Q&A Session for MSc Candidates in Italy

Chat sessions

We invite all MSc candidates to join us for an informative Q&A session. This is your opportunity to ask questions directly to our Associate Director of Recruitment & Admissions Ursi Van der Herten and students or alumni. Get insights on admissions, program details, financing, and student life in Italy. Don’t miss this chance to gather all the information you need for your application!

See you online!

Associated programs

  • Applies to all programs

Contact information

Ursi Van der Herten ursi.vanderherten@esade.edu

Event details

18:00h - 19:00h

Q&A Session for MSc Candidates in Italy

Register now

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Thank you very much for your interest. You will soon receive an email with the details of the event.

In the meantime, we want you to know that we are looking forward to having you as part of the Esade community. With this simple gesture you have just made, we are already one step closer to that.