Esade Entrepreneurship Institute

Shirokova: "Lifelong education can be a powerful tool for society"

Esade Entrepreneurship Institute |

Davide Rovera, Manager of eWorks, interviews Olga Shirokova (Esade graduate) at the Esade Doers podcast series, about her entrepreneurial journey.

>> Check the full interview here:

Olga Shirokova is the founder of Kiara Women, an online academy for feminine health, well-being, and sexuality. Her entrepreneurial journey began with a personal need and a desire to make a difference. As a woman experiencing the challenges of menstrual health, she realized there was a lack of resources and solutions available to women like her. Inspired by her own struggles and her family, who are also entrepreneurs, she embarked on a mission to create a product that would empower women to understand and improve their overall well-being.

Listen to your customers for a strategic pivoting

Olga's idea for Kiara Women stemmed from her personal needs and the lack of resources available for women's health and wellness. She initially started with a subscription-based product focused on physical products related to menstruation, but soon discovered that the market dynamics in Spain were different from those in the United States and her product didn’t meet the Spanish current market’s needs. Through customer feedback and collaboration with professionals, she realized that the demand was for educational content and made a significant pivot in her business model to an online health academy.

This led to the birth of Kiara Women, an online female health academy that offers a range of courses designed to educate women about various aspects of their health, including menstrual cycles, hormones, sexuality, and specific conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. These courses, created by a team of medical professionals and specialists, provide theoretical knowledge and practical tools to help women understand their bodies and improve their overall well-being.

The success of Kiara Women can be attributed to Olga's dedication to addressing the needs of her target audience. By collaborating with medical professionals and experts in different fields, she ensures that the courses offered are comprehensive and evidence-based.

While building her company, Olga took a proactive approach to acquiring new skills and knowledge. Recognizing the importance of technology in today's business landscape, she decided to learn programming, enabling her to have a deeper understanding of web development and better communicate with technical experts. This technical expertise not only allowed her to create and customize the company's website but also empowered her to make informed decisions regarding technology and development.

Building a funding strategy

In terms of financing, Olga initially relied on investments from family and friends, as well as bootstrapping, to launch and sustain her venture. While there have been opportunities for external investment, she chose to delay that decision, focusing instead on building a strong foundation, refining the product, and ensuring sustainable growth. She is cautious about external investment and believes in maintaining control and finding the right timing for investment. While she acknowledges the benefits of funding, she wants to ensure the company is at a stage where it can negotiate its terms and maintain a positive relationship with potential investors.

The Kiara Women team consists of 15 medical professionals and collaborators, with some working part-time and others full-time. Olga started the company alone but eventually found a partner and other team members with expertise in areas like design, advertising, and editing. Her knowledge of coding has been beneficial in managing the company's website and working with external developers.

Olga's journey as an entrepreneur demonstrates the importance of adaptability, listening to customers, and staying true to one's vision. By recognizing the market's needs, she made a significant pivot that led to the success of Kiara Women. Her willingness to acquire new skills and knowledge, particularly in technology, showcases her determination to overcome challenges and make informed decisions. Through her dedication and commitment to empowering women, Olga is making a positive impact on female health and well-being.

Esade Entrepreneurship Institute
Esade Entrepreneurship Institute