Institute for Social Innovation

"Hacia una automoción baja en carbono: Desafíos y oportunidades para la inversión sostenible"

Daniel Arenas & Diego Andreucci |
Hacia una automoción baja en carbono: Desafíos y oportunidades para la inversión sostenible

The automotive industry is an essential part of the Spanish economy – Spain is the world’s eighth-biggest producer of automobiles – but it is also the sector associated with the most greenhouse gas emissions. Transport accounts for 26% of Spain’s overall emissions, with private cars accounting for 63% of this percentage.

The report by Esade and the Caixa d’Enginyers Foundation suggests that, in contrast to the prevailing trend in Europe, Spain’s greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 17.8% since 1990s.

According to the report, climate change poses physical, regulatory and technological risks for the financial sector, but it also presents an opportunity: the companies that best adapt to a more environmentally sustainable economy will enjoy competitive advantages, greater profitability for their investments and better financing opportunities.

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With the support and collaboration of Caja de Ingenieros Foundation

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Daniel Arenas
Daniel Arenas

Professor at the Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability at Esade

Diego Andreucci
Diego Andreucci

Postdoctoral researcher