30è aniversari
Emprenedoria és
L’Esade Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI) celebra 30 anys connectant els investigadors i l’excel·lència acadèmica d’Esade amb el món dels negocis i l’esperit emprenedor de la nostra comunitat per potenciar la creació de noves iniciatives empresarials. Junt amb Esade, hem creat un ecosistema únic d’emprenedoria, consistent a “aprendre a aprendre”, basat en l’excel·lència investigadora i en l’apoderament dels emprenedors, que és reconegut avui com una referència internacional.
Enguany, renovem el compromís de promoure l’excel·lència acadèmica i d’inspirar i animar als futurs emprenedors, que són els qui definiran noves vies cap al futur per contribuir a millorar la societat.
Coneix els nostres emprenedors