2023 i properes a publicar
Ding, B., Ferràs Hernández, X., (2023). Case study as a methodological foundation for Technology Roadmapping (TRM): Literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 67, 101731. ISSN 0923-4748.
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Ding, B., Ferràs Hernández, X., & Agell Jané, N. (2023). Combining lean and agile manufacturing competitive advantages through Industry 4.0 technologies: an integrative approach. Production Planning & Control, 34(5), 442-458.
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Ferràs-Hernández, X. (2023). Innovation, Risk, and Reward: Toward a Holistic Model of Innovation. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 51(4), 23-27.
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Ferràs-Hernández, X., Nylund, P. A., & Brem, A. (2023). The Emergence of Dominant Designs in Artificial Intelligence. California Management Review, 65(3), 73-91.
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Montakhabi, M., Madhusudan, A., Mustafa, M., Vanhaverbeke, W., Almirall, E., & van. (2023). Leveraging blockchain for energy transition in urban contexts. Big Data & Society, 10(2).
Més info
Nylund, P. A., Ferràs-Hernández, X., & Brem, A. (2023). A Trust Paradox May Limit the Application of AI-Generated Knowledge. Research-Technology Management, 66(5), 44-52.
Més info
Nylund, P. A., Amores-Bravo, X., Ferràs-Hernández, X., & Brem, A. (2023). Crisis as a catalyst of idle innovation ecosystems: Evidence from ecosystem exaptation of a water partnership. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 197, 122865.
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Pujol Priego, L., & Wareham, J. (2023). From Bits to Atoms: Open Source Hardware at CERN. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 47(2), 639-668.
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Romasanta, A., Wareham, J., Pujol Priego, L., & Ahmadova, G. (2023). Innovative Management of Pharmaceutical Product Design and Manufacturing. In Emerging Drug Discovery and Biomedical Engineering Technologies (pp. 233-244). CRC Press.
Més info
Tabares, S., Parida, V., & Visnjic, I. (2023). Revenue models for digital services in the railway industry: A framework for choosing the right revenue model. Journal of Business Research, 165, 114041
Més info
Almirall, E. (2022). Implicaciones del metaverso en el "E-commerce." Harvard Deusto Business Review, (325), 18-26.
Almirall, E. (2022). ¿Por qué la inteligencia artificial y el "Cloud" están en todas partes menos en tu empresa? Harvard Deusto Business Review, (322), 16-24.
Beck, S., Bergenholtz, C., Bogers, M., Brasseur, T. M., Conradsen, M. L., Di Marco, D., Distel, A. P., Dobusch, L., Dörler, D., Effert, A., Fecher, B., Filiou, D., Frederiksen, L., Gillier, T., Grimpe, C., Gruber, M., Haeussler, C., Heigl, F., Hoisl, K., Hyslop, K., Kokshagina, O., LaFlamme, M., Lawson, C., Lifshitz-Assaf, H., Lukas, W., Nordberg, M., Norn, M. T., Poetz, M., Ponti, M., Pruschak, G., Priego, L. P., Radziwon, A., Rafner, J., Romanova, G., Ruser, A., Sauermann, H., Shah, S. K., Sherson, J. F., Suess-Reyes, J., Tucci, C. L., Tuertscher, P., Vedel, J. B., Velden, T., Verganti, R., Wareham, J., Wiggins, A., & Xu, S. M. (2022). The Open Innovation in Science research fie
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Ferras-Hernandez, X., Nylund, P. A., & Brem, A. (2022). Strategy Follows the Structure of Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 50(3), 17-19.
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Nylund, P. A., Brem, A., & Ferrás-Hernández, X. (2022). Digital innovation and urbanisation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 14(6), 664-680.
Més info
Nylund, P. A., Ferràs-Hernández, X., Pareras, L., Brem, A. (2022). The emergence of entrepreneurial ecosystems based on enabling technologies: Evidence from synthetic biology. Journal of Business Research, 149, 728-735.
Més info
Pujol Priego, L., Wareham, J., & Romasanta, A. K. S. (2022). The puzzle of sharing scientific data. Industry and Innovation, 29(2), 219-250.
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Sjödin, D., Parida, V., & Visnjic, I. (2022). How Can Large Manufacturers Digitalize Their Business Models? A Framework for Orchestrating Industrial Ecosystems. California Management Review, 64(3), 49-77.
Més info
Visnjic, I., Birkinshaw, J., & Linz, C. (2022). When Gradual Change Beats Radical Transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 63(3), 74-78.
