Institute for Social Innovation

We Share. Who Wins?: Unravelling the controversies of the collaborative economy

Heloise Buckland , David Murillo & Esther Val |
IIS - Nosotros compartimos. ¿Quién gana?: Controversias sobre la economía colaborativa

In the fourth edition of the Antenna for Social Innovation, the focus was on the most fascinating and, at the same time, the most controversial transformation taking place in the economy: the so-called sharing economy. The latter refers to a series of practices which, with the growth of internet, the rise of smartphones, social media and AI advances –and the latter’s ability to process vast quantities of data at minimal cost and at an ever faster pace–, are destined to revolutionise our societies. We refer to “societies” in the broadest sense, because the new wave of developments in the digital economy is not only changing the economic aspects of our lives; it is also transforming our work and fiscal systems, educational and urban planning models and the way we consume and even interact with each other. We are facing, without doubt, a profound transformation.

Publication available in English and Spanish


In collaboration with the Abertis Foundation and the EY Foundation

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Heloise Buckland
Heloise Buckland

Collaborator of the Esade Institute for Social Innovation


David Murillo
David Murillo

Professor at the Esade Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability

Esther Val
Esther Val

Collaborator of the Institute of Social Innovation of Esade