Institute for Social Innovation

Social Movements, Markets, and a Commons-based approach in the Digital World

Obaid Amjad |
Social Movements, Markets, and a Commons-based approach in the Digital World

The various crises that our planet and societies face have raised questions regarding the legitimacy and desirability of the current economic systems and modes of organizing. In this workshop various academics and activists shared their insights to showcase the intersection between social movements, moral markets, digitalization and a commons-based approach.

The takeaways from this workshop are critical in understanding and enabling alternative forms of organizing that address emerging challenges, responsibly leverage digital technologies and contribute towards more desirable futures.

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Thanks to funding from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCI), the State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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Obaid Amjad
Obaid Amjad

PhD in Management Sciences, Esade URL