Més info
Wareham, J., Pujol Priego, L., Romasanta, A., Mathiassen, T. W., Nordberg, M., & Tello, P. G. (2022). Systematizing serendipity for big science infrastructures: The ATTRACT project. Technovation, 116, 102374.
Més info
Almirall, E., Tschang, F. T., & Gruenwald, L. (2021). Covid-19 accelerating the dynamics of Artificial Intelligence disruption. In Le Gruenwald, Sarika Jain, Sven Groppe (Eds.), Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Global Epidemics (pp. 223-237). Academic Press. ISBN 9780323897778.
Més info
Almirall, E. (2021). Innovación y adopción de inteligencia artificial y "Cloud": Una historia a dos velocidades. Harvard Deusto Business Review, (316), 6-16.
Barroeta Santamaria, D., Casado González, J. M., Dans, E., Mortensen, M., Sauquet Rovira, A., Serrano Rasero, I., Thomas, L. D. W., Trullén Fernández, J., & Wareham, J. D. (2021). Luces y sombras del teletrabajo. Harvard Deusto Business Review, 38-40.
Beck, S., LaFlamme, M., Bergenholtz, C., et al. (2021). Examining Open Innovation in Science (OIS): What Open Innovation can and cannot offer the science of science. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 25(3), 221-235.
Més info
Beck, S., Bercovitz, J., Bergenholtz, C., Brasseur, T., D’Este, P., Dorn, A., Doser, M., Dosi, C., Effert, A., Furtuna, R., Goodyear, M., Grimpe, C., Haeussler, C., Hans, F., Heinisch, B., Katona, N., Kleinberger-Pierer, H., Kokshagina, O., LaFlamme, M., ... Zyontz, S. (2021). Experimenting with Open Innovation in Science (OIS) practices: A novel approach to co-developing research proposals. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 5(2), 28-49.
Més info
Chen, Y., Visnjic, I., Parida, V., & Zhang, Z. (2021). On the road to digital servitization – The (dis)continuous interplay between business model and digital technology. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 41(5), 694-722.
Més info
Rakic, S., Visnjic, I., Gaiardelli, P., Romero, D., & Marjanovic, U. (2021). Transformation of Manufacturing Firms: Towards Digital Servitization. In A. Dolgui, A. Bernard, D. Lemoine, G. von Cieminski, & D. Romero (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. APMS 2021 (Vol. 631, pp. 17). Springer, Cham.
Més info
Valldeneu, M., Ferràs, X., & Tarrats, E. (2021). Effect of transformational behavior on millennial job satisfaction. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(3), 421-429.
Més info
Valldeneu, M., Ferràs, X., & Tarrats-Pons, E. (2021). Transformational behaviors: Increasing work engagement in multinational environments. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(2), 519-527.
Més info
Visnjic, I., Jovanovic, M., & Raisch, S. (2021). Managing the Transition to a Dual Business Model: Tradeoff, Paradox, and Routinized Practices. Organization Science, 33(5), 1964-1989.
Més info
Almirall, E. (2020). Cuando un algoritmo decide por y sobre ti... Harvard Deusto Business Review, (296), 50-52.
Beck, S., Bergenholtz, C., Bogers, M., Brasseur, T. M., Conradsen, M. L., Di Marco, D., Distel, A. P., Dobusch, L., Dörler, D., Effert, A., Fecher, B., Filiou, D., Frederiksen, L., Gillier, T., Grimpe, C., Gruber, M., Haeussler, C., Heigl, F., Hoisl, K., Hyslop, K., Kokshagina, O., LaFlamme, M., Lawson, C., Lifshitz-Assaf, H., Lukas, W., Nordberg, M., Norn, M. T., Poetz, M., Ponti, M., Pruschak, G., Priego, L. P., Radziwon, A., Rafner, J., Romanova, G., Ruser, A., Sauermann, H., Shah, S. K., Sherson, J. F., Suess-Reyes, J., Tucci, C. L., Tuertscher, P., Vedel, J. B., Velden, T., Verganti, R., Wareham, J., Wiggins, A., & Xu, S. M. (2022). The Open Innovation in Science research field: a collaborative conceptualisation approach. Industry and Innovation, 29(2), 136-185.
Més info
Calzada, I., & Almirall, E. (2020). Data ecosystems for protecting European citizens' digital rights. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 14(2), 133-147.
