
Transform yourself with the Executive Master in Marketing and Sales - EMMS


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50% Distance learning

  • In distance learning modules you will be taking your new knowledge and skills to the next level.
  • During the six weeks immediately after each residency module, you will be returning home and continuing in your job while researching topics started in the face-to-face week.
  • This combination of simultaneous working and studying  means you will be benefiting from putting what you have learned into practice immediately.
  • The distance learning modules are as rigorous as the rest of EMMS with the program's intuitive, easy-to-use online platform enabling you to move at your own pace.


50% Face-to-face sessions

  • Seven rigorous, one-week residency modules giving you the opportunity to work with leading professors from Esade Business School in Barcelona and Madrid, and SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan.
  • During these intense learning experiences you'll be interacting with seasoned executive experts, and taking advantage of opportunities to get to know and work with fellow participants from diverse backgrounds and nationalities.
  • The modules will be enhancing your understanding of marketing and sales management, through both theory and practice.

EMMS - academics


Each course will start with a residential session, continue online, and conclude with a final exam at the start of the following residential session.

Module 1: Milan

Residency module: 11 - 16 March 2024 (Milan)
Distance Learning: 16 March - 3 May 2024 (online)

Marketing Management

  • Analyzing market opportunities
  • Researching and selecting targets
  • Developing market strategies
  • Planning marketing tactics
  • Implementing and controlling the marketing effort

Marketing Creativity and Innovation

  • How to face the sales and marketing challenge of developing ideas for new products and launching them successfully.
  • The role of creativity and new product development as a growth strategy.
  • The fundamental role played by marketing in finding, developing, and launching successful new products.


Face-to-Face Workshops

Consumption innovation

  • This workshop casts marketing in a peculiar light by examining it from the standpoint of the consumers’ life world: the web of communal relationships in which they are suspended. This impacts directly marketing management and helps to critically rethink the business approach. Stressing such a critical focus, the workshop makes extensive use of research-oriented pedagogy.

Module 2: Barcelona

Residency module: 6 - 11 May 2024 (Barcelona)
Distance Learning: 14 May - 28 June 2024 (online)

Marketing Research

  • Generating and analyzing market data
  • Organizing the generation of consumer, customer, and competitor insights within an organization
  • Methods, tools, and techniques for qualitative and quantitative marketing research

International Marketing Management

  • How to operate effectively in an increasingly global marketplace
  • How to formulate effective international marketing strategies, and to make crucial trade-offs between standardizing and localizing marketing and sales programs.

Market Analytics in the era of Big Data

  • Large amounts of data are collected, stored and organized by firms who are measuring consumer data as part of regular business.
  • Such “Big Data” can be today retrieved easily, visualized in a simple manner, and made available to marketing strategists.
  • Develop a working knowledge of market data analytics and learn the skills that are needed to best leverage the large amounts of market measurement data in order to enhance strategic decision making.


Face-to-face workshops

Leading and Managing people

  • Understanding how globalization and technology have increased the importance of interrelation and interdependence.
  • Development of the essential capacity to interact with people in order to achieve results.
  • How individual attributes, personality and character traits influence our mental models and understanding frameworks, affecting perception and interpretation.
  • How to recognize the main personality types in order to affectively and appropriately communicate your message.
  • Giving and receiving feedback.
  • Connecting and avoiding misunderstanding during the briefing and debriefing processes to assure success and prevent conflicts.

