Melin
Professor Emeritus of Strategy and Organisation, Jönköping International Business School
7th November 2019
Title: Mourning the loss of a family business: Unfolding meanings of ownership
David S. Bedford
Senior Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney
13th November 2019
Title: Safeguarding the unknown? Practical meaning of research quality in the performance measurement era at universities
James Pick
Professor, Aarhus University
18th November 2019
Title: Case studies on convergence of location analytics and social media
Julien Sauvagnat
Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Bocconi University
21st November 2019
Title: Employment effects of alleviating financing frictions: Worker-level evidence from a loan guarantee program
Déborah Philippe
Professor in the Department of Strategy, Globalisation and Society, HEC Lausanne and Vice Rector “Careers and Society”, University of Lausanne
21st November 2019
Title: The emergence, institutionalisation and evolution of a status order: a study of the French high-end fashion field
David Zajtmann
Professor and Head of Academic Coordination and Partnership of the Fashion, Design and Luxury Management Postgraduate Programme, Institut Français de la Mode
21st November 2019
Title: The emergence, institutionalisation and evolution of a status order: a study of the French high-end fashion field
Namrata Goyal
Associate Research Scholar, Columbia Business School
22nd November 2019
Title: Belief in karmic punishments lessen revenge intentions: Cultural perspectives on justice
Stefan Haefliger
Professor of Strategic Management & Innovation, CASS Business School
25th November 2019
Title: Building the silicon cage: The regulatory promise and effect of digital technology in financial services
Ryan Burg
Visiting Assistant Professor on Management, Freeman College of Management, Bucknell University
25th November 2019
Title: Humanistic money
Ana Fernandes
Professor, Bern University of Applied Sciences
28th November 2019
Title: The effects of gender and parental occupation in the apprenticeship market An experimental evaluation
Davide Proserpio
Assistant Professor of Marketing, USC Marshall School of Business
29nd November 2019
Title: The effect of home-sharing on house prices and rents: Evidence from Airbnb
Verónica Devenin
Visiting Fellow, ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona
29th November 2019
Title: Assession the comptability of business and degrowth: The case of regenerative of life businesses
Susana Esper
Postdoctoral researcher, IESEG School of Management
4th December 2019
Title: Multistakeholder dialogue and the perception of hypocrisy in CSR and SD controversies
Christian Brownlees
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business, Pompeu Fabra University
3rd December 2019
Title: Backtesting global growth-at-risk
Arjen van Lin
Assistant Professor, Marketing Department, Tilburg School of Economics and Management
12th December 2019
Title: From cash to trash? Retailer price promotions and their effect on household food waste
Anatoli Segura
Economist and Stability Directorate, Bank of Italy
12th December 2019
Title: Optimally solving banks’ legacy problems
Judith Stroehle
Postdoctoral researcher, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
13th December 2019
Title: Exploring non-financial performance through the social origins of ESG
Florian Überbacher
Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm, University of Zurich
13th December 2019
Title: General deterrence of systemic transnational misconduct: How Swiss banks’ territoriality beliefs shaped their responses to U.S. government’s claims of legal authority
Maria Guadalupe
Associate Professor of Economics and Political Science, INSEAD
19th December 2019
Title: The perfect match: Assortative matching in mergers and acquisitions
Nevena Radoynovska
Assistant Professor, EMLyon Business School
17th January 2020
Title: Social evaluations of hybrid(ised) organisations: The role of organisational origins, transformation, and authenticity
Martin Vlaskamp
Research fellow Beatriu de Pinós, IBEI
21st January 2020
Title: Natural resources that fund armed conflicts: How can this link be broken
Averill Campion
PhD candidate, Esade Business School
22nd January 2020
Title: Human intelligence: The art of managing multilevel trust during collaborative processes in AI public sector adoption
Francesc Amat
Research fellow, University of Barcelona
24th January 2020
Title: Inequality, immigration and party strategies: exploring the rise of authoritarianism
Dror Etzior
Associate Professor, McGill University
24th January 2020
Title: Entrepreneurship for sustainability
Giuseppe Pratobevera
Postdoctoral research fellow, WU Wien – Vienna Graduate School of Finance
3rd February 2020
Title: The role of underwriter-affiliated institutional investors in the IPO aftermarket
Ferran Vendrell
Senior lecturer in Business Economics, University of Birmingham
5th February 2020
Title: Reconciling the self-selection and learning-by-exporting perspectives: The role of home country economic development
Ana Costa-Ramón
PhD candidate in Economics, Pompeu Fabra University
3rd February 2020
Title: The career costs of children’s health shocks
Ciprian Domnisoru
Postdoctoral scholar, University of California, Berkeley
10th February 2020
Title: Tuition subsidies and overeducation
Omar Rachedi
Economist at the Department of Economic Developments, Banco de España
12th February 2020
Title: Banking regulatory capital arbitrage:Evidence from housing overappraisals
Oriol Tejada
Senior Assistant, Chair of Macroeconomics: Innovation & Policy, D-MTEC ETH Zurich
13th February 2020
Title: The effect of handicaps on turnout for large electorates: An application to assessment voting
Oleg Urminsky
Professor of Marketing, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
13th February 2020
Title: Seeing and comparing: When do context effects occur and what does the mean for decision processes?