Més info
Ferrás-Hernández, X. (2020). Rethinking Industry 4.0: Is there life beyond manufacturing? International Journal of Business Environment, 11(4), 404-416.
Més info
Morente, F., Ferràs, X., & Zizlavsky, O. (2020). Ideocultura de la gestión de la innovación en organizaciones españolas: una mirada fineana. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 26(4), 36-51
Més info
Nylund, P. A., Ferras-Hernandez, X., & Brem, A. (2020). Automating profitably together: Is there an impact of open innovation and automation on firm turnover? Review of Management Science, 14, 269–285.
Més info
Sjödin, D., Parida, V., Jovanovic, M., & Visnjic, I. (2020). Value Creation and Value Capture Alignment in Business Model Innovation: A Process View on Outcome-Based Business Models. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 37, 158-183.
Més info
Zamani, E. D., Pouloudi, A., Giaglis, G. M., & Wareham, J. (2020). Appropriating Information Technology Artefacts through Trial and Error: The Case of the Tablet. Information Systems Frontiers, 24 (1), 97-119.
Més info
Almirall, E. (2019). ¿Cómo sobrevivir al tsunami de la IA? Harvard Deusto Business Review, (295), 54-62.
Brunswicker, S., Almirall, E., & Majchrzak, A. (2019). Optimizing and Satisficing: The Interplay between Platform Architecture and Producers’ Design Strategies for Platform Performance. MIS Quarterly, 43(4), 1249-1277.
Més info
Ferras-Hernandez, X., & Nylund, P. A. (2019). Clusters as Innovation Engines: The Accelerating Strengths of Proximity. European Management Review, 16, 37–53.
Més info
Ferrás-Hernández, X., Armisen-Morell, A., Sabata-Alberich, A., Tarrats-Pons, E., & Arimany-Serrat, N. (2019). The new manufacturing: In search of the origins of the next generation manufacturing start-ups. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 16(2), 1–18.
Més info
Jovanovic, M., Raja, J. Z., Visnjic, I., & Wiengarten, F. (2019). Paths to service capability development for servitization: Examining an internal service ecosystem. Journal of Business Research, 104, 472-485.
Més info
Nylund, P. A., Ferras-Hernandez, X., & Brem, A. (2019). Strategies for Activating Innovation Ecosystems: Introduction of a Taxonomy. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 47(4), 60-66.
Més info
Parida, V., Burström, T., Visnjic, I., & Wincent, J. (2019). Orchestrating industrial ecosystem in circular economy: A two-stage transformation model for large manufacturing companies. Journal of Business Research, 101, 715-725.
Més info
Visnjic, I., Ringov, D., & Arts, S. (2019). Which Service? How Industry Conditions Shape Firms’ Service-Type Choices. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36, 381-407.
Més info
Zamani, E.D., Pouloudi, N., Giaglis, G. et al. Accommodating Practices During Episodes of Disillusionment with Mobile IT. Inf Syst Front 23, 453–475 (2021).
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2018 i anteriors
Nylund, P. A., Arimany-Serrat, N., Ferras-Hernandez, X., Viardot, E., Boateng, H., & Brem, A. (2020). Internal and external financing of innovation: Sectoral differences in a longitudinal study of European firms. European Journal of Innovation Management, 23(2), 200-213.
