
MSc in Finance Faculty

Esade is consistently ranked as one of the best business schools in Europe. That reputation is reflected in its first-rate faculty. During your MSc in Finance program you will be guided by professors who combine acclaimed academic careers with extensive practical experience on the front lines of finance.
As well as sharing industry insights, cutting-edge theory, and real-world applications, your professors will be your mentors, helping you to make the most of the opportunities that the Esade experience offers.



Carlo Sala

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Francesc Alcaide

Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

Lecturer, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile
Almirall Mezquita

Esteve Almirall Mezquita

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile

Gloria Batllori

Lecturer, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Marta Baylina

Academic Assistant, Department of Law

Academic Assistant, Department of Law

See profile

Anna Bayona

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

Anna Bayona is an Assistant Professor at Esade Business School. She holds a PhD from IESE, a Masters in International Management from Esade and an MPhil in Economics from Cambridge University. Anna teaches investment and has extensive professional experience in strategic management consulting and banking.

See profile

Vicente Bermejo

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

Vicente Bermejo is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Esade. He has a PhD in Finance as well as a Master in Economics and Finance from CEMFI. He has written many research papers including two on liquidity issues. He is an experienced professor in financial risk management, accounting and economics.

See profile

Xavier Ferràs

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile

Cristina Gimenez

Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile

Alberto Gimeno Sandig

Associate Professor, Department of Strategy and General Management

See profile

Steven Guest

Academic Assistant, Department of People Management and Organisation

See profile

Tobias Hahn

Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability

See profile

Jaume Hugas

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile

Jaume Maranges

Director of University Service for Development

See profile
Massana, Artur

Artur Massana

Academic Collaborator, Department of People Management and Organisation

See profile

Isa Moll

Lecturer and Academic Director - MSc in Marketing Management, Department of Marketing

See profile

Victor Noguer

Assistant Academic, Department of Marketing

See profile

Eloi Noya Espinazo


Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile
Pascual Ramsay

Angel Pascual

Assistant Academic, Department of Strategy and General Management

See profile

Petya Platikanova

Assistant Professor, Department of Financial Management and Control

See profile

Giulia Redigolo

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Carlo Sala

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Rafael Sardà

Academic collaborator, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile
Santiago Simón del Burgo

Santiago Simón del Burgo

Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management and Control

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Marc Torrens

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

Prof. Torrens is a Computer Science Engineer and AI expert with 20+ years’ experience creating startups in the field. He co founded Strands, Inc., a globally renowned Fintech company serving top banks, in 2004 and remains a board member. He holds over 20 tech patents and his research focuses on how AI can be applied to improve people’s lives.

See profile
Vilanova Pichot

Marc Vilanova Pichot

Academic Manager, Master of Science in International Management, Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability

See profile

Jaume Hugas

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile

Jonathan Wareham


Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile

Omar Rachedi

Academic Assistant, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Carlos Trenchs

Academic Assistant, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

José Suárez-Lledó

Academic Assistant, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Andre Brandao de Mello Souza


Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

See profile

Giulio Toscani

Academic Assistant, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Science

See profile

Ignasi Martí Lanuza


Professor, Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability

See profile
Bonache, Jaime - Dirección de Personas y Organización

Jaime Bonache

Visiting Professor, Department of People Management and Organisation

Professor of Organisation at Universidad Carlos III - Madrid.

See profile

Albert Armisen

Academic Assistant. Department of Operations, Innovation and Data

See profile
Carr, Katie

Katie Carr

Academic Assistant, Department of People Management and Organisation

See profile

Nanita Ferrone

Academic Assistant, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

See profile

Alfred Vernis

Associate Professor, Department of Strategy and General Management

See profile
Vega del Llergo

Pablo Vega del Llergo

Academic Collaborator, Department of Strategy and General Management

See profile

Ferran Macipe

Academic Collaborator, Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability

See profile

Matthieu Laverne

Colaborador académico, Esade

Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Science

See profile

Joando Reverter

Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Marketing

See profile

Kyriaki Papageorgiou

Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Science

See profile
Coyne, Kevin Patrick

Kevin Patrick Coyne

Academic Assistant, Department of Strategy and General Management

See profile
Rey, Jaume

Jaume Rey

Academic Collaborator

Operations, Innovation, and Data Sciences

See profile
Ré Delgado, Isaac

Isaac Ré Delgado

Academic Collaborator

Economy, Finance and Accounting

See profile
Tampe, Maja

Maja Tampe

Associate Professor, MSc in Sustainability Management

Associate Professor, Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability 

PhD in Management. MIT - Sloan School of Management

Master in Public Administration. Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government

Master of Arts in Political Science. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

See profile
Rita Mota

Rita Mota

Assistant Professor Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability

See profile
Adriana Dumitrescu

Adriana Dumitrescu

Associate Professor

Departament of Economy, Finance and Accounting

See profile
De Marchi, Valentina

Valentina De Marchi

Associate Professor of Innovation for the environment

Associate Professor of Innovation for the environment


See profile
David Norman

David Norman

Academic Collaborator. Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting,

See profile
Toni Candini

Antoni Candini

Associate Professor

Dpartment of Economy, Finance & Accounting.

See profile