Module 3: Madrid

Residency module: 1 - 6 July 2024 (Madrid)
Distance Learning: 9 July 2023 – 13 September 2024 (online)

Finance for Marketing and Sales

  • The importance of understanding the financial side of marketing and sales decisions
  • How to interpret a balance sheet and an income statement
  • Understanding your financials and those of your competitors
  • Evaluating the economics of marketing and sales strategies

 Brand Management

  • Use of branding to determine the difference between equally competitive products.
  • The meaning and the measurement of customer-based brand equity
  • The dynamics and the architecture of a company’s brand portfolio
  • The roles and functions of different brands

Sustainable Marketing


Face-to-face workshops

From Blockchain to Metaverse

Module 4: Milano

Residency module: 16 - 21 September 2024 (Milan)
Distance Learning: 24 September – 8 November 2024 (online)

Digital Marketing & Integrated communication

Strategic Marketing Management

  • How to develop a successful marketing strategy based on a deep understanding of the market and the competitive arena.
  • Use of business intelligence to foresee development opportunities and to create and deliver the best value for customers.
  • The process of strategic marketing management and the implementation of marketing strategies for companies in different stages of an industry, in different competitive positions, and in different economic environments.

Channel & Retail Management

  • Topics related to the management of distribution channels
  • The nature of marketing channels and the global trends that characterize them
  • Issues that companies face in designing, managing, evaluating and changing their channels
  • Marketing channel issues from the perspective of retailers, wholesalers, and physical distribution agencies

Module 5: Barcelona

Residency module: 11 - 16 November 2024 (Barcelona)
Distance Learning: 19 November – 20 December 2024 (online)
7 January – 24 January 2025

Social Media Marketing

  • Any doubt we are in a digital race? The goal of this course is to understand exactly the impact on this new environment, and how organizations can benefit from them, understanding the risks and the value of this new paradigm called digital age and how this may affect the way we communicate, how we consume, how we choose, how we compare and how we purchase. We will be focus on the 360º digital marketing, and the direct impact and transformation in now a days marketing companies’ strategies and the tactical implementation in their communication plan.

 Sales Management 1

  • Connecting companies to customers
  • Success factors in sales and key account management
  • Sales-force design
  • Gathering intelligence about customers and competitors through sales & account management

CRM and AI FOR Marketers & Sellers

  • Understanding that customers rather than products are the most precious assets of a company
  • Vision, strategy, operations, technology and organizational tools for building a customer-focused organization based on customer profitability and relationship management.

SDA Bocconi  and Esade

Module 6: Rome

Residency module:  27 – 30 January 2024 (Rome)
Distance Learning: 4 February – 28 March 2024 (online)

Sales Management 2

  • Effective management of a company’s sales organization to deliver customer value.
  • How to identify the factors leading to enhanced sales organization effectiveness and superior salesperson performance.
  • Development of sound objectives, strategy, leadership, control systems, motivation, incentive and compensation plans.
  • Effective conduct of personal selling, such as salesmanship and relationship building.

Price Strategy and Management

  • Consumer and customer perception of price as value for money
  • Strategic and tactical issues related to pricing policy
  • How to set prices on a product for the first time
  • How to modify a product’s price over time and space to meet varying circumstances and opportunities
  • How to initiate and respond to price changes


Module 7: Barcelona

Residency module & Graduation Ceremony: 9 - 11 April 2024


Face-to-Face Workshops

Negotiation Skills

  • Essential negotiation skills for both personal and professional life
  • Key concepts to help improve your own innate skills when dealing with colleagues, bosses or clients
  • Presentation of the relevant theory and preparation tools, and the opportunity to practice your abilities, observe other participants and reflect on what makes for successful negotiating
  • How to learn both from in-class practice and theories presented to continue improving your skills after the course is over
  • How to boost your skills in situations such as public speaking, conducting one-to-one interviews, negotiations, working in groups and managing teams
  • Short and intensive course including a focus on non-verbal communication

Communication skills and public speaking


Business Project Presentation

The Business Project is a highlight of the program and is conducted in small teams at the end of the coursework. Participants help a company develop a solution to a real business problem and also compete for an award. Here is an opportunity for participants to apply their newly acquired knowledge and work closely with some of their colleagues.


Graduation Ceremony

Academic Insights: Get a taste of EMMS!

