Entrepreneurship over 30 years

Our story

Since its founding, Esade has embodied the entrepreneurial spirit, nurturing the creation of new businesses and supporting our students to become pioneering leaders who make a difference. Our long-term commitment to fostering education and research continually inspires future leaders to have a social impact. At Esade, we believe that entrepreneurship is more than about creating businesses; it is the driving force that empowers individuals to have a positive influence on the world. This commitment materialized in 1992 with the launch of the 'Esade Business Program' the predecessor of the Esade Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI).

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Since then, the EEI has taken bold strides towards connecting research and academic excellence in entrepreneurship with the business world and the entrepreneurial spirit of our students to foster ideation and the development of new ventures. The EEI is an integral part of the foundations of Esade's unique entrepreneurial ecosystem.

'The Esade Entrepreneurship Institute is the culmination of an effort of a lot of people through the years to create one of the most entrepreneurial hubs in Europe and the world.'

George Chondrakis, Director of the EEI, Associate Professor, Department of Strategy and General Management at Esade


Over the past three decades, the EEI and Esade have transformed this ecosystem into a benchmark model throughout Europe and one of the best in the world. More than 2.000 entrepreneurs have gone through our programs, securing over €3.5 billion in funding since 2016.

Esade's entrepreneurship ecosystem operates on three pillars: 'learning to learn', research and inspiration, and entrepreneurial drive.

  • 'Learning to learn' is our guiding principle, immersing students in real-world challenges and entrepreneurial projects. Through active methodologies, we embolden them to uncover innovative solutions that elevate our global community.
  • Research and academic excellence form our bedrock. We generate relevant and rigorous knowledge on all aspects involved in the entrepreneurial process, aiding Esade's students, alumni, and entrepreneurs in conceiving, launching, and scaling their startups.
  • Inspiration and support for entrepreneurs and their ventures. Our eWorks program and robust connections within the broader Esade ecosystem ensure the sustainability, impact, and growth of entrepreneurial projects.

It is an ecosystem that connects Esade's classrooms and students with academic research, entrepreneurial environments both local and international, and experienced founders. Furthermore, through the eWorks initiative, Esade's business creation program established in 2015, we inspire, empower, and promote the creation of new ventures.

This year, the EEI celebrates its 30th anniversary by renewing its commitment to fostering education, research, and inspiring future entrepreneurial leaders who will forge new paths towards a better society. Esade's entrepreneurship ecosystem is unique and has become a role model throughout Europe and one of the best in the world.

'We are committed to fostering an entrepreneurial approach and mindset that goes beyond creating businesses. Our duty is to make a social impact, driving positive change, and benefiting society.'

Marcel Planellas, Professor, Department of Strategy and General Management at Esade.

30 years boosting entrepreneurship

Since its foundation in 1958, Esade has supported startups and the spirit of entrepreneurship among our students and participants. Entrepreneurship is a part of our DNA.

Highlights of 2022-23!

EEI’s champions over the years

What is the future of entrepreneurship?

Our agenda for the future

View more, Our agenda for the future

Inspiring Transformation

View more, Inspiring Transformation