Timothy Folta
Thomas John and Bette Wolff Family Chair in Strategic Entrepreneurship at School of Business, University of Connecticut
24th February 2020
Title: Does government fund the best entrepreneurial ventures? The case of the small business innovation research programme
Héloïse Berkowitz
Researcher in Management at CNRS (UMR5303), Toulouse School of Management-Research
25th February 2020
Title: Meta-organising for grand challenges: The relevance of decidability of social orders in meta-organisational space
Anastassia Obydenkova
Co-Director, Research Project, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance, Princeton University
26th February 2020
Title: Economic benefits, geopolitical payoffs, and political regimes: Lessons from the strategy of the Eurasian Economic Union
Mircea Epure
Associate Professor, Pompeu Fabra University; Affiliated Professor, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
27th February 2020
Title: Being central on the other side of the fence: Corporate funds in the traditional venture capital club
Annachiara Longoni
Associate Professor and director of the BuNeD research group, Esade Business School
28th February 2020
Title: Collective ESG disclosure in extended supply chains
Coen Rigtering
Assistant Professor in Strategy and Organisation, Utrecht University School of Economics
12th March 2020
Title: The internal ecology of entrepreneurial orientation
Patrick Kenis
Professor, School of Economics and Management (TiSEM); Head of Department Public Governance and Associate Dean Assessment and Quality Assurance
30th March 2020
Title: Ex ante knowledge for infectious disease outbreaks: Introducing the organisational network governance approach
Jörg Raab
Associate Professor, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
30th March 2020
Title: Ex ante knowledge for infectious disease outbreaks: Introducing the organisational network governance approach
Thomas Mellewigt
Chair of Strategic Management, Free University of Berlin
2nd April 2020
Title: Alliance governance mechanisms in the face of disruption
Thomas Choi
Professor of Supply Chain Management at W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
7th April 2020
Title: Supply networks and hidden critical suppliers
Martin Kornberger
Chair in Strategy and International Management, University of Edinburgh Business School
16th April 2020
Title: How can collective of actors organise their capacity to act and make decisions in situations of crisis?
Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli
Associate Professor in Innovation Management, Politecnico di Bari
29th April 2020
Title: The “Pibe de Oro” effect: Status shifts after collective achievements
Pinar Ozcan
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Saïd Business School, Oxford University
4th May 2020
Title: “Platformification” of banking: Strategy and challenges of challenger versus incumbent banks in response to regulatory change in the UK
Jonathan Berman
Associate Professor of Marketing, London Business School
5th May 2020
Title: Damned either way: Judgements of hypocrisy in consumer behaviour
Jennifer Nguyen
Postdoctoral Researcher, Esade Business School
5th May 2020
Title: Ranking hotels based on reviewer consensus: an application to help recommend hotels
Rahul Kapoor
Associate Professor of Management, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
7th May 2020
Title: Peering into a crystal ball: Foresight during periods of industry changets
Irene Unceta
PhD Candidate, University of Barcelona
8th May 2020
Title: The role of machine learning copies in algorithmic accountability
Khaled Hassan
PhD Candidate, Esade Business School
7th May 2020
Title: Money talks! Even for sustainability performance: The moderating role of total quality management
Nour Chams
PhD Candidate, University Polytechnic of Barcelona
7th May 2020
Title: Money talks! Even for sustainability performance: The moderating role of total quality management
Janina Grabs
Postdoctoral researcher, ETH Zurich
14th May 2020
Title: Assessing the effectiveness of the transnational private regulation of sustainable tropical commodity production
Jason Roos
Associate Professor of Marketing, Rotterdam School of Management
20th May 2020
Title: An experimental paradigm for studying exposure to fake news
Marc Esteve
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, University College London
27th May 2020
Title: Determinants of the costs of corporatisation: Analysing the effects of the forms of governance
Tommaso Ramus
Associate Professor, Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
22nd May 2020
Title: Learning through restructuring in hybridising organisations
Guillermo Casasnovas
Postdoctoral Fellow, Esade Business School
29th May 2020
Title: Speciation in nascent markets: Collective learning through cultural and material scaffolding
Sergio Salas
Postdoctoral Candidate, Esade Business School
17th July 2020
Title: A complex view of perceived job insecurity: Relationship between three domains and their respective cognitive and affective components