"Leading and Managing People"

Lecturer Marc Correa

"When you are in the middle of the hurricane, you don't have enough time to think about what really matters to you"

"Marketing & Technology"

Lecturer Lluís Soldevila and Julio Villalobos

“We don’t want students to understand the technical concepts associated with a particular technology, but rather the opportunities it presents and the ways in which it can be used in terms of business.”

"Finance for Marketing & Sales"

Prof. Joan Massons

“Sometimes, finance and marketing are at odds with one another. What is the right balance between the marketing and finance points of view?”

"Marketing Research"

Prof. Marta Gabarró

“Marketing research is about putting your consumer at the center in order to help your business grow.”

"Going to the Market"

Prof. Lluís Martínez-Ribes

“This course is about the channels for getting the customer. Every customer who has a smartphone is a shop.”


EMMS Program Directors and Faculty members are all experts in their fields. Their work is grounded in research, publishing, teaching and consultancy with some of the world's most famous companies. They share a passion for communicating and a dedication to improving the careers of program participants.


Ferran Blanch

Teachin Fellow in Esade

Executive Master in Marketing & Sales Director - EMMS

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Sisti, Marco Aurelio

Marco Aurelio Sisti

Director SDA Bocconi School of Management

SDA Bocconi’s Professor of Marketing & Sales

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Cristina Bellido

Cristina Bellido

ESADE Lecturer

CRM and Business Intelligence

Carreras, Franc - Marketing

Franc Carreras

Academic Assistant, Department of Marketing

Digital Marketing and Business lecturer and entrepreneur

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Castello Molina, Jaime - Marketing

Jaime Castelló

Lecturer, Department of Marketing

Associate Professor and Programme Director at ESADE.

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Paola Cillo

Paola Cillo

SDA Professor

Marketing Creativity and Innovation

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Marc Correa

Marc Correa

Senior Lecturer, Department of People Management and Organisation at Esade.

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Bernard Covà

Bernard Cova

SDA Lecturer

Culture and Anthropology

Cuneo, Andres - Marketing

Andrés Cuneo

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing

Marketing professor, brand strategist and independent marketing consultant.

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Ionannis Evangelidis

Profesor asociado de Marketing en Esade

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Josep Franch

Josep Franch

Profesor titular, Departamento de Marketing en Esade

Decano de Executive Education.

Marta Gabarró

Marta Gabarró

Academic Assistant, Department of Marketing

Senior Advisor - Consumer Centric Transformation

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Steven Guest

Steven Guest

Adjunct Lecturer of the Department of People Management and Organization

Consultant and coach.

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David Jarach

David Jarach

SDA Professor

Price Strategy and Management

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Joan Massons

Joan Massons

Academic Assistant, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting

University professor since 1975.

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Chiara Saibene

Chiara Saibene

SDA Professor

Price Strategy and Management

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Lluís Soldevila

Lluís Soldevila

Academic Assistant, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

Lluís Soldevila® Consulting-Training-Action Founder

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Susana Valdés

Susana Valdés

Academic Assistant of the Department of Marketing

She has a Doctorate in Business Management from the University of Barcelona and an MBA from Esade. She is an advisor at Cuideo, president of the NGO Amal in Spain, and a strategic consultant in Marketing, Trade Marketing, and Sales. She has professional experience in consumer goods companies, such as Procter & Gamble and Danone.

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  • Andrea Rocca

    Andrea Rocca

    Peruvian - EMMS 2018

    Digital Commercial Manager Belcorp

    I signed up to the EMMS program looking to change my professional life, which I more than achieved on the way. I have refreshed my knowledge base, challenged myself and have become more agile and adaptable.

  • Susanne Steuer

    Susanne Steuer

    German - EMMS 2018

    Account Executive Commodity Trading & Retail – SAP, Germany

    EMMS really is about the people participating in the program creating the unique multicultural and diverse EMMS experience. The program really helped me to get out of my comfort zone, broaden my horizons and change my way of thinking.