Més info
Wareham, J. Cano Giner, J.L. (2014) Technology ecosystem governance. Organization Science. Vol. 25, no. 4, 07/2014, p. 1195-1215
Collet, F. (2014) From hot cakes to cold feet: A contingent perspective on the relationship between market uncertainty and status homophily in the formation of alliances. Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 51, no. 3, 05/2014, p. 406-432
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2014) The effect of R&D novelty and openness decision on firms' catch-up performance: Empirical evidence from China. Technovation. Vol. 34, no. 1, 01/2014, p. 21-30
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2014) Open innovation: The next decade. Research Policy. Vol. 43, no. 5, 06/2014, p. 805-811
Vanhaverbeke, W.; Chesbrough, H. (2014) Managing open innovation projects with science-based and market-based partners. Research Policy. Vol. 43, no. 5, 06/2014, p. 828-840
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2014) How fast do Chinese firms learn and catch up? Evidence from patent citations. Scientometrics. Vol. 98, no. 1, 01/2014, p. 743-761
Romero, M. (2014) Supporting Human Capital development with Serious Games: An analysis of three experiences. Computer in Human Behavior. Vol. 30, 01/2014, p. 715-720
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2014) Mind the gap balancing alliance network and technology portfolios during periods of technological uncertainty. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 81, 01/2014, p. 351-362
Malhotra, A. and Majchrzak, A. (2014) Managing crowds in innovation challenges. California Management Review, 56(4), 103-123. Malhotra, A., Majchrzak, A. (2014) Enhancing performance of geographically distributed teams through targeted use of information and communication technologies, Human Relations, 67(4), 389-411
Collet, F. H., Robertson, Duncan & Lup, D. (2014). When does brokerage matter? Citation impact of research teams in an emerging academic field. Strategic Organization, August 2014 vol. 12 no. 3 157-179
Almirall, E.; Lee, M.; Majchrzak, A. (2014) Open innovation requires integrated competition-community ecosystems: Lessons learned from civic open innovation. Business Horizons. Vol. 57, no. 3, 05/2014, p. 391-400
Brunswicker, S.; Chesbrough, H. (2014) A fad or a phenomenon? The adoption of open innovation practices in large firms. Research-Technology Management (RTM). Vol. 57, no. 2, 03/2014, p. 16-25
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2014) Patterns of R&D internationalisation in developing countries: China as a case. International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 64, no. 2, 02/2014, p. 276-302
Almirall Mezquita, E.; Lee, M.; Wareham, J. (2013) Mapping living labs in the landscape of innovation methodologies. Technology Innovation Management Review. 09/2012, p. 12 – 18
Bakici, T.; Almirall Mezquita, E.; Wareham, J. (2013) The role of public open innovation intermediaries in local government and the public sector. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. Vol. 25, nº 3, 03/2013, p. 311 – 327
Bonache Pérez, J.A.; Trullén Fernández, J.; Sánchez, J. I. (2013) Managing cross-cultural differences: Testing human resource models in Latin America Journal of Business Research. Vol. 65, nº 12, 12/2012, p. 1773 – 1781
Collet, F.; Hedström, P. (2013) Old friends and new acquaintances: Tie formation mechanisms in an interorganizational network generated by employee mobility. Social Networks. Vol. 35, nº 3, 07/2013, p. 288 – 299
Stolwijk, C.; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Ortt, R.; Pieters, M. ; den Hartigh, E.; van Beers, C. (2013) The effect of internal and external technology sourcing on firm performance throughout the technology life cycle. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Vol. 24, nº 10, 12/2012, p. 1013 – 1028
Wang, Y.; Roijakkers, N.; Vanhaverbeke, W. (2013) Learning-by-licensing: How firms in China benefit from licensing-in technologies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Vol. 60, nº 1, 02/2013, p. 46 – 58
Visnjic, I.; Van Looy, B. (2013) Servitization: Disentangling the impact of service business model innovation on manufacturing firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 31(4), 169–180
Visnjic, I.; Van Looy, B., & B. Neely (2013) Steering Manufacturing Firms Towards Service Business Model Innovation California Management Review, 56(1), 5-23
Majchrzak, A. (2013) Towards an information systems perspective and research agenda on crowdsourcing for innovation. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. Vol. 22, no. 4, 12/2013, p. 257-268
Collet, F.; Vives, L. (2013) From preeminence to prominence: The fall of US business schools and the rise of European and Asian business schools in the Financial Times Global MBA rankings. Academy of Management Learning & Education. Vol. 12, no. 4, 12/2013, p. 540-563
Majchrzak, A. (2013) The contradictory influence of social media affordances on online communal knowledge sharing. Journal of Computer-Mediated Comunication. Vol. 19, no. 1, 10/2013, p. 38-55
Chesbrough, H.; Chen, E. (2013) Recovering abandoned compounds through expanded IP licensing”, California Management Review, 2013, 55(4): 83-101
Vanhaverbeke, W. (2013) Open innovation practices in SMEs and large enterprises. Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal. Vol. 41, no. 3, 10/2013, p. 537-562
Spender, J.C. (2013) Intangibles: Theory, categories, and the Kozminski matrix. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Vol. 11, no. 2, 05/2013, p. 101-111
Almirall, E. (2013) Open data revolution: Public open sensor data takes the state of smart cities. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. Vol. 32, no. 4, 12/2013, p. 50-56
Chesbrough, H. (2013) The open innovation model: Implications for innovation in Japan Report to National Economic Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan.
Gilsin, V.; Vanhaverbeke, W. & Pieters, M. (forthcoming). Mind the gap: Balancing alliance network and technology portfolios during periods of technological uncertainty. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Iglesias, O. & Bonet, E. (2012). Persuasive brand management: How managers can influence brand meaning when they are losing control over it. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25(2), 251-264.
