The Jean Monnet-Esade Chair

The Jean Monnet-Esade Chair

This Chair was awarded by the European Commission in 2013, to recognize the excellence of teaching, research and social debate on European Union Law at Esade.

The holder of the Chair is Professor José M. de Areilza. He has taught and researched on EU affairs since 1994 and has been a Visiting Professor in ten different universities in Europe and the USA.

Main areas of research

The reform of Economic and Monetary Union. The design of a Political Union.

Rethinking allocation of powers between the EU and Member States.

The re-set of transatlantic relations.

Spain in the European Union.

Inaugural Session

October 28, 2013, with Michael Link, German Minister of European Affairs, and Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, Spanish Secretary of State of EU Affairs

Michael Link, German Minister of European Affairs, explained how "European integration is crucial to solving each country's problems". Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, Spanish Minister for European Affairs, called for a struggle against citizen scepticism, the elimination of German stereotypes and a commitment to the European project:

“Problems are not solved if you approach them from just one perspective. We need to foster competition among member states, simplify the law and focus on areas that are key to achieving European integration," declared Michael Link, German Minister of European Affairs, during the inauguration of the new Jean Monnet Chair at Esade.


The German Minister for European Affairs, expressed a similar sentiment by calling for a struggle against citizen scepticism, the elimination of German stereotypes and a commitment to the European project.

Both speakers stressed the importance of meeting the each eurozone country’s needs and of understanding that not all countries can meet deficit targets at the same time. “Solidarity is not always about money," declared Mr. Méndez de Vigo, “It’s about understanding that you have to properly dose your medicines."

Michael Link The Jean Monnet-Esade Chair

Moving in the right direction

During the inauguration of the new Jean Monnet Chair at Esade Law School, both leaders reminded the audience of the European Union’s progress in strengthening the common currency. Mr. Link expressed optimism about the economic unification process and advised the audience not to “discredit what we’ve already achieved". He added: “Let’s not forget that reform policies are very difficult but necessary along the path towards unification."
Mr. Méndez de Vigo was optimistic regarding the current crisis: “Things are going to get better. Now is when we are going to see the fruits of this process."

José M. de Areilza, Professor at Esade and holder of the new Jean Monnet Chair, underscored the importance of EU law in the context of European integration, not only as an instrument but also as a legal system inspired by substantive values. He called for a higher-quality debate on European affairs and the politicization of decision-making in Brussels in order to combat Euro-scepticism and populism.


The Jean Monnet-Esade Chair coordinates EU law courses in the LL.B. degree and in graduate law programs.



Project 1: A Spanish roadmap for the European Union (2017)

This project was based on a series of four seminars with a group of twenty leading experts on EU affairs, from the public and private sector, academia and different think-tanks, to reflect and come up with reform proposals for the EU from a Spanish perspective. The topics of the debates included the effects of the euro crisis, the rise of populism and nationalism, Brexit, the refugee crisis, security threats and the impact of US politics in EU affairs.
A working paper was written by José M. de Areilza and Alvaro Imbernón to summarize the analysis and strategies that came up during the semester.

This is a link to the final document.

Project 2: Seminar on the Future of Economic and Monetary Union

This Seminar was organized and co-funded in the Spring of 2018 by the Fundación de Estudios Financieros (FEF) Uría, Menéndez law firm and the Jean Monnet-Esade Chair.

In each session, a leading expert presented a draft document with analysis and proposals for reform. In the second part of the session, three discussants held a dialogue, aimed at improving the final document, and engaged in a colloquoium with the participants (around 50 for each session).

The three speakers were Professor Fernando Fernández, Editor of the Anuario del Euro, FEF, and Professor at IE Business School, David Vegara, former Secretary of State of economy and Professor at Esade and Daniel Sarmiento, Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and of counsel, Uría, Menéndez.

This is a link to the final document, with the three papers and the final reflections.

Social Debate

Each academic year, the Jean Monnet-Esade Chair organizes and participates in debates on different topics of European integration. This is a brief selection of them:

1. "A tale of two cities: the next European Utopia"

With Charles Powell, Director of Elcano Royal Institute and José M. de Areilza, Jean Monnet-Esade Chair, September 2014
Jose de M. Areilza, Professor at Esade and senior research fellow at Elcano Royal Institute, talks to Charles Powell, Director of the Elcano Royal Institute, about the working paper' Mr. Areilza published in Elcano Website tittled "A tale of two cities: the next European Utopia". Professor Areilza presents a narrative that can be useful for understanding European integration as a whole, presenting a critique and re-launching it in our time.

This is a link to the debate.

2. Brexit and its consequences

Interview of José M. de Areilza by Victoria Carvajal, economist and journalist, a dialogue produced by “The Objective”.

This is a link to the podcast and video.

3. The European Union after the EU 2019 elections: politics is back

A conversation between José M. de Areilza and Ana Palacio, former Minister of European Affairs, moderated by Javier Zarzalejos, Member of the European Parliament and Director of FAES Foundation.

This is a link to the video.

4. “Europe and the US: Declaring Interdependence”

Closing Annual Lecture and Colloquium, Cátedra Economía y Sociedad, Fundación La Caixa, Madrid, May 26, 2021.

This is a link for more information.

5. "Angela Merkel’s leadership style"

Speaker at Alumni session, Esade Madrid campus, November 2, 2021. Based on the case Study, “Angela Merkel’s Long Journey”, co-author with José Luis Alvarez, INSEAD Publishing, December 2021.

This is Alumni session link and the case link.

Are you interested in knowing more about the Jean Monnet Chair? Contact us!

The Jean Monnet Chair at Esade

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