
Learning Goals

The program's learning goals are focused on participants acquiring the following competencies and skills:

To be able to analyse and formulate relevant research questions

that aim at making significant contributions to their field of research.

To conceptualize and implement with rigour research designs and methodologies

that allow them to contribute to expand the frontiers of knowledge in their research field.

To effectively and clearly communicate

orally and in writing, participate in international conferences, collaborate in international research groups and publish in top journals; and to work effectively with other people from different ethnic, educational, and work experience backgrounds.

To be able to hold positions in leading academic

and research institutions lead R & D+I project.

To demonstrate an understanding and concern for ethical standards

in management research, teaching and service.

To become responsible leaders

who, being aware of the implicit values and impact of all decisions, are committed to building a fairer society, working collaboratively with integrity and fostering diversity and inclusion, in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Program Regulations

Program Regulations describe the admission requirements, structure of the program, requirements for continuing in the program, withdrawal and leaves of absence, calendar and attendance, discipline, board of academic affairs, commissions, notifications and announcements, and, requirements for deposit and defense of the PhD Thesis.

At the end of the 1st year, PhD Candidates have to submit and make an oral defense of the research proposal. The Research Proposal is assessed by a monitoring committee formed by two accreditated professors or researchers on the corresponding area.

Any incidence or requirement concerning the candidate’s evolution on the PhD program is analyzed and solved in the Esade academic doctoral commission. This commission aim to guarantee the progress of the PhD Candidates as well as guarantee the quality of the PhD thesis and the PhD program.

The Direction of the PhD in Management Sciences holds regular meetings with the PhD candidates and PhD representatives to address relevant issues that affect PhD Candidates and their future career.


Internal regulations

Esade Academic Doctoral Commission

Procedure to deposit and defence the PhD Thesis