Esade Entrepreneurship Institute

Podcast: Why the workplace needs diversity and inclusion

Esade Entrepreneurship Institute |

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In today's increasingly interconnected and diverse world, the importance of embracing a diverse and inclusive work environment cannot be overstated. The benefits of fostering diversity and inclusion within organizations are numerous and far-reaching, contributing to enhanced creativity, innovation, productivity, and overall success. In a recent podcast interview, Davide Rovera, manager of eWorks, engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with Sophie van Gool, founder of Moonshot Diversity and Inclusion (chosen as one of the most disruptive start-ups in 2019), shedding light on the significance of this topic.

>> Check the full interview here:

Sophie van Gool, an alumna of the full-time MBA class of 2019 and an entrepreneur, shared with us her journey and experiences in tackling diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Her company, Moonshot Diversity and Inclusion, specializes in providing analytics, strategy, and training services to help organizations become more diverse and inclusive.

Van Gool's passion for the topic was ignited during her previous role at a management consultancy, where she noticed a significant gender imbalance within the office. This discrepancy prompted her to question why there were so few women in leadership positions, despite the abundance of talented female individuals in her academic and professional circles. Determined to effect change, she conducted extensive research and even wrote an internal project before embarking on her MBA.

During her MBA studies, Van Gool took an entrepreneurship class, where she received encouragement from her professor, Jan Brinckmann, to start her own company. Drawing upon her network and leveraging her role as the president of the Women in Business Club, she successfully secured a project with Volkswagen, inadvertently giving birth to Moonshot Diversity and Inclusion.

In her talk, Van Gool emphasizes that diversity and inclusion extend beyond gender alone. While gender diversity was her initial focus, she soon recognized the need to address all dimensions of diversity, including age, disability, ethnicity, and more. She highlights that many companies tend to focus solely on increasing the number of women or individuals from underrepresented groups in their workforce, often failing to prioritize inclusion. Consequently, new hires may feel isolated and unsupported, leading to high turnover rates and reinforcing the notion that change is difficult to achieve.

Moonshot Diversity and Inclusion takes a comprehensive approach to address these challenges. The company begins by conducting analytics, collecting data, and comparing it to the organization's hypotheses and assumptions. This data-driven approach helps companies gain insights into their diversity and inclusion landscape, highlighting areas that require attention. Subsequently, Moonshot assists in developing solutions and strategies tailored to each organization's unique needs. This may involve diversifying the recruiting pipeline, implementing unbiased hiring processes, or providing training on non-conscious bias.

Sophie van Gool stresses the importance of simultaneously working on diversity and inclusion. Hiring diverse talent is only the first step; creating an inclusive culture is equally vital. Companies must actively work to change their culture by bringing in diverse perspectives and experiences. Van Gool acknowledges that such changes can be challenging, especially when new hires from underrepresented groups are often recruited at lower levels within the organization, making it difficult for them to influence the overall culture.

In terms of implementation, Moonshot Diversity and Inclusion collaborates with senior management and HR departments within client organizations. The commitment and support of top leadership are crucial drivers for change. As the company gains recognition, more companies are approaching Van Gool's team, signaling a growing awareness and willingness to address diversity and inclusion issues.

However, the current economic crisis has raised concerns about potential budget cuts and their impact on diversity initiatives. Sophie van Gool expresses a cautious outlook, acknowledging that inequality tends to increase during crises, as vulnerable groups, such as women, people of color, and minorities, are disproportionately affected by job insecurity and reduced opportunities. Nevertheless, she remains hopeful that the crisis could serve as an opportunity for companies to reinvent themselves and prioritize diversity and inclusion as they navigate the post-pandemic landscape.

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Esade Entrepreneurship Institute
Esade Entrepreneurship Institute