Jin, J.; Wang, Y. &Vanhaverbeke, W. (forthcoming). Patterns of R&D Internationalization in Developing Countries: China Mainland as a Case. International Journal of Technology Management
Nadal, N. & Bonet, E. (2012). Limitations of Project Management when Managing Research: an Empirical Study at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The International Journal of Management, 1(2), 1-20.
Spender, J.C. & Khurana, R. (2012). Herbert A. Simon on what ails business schools: More than 'a problem in organizational design'. Journal of Management Studies, 49(3), 619-639.
Stolwijk, C.; Ortt, J.R.; Pieters, M.; Den harttigh, E.; Van Beers, C. Vanhaverbeke, W. (forthcoming). The effect of internal and external technology sourcing on firm performance throughout the technology life cycle. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Wang, Y.; Vanhaverbeke, W. & Roijakkers, N. (2012). Exploring the impact of open innovation on national systems of innovation: A theoretical analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(3), 419-428.
Wang, Y.; Roijakkers, N.; Vanhaverbeke, W. & Chen, J. (2012). How Chinese firms employ open innovation to strengthen their innovative performance. International Journal of Technology Management, 59(3/4), 235-254.
Wang, Y.; Roijakkers, N.; Vanhaverbeke, W. (forthcoming). Learning-by-licensing: How firms in China benefit from licensing-in technologies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Almirall, E. & Wareham, J. (2011). Living Labs: Arbiters of Mid -and Ground- Level Innovation. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 23(1), 87-102.
Chen, J.; Chen, Y. & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2011). The influence of scope, depth, and orientation of external technology sources on the innovative performance of chinese firms. Technovation: The International Journal of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 31(8), 362-373.
Chesbrough, H. W. (2011). The case for open services innovation: The commodity trap. California Management Review, 53(3), 5-20.
Iglesias, O.; Sauquet, A. & Montaña, J. (2011). The role of corporate culture in relationship marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 45(4), 631-650.
Illipinar, G.; Johnston, W.; Montaña, J.; Spender, J.C. & Truex, D. (2011). Design thinking in the postmodern organization. China-USA Business Review, 10(11), 1203-1212.
Jones, C.; Maoret, M.; Massa, F. & Svejenova, S. (forthcoming). Rebels with a cause: Formation, contestation and expansion of the de novo category "modern architecture", 1870-1975. Organization Science
Klein, R., Wareham, J., and Cousins, K. (2011). Electronic Intermediary Functional Roles and Profitability. Decision Sciences, 42(2), 309-337
Svejenova, S.; Strandgaard Pedersen, J. & Vivies, L. (2011). Projects of passion: Lessons for strategy from temporary art. Advances in Strategic Management, 28, 501-527.
Tang, X., Rai, A., and Wareham, J. (2011). Bridging and Bonding in Exchange Networks: A Structural Embeddedness Perspective of B2B Digital Intermediation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(1), 4-20.
Van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke W. and Duysters, G. (2011). Additivity and complementarity in external technology sourcing: The added value of corporate venture capital investments. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(3), 483-496.
Van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke W. and Duysters, G. (2011). Open Innovation: Do Corporate Venture Capital Investments Lead to better Innovative Performance?. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke W. and Duysters, G. (2011). Technology in-sourcing and the Creation of Pioneering Technologies. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 28(6), 974-987.
Van Zimmeren, E.; Vanneste, S.; Matthijs, G.; Vanhaverbeke W. & Overwalle, G. (2011). Patent pools and clearinghouses in the life sciences. Trends in Biotechnology, 29(11), 569-576.
Vanhaverbeke, W., Gilsing, V. and Duysters, G. (2011). Competence and governance in strategic collaboration: The differential of network structure on the creation of core and non-core technology. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Vives, L. & Svenjenova, S. (2011). To, from and beyond the margins: Business models: Towards an integrative framework. Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 9(3), 230-242
Wang; Y.; Roijakkers, N. & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2011). Linking open innovation to national systems of innovation: a co-evolutionary perspective. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 3(5), 446-464.
Wijen, F., Noorderhaven, N. and Vanhaverbeke, W. (2011). Structural antecedents of corporate network evolution. International Journal of Business Environment, 4(3), 207-233.
Wijen, F., Noorderhaven, N. and Vanhaverbeke, W. (2011). The dynamics of social networks and organizational ambidexterity, International Journal of Business Environment.
