
MRes in Management Sciences



Academic objectives

The Master of Research (MRes) in Management Sciences is designed as a first step toward pursuing a career in research in business schools, at universities or international organizations. The program prepares students to pursue doctoral research.

The MRes provides solid theoretical and methodological foundations upon which students can develop their research. The MRes is closely aligned with Esade's faculty research interests and general lines of research.

The main objective of the MRes is for participants to attain the following competences:

  1. Having the theoretical bases necessary to do research in specific areas in management sciences.
  2. A solid background in research design and methods.
  3. To be able to formulate research questions and identify knowledge gaps.
  4. To be able to communicate orally and written in a scientific context.
  5. To be able to participate and lead in research groups and projects.
  6. To become a responsible leader who, being aware of the implicit values and impact of all decisions, is committed to building a fairer society, working collaboratively with integrity and fostering diversity and inclusion, in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

research Student

Program Information

The Esade Master of Research (MRes) in Management Sciences is a 2 years program worth 120 ECTS. Participants who complete the program will obtain the following official university degree: Master Universitario en Investigación en Ciencias de la Gestión

AQU agencia per la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya

Agency for University System Quality

The AQU (Agency for University System Quality of Catalonia) Specific Committee for the Evaluation of the Quality of University Centers and Activities, has issued a global POSITIVE rating for the Esade Quality Assurance System.