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Congressos i conferències

A continuació, es presenta la relació d'articles acadèmics que han estat elaborats o en els quals han col·laborat els membres investigadors de l’EsadeGov. Aquests es presenten agrupats en funció dels diferents congressos acadèmics especialitzats en el camp de coneixement de la direcció i la gestió públiques. 

 AOM (Academy of Management Conference)  

  • Saz Carranza, A., Fernández Marín, X., Federo, R. & Losada Marrodán, C. (2018). The boards of IOs. In 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago.  
  • Esteve, M. & Ysa, T. (2010). Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Public-Private Sector Differences. Academy of Management Conference. Montreal.  
  • Esteve, M. (2009). Participation on the New Doctoral Consortium. Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Chicago.  
  • CLAD (Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública)  
  • Longo, F (2019, Noviembre) Conferencia Inaugural XXIV CLAD International Congress. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Gobernanza pública para la innovación.  
  • Longo, F. (2019, Noviembre) Conceptos e indicadores de la calidad de los organismos públicos: el divorcio entre la teoría y la práctica (Ponencia) XXIV CLAD International Congress. Buenos Aires. Argentina.  
  • Longo F., Reig, M., Andrade Botelho, C. & Castro, I. (2018, November) Relational leadership for collaborative public management (Panel). XXIII CLAD International Congress. Guadalaja, Mexico  
  • Longo, F., Losada, C. & Badell, D. (2017) Tendencias en gestión del empleo público en perspectiva comparada: los casos de Chile y España (Panel). XXII CLAD International Congress., Madrid.  
  • Reig, M., Maspons, R., Timeus, K. & Rodríguez, F. (2017). La compra pública como motor de innovación (Panel). XXII CLAD International Congress., Madrid.  
  • Longo, F (2009). Los desafíos de la gobernanza en los sistemas públicos iberoamericanos. XIV Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública. Salvador de Bahía, Brasil.  
  • Longo, F; Iacoviello, M. & Zuvanic, L. (2009). La calidad de los servicios civiles centroamericanos: una aproximación empírica. XIV Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública. Salvador Bahía, Brasil.  



EGOS Colloquium (European Group of Organizational Studies)  

  • Saz-Carranza, A. & Agranoff, Robert (2010). Measuring-up: The accountability and consensual policy-making. European Group for Public Administration 35th Anniversary. Toulouse.  
  • Ysa, T.; Lagreid, P. & Hammerschmid, G. (2009) Sub-theme 18: Escaping the iron cage of bureaucratic control or bringing the bureaucracy back in: New and old forms of autonomy and coordination in the public sector.  



EGPA (European Group for Public Administration)  

  • Saz-Carranza, A. & Agranoff, Robert (2010). Measuring-up: The accountability and consensual policy-making. European Group for Public Administration 35th Anniversary. Toulouse.  



IRSPM (International Research Society for Public Management)  

  • Klijn, E., Ysa, T., Sierra, V., Berman, E., Edelenbos, J. & Chen, D. Y. (2013, April). Trust in governance networks: Enhancing output legitimacy and performance; comparing Taiwan, Spain and The Netherlands. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Symposium conducted at the meeting of International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Masaryk University, Prague.  
  • Ysa, T. & Esteve Laporta, M. (2011, April). How to enhance innovation via inter-organizational collaborations? The role of public managers. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Symposium conducted at the meeting of International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Dublin.  
  • Esteve Laporta, M., Boyne, G., Ysa, T. & Sierra, V. (2011, April). Characteristics of collaborative public managers: Empirical evidence from Catalonia. In International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM). Symposium conducted at the meeting of International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Dublin.  
  • Esteve, M., & Ysa, T. (2010). Institutional Public Private Partnerships: Mixing Oil and Water? 14th International Research Society for Public Management Conference. Berne.  
  • Saz-Carranza, A. & Agranoff, Robert (2010). Measuring-up: The accountability and consensual policy-making. 14th IRSPM Conferencia. Berna.  
  • Ysa, T., Esteve, M., Gine, M., & Sierra, (2010). Corporate Governance Differences in the Spanish Banking System: Do Spanish Cajas Need a Governance Make-over? 14th International Research Society for Public Management Conferencia Berna.



IPMN (International Public Management Network Conference)  

  • Ysa, T. & Esteve, M. (2011) Assessing Public Networks: Proposal for a New Unit of Analysis. In van de Walle and Groeneveld, New steering concepts in public management. IPMN's series Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management.  
  • Ysa, T., Esteve, M., & Curtó, F. (2010) Networks Never Walk Alone: The Management of Network Portfolios. International Public Management Network Conference. Rotterdam.  



Governance Networks: Democracy, Policy Innovation and Global Regulation (RUC)  

  • Ysa, T., Esteve, M., & Curtó, F. (2010) Networks Never Walk Alone: The Management of Network Portfolios. Network Management Conference, Denmark.  



PMRC (Public Management Research Conference)  

  • Saz Carranza, A. (2018) Leadership of Whole Networks: The Subordination/Autonomy Tension in Intergovernmental Organizations. In Public Management Research Conference 2018, Singapore.  
  • Saz Carranza, A. & Albareda Sanz, A. (2018) Network Governance, Performance and the Inclusiveness/Efficiency Tension: A Study of EU Lobby Networks. In Public Management Research Conference 2018, Singapore.  
  •  Ysa, T. (2010) The Public Management Research Association and the International Research Society for Public Management will host a conference titled 'Research Directions for a Globalized Public Management' at the University of Hong Kong.  
  • Saz-Carranza, A.; Ysa, T. & Esteve, M (2009). Bureaucrats vs. Sharks: Managing sector differences in public-private joint ventures. Public Management Research Conference. Columbus: The John Glenn School of Public Affairs - Ohio State University.



US-EU Dialog Series (The Georgetown CBPP -Center for Business and Public Policy)  

  • Ysa,T.; Giné,M.; Esteve,M. & Sierra, V.(2011) Public corporate governance of state-owned enterprises: Evidence from the Spanish banking industry. US-EU Dialog Series (The Georgetown CBPP -Center for Business and Public Policy). 