Wareham, J, Busquets, J. (2011) Creative and Convergent. Journal of Information Technology, 24(2), 139-143 Chesbrough, H. (2011) Business Model Innovation Long Range Planning, 43(2),172-194
Almirall, E., and Casadesus-Masanell, R. (2010). Open vs. closed innovation: A model of discovery and divergence. Academy of Management Review, 35(1), 24-47.
Badia, A., Becerril, L., Romero, M. (2010). La construcción colaborativa de conocimiento en las Redes de Comunicación Asíncrona y Escrita (RCAE): Una revisión de los instrumentos analíticos. C&E. Cultura y Educación, 22(4), 455-474.
Boisot, M., and McKelvey, B. (2010). Integrating modernist and postmodernist perspectives on organizations: a complexity science bridge. Academy of Management Review, 35(3), 415-433.
Chesbrough, H. (2010). Business model innovation: Opportunities and barriers. Long Range Planning, 43(2), 354-363.
De Jong, J., Kalvet, T., and Vanhaverbeke, W. (2010). Exploring a theoretical framework to structure policy implications of OI. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 22 (8), 877-896.
Demeure, V., Romero, M., & Lambropoulos, N. (2010). Assessment of e-learners' temporal patterns in an online collaborative writing task. ELearn Center Research Paper Series, 0(1), 5-16.
Fox, P., and Wareham, J. (2010). Governance Mechanisms in the Affiliate Marketing Channel: a Theoretical Overview and Empirical Analysis of Formal Contracts in Spain. International Journal of e-Business Research, 6(1), 1-18.
Hughes, B., Wareham, J. and Joshi, I. (2010). Doctors’ online information needs, cognitive search strategies and judgments of information quality and cognitive authority: How predictive judgments introduce bias into cognitive search models. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(3), 433-452.
Hughes, B., and Wareham, J. (2010). Knowledge arbitrage in global pharma: a synthetic view of absorptive capacity and open innovation. R&D Management, 40(3), 324-343.
Lim, K.; Chesbrough, H. & Ruan, Y. (2010). Open innovation and patterns of R&D competition. International Journal of Technology Management, 52(3/4), 295-321.
Puffer, Sheila M., McCarthy, Daniel J., and Boisot, Max (2010). Entrepreneurship in Russia and China: The impact of formal institutional voids. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34(3), 441-467.
Romero, M. (2010). Time factor in e-learning and assessment. ELearn Center Research Paper Series, 0(1), 3-70.
Sandoval-Arzaga, F., and Suárez-Barraza, M. F. (2010). Experts within kaizen teams: how to get the most from their knowledge. Development and Learning in Organizations, 24(4), 10-13.
Spender, J.-C., and Strong, B. (2010). Who Has Innovative ideas? Employees. Wall Street Journal, (August 23rd), R5.
Svejenova, S., Planellas, M., Vives, L. (2010). An Individual Business Model in the Making: A Chef’s Quest for Creative Freedom. Special Issue on Business Models. Long Range Planning, 43: 408-430.
Svejenova, S., Vives, L., Alvarez, J.L. (2010). At the crossroads of agency and communion: Defining the shared career. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(5), 707-725.
Van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke W. and Gassmann, O. (2010). Broadening the scope of Open Innovation: Introduction to the special issue. International Journal of Technology Management, 52 (3/4), 221-235.
Vanhaverbeke, W. and Du, J. (2010). Reframing the role of lead users in radical innovations: an open innovation perspective. International Journal of Business Environment, 3(2), 202-220.
Wang, Y.; Roijakkers, N. & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2011). Linking open innovation to national systems of innovation: a co-evolutionary perspective. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 3(5), 446-464.
Zhao, Y., Zhou, W., Hüsig, S. and Vanhaverbeke, W. (2010). Environment, Network Interactions and Innovation Performance of Industrial Clusters: Evidences from Germany, Netherlands and China. Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China, 1(3), 210-233.
Bueno, E., Salmador, M. P., and Spender, J.-C. (2009). Challenges and Opportunities in Building the Intelligent Enterprise: A Foreword to the Inaugural Issue. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 1(1).
Busquets, X., Rodon, J., and Wareham, J. (2009). Adaptability in Smart Business Networks. Decision Support Systems, 47(4), 287-296.
Collet, F.H. (2009). Does habitus matter? A comparative review of Bourdieu's habitus and Simon's bounded rationality with some implications for economic sociology. Sociological Theory, 27(4), 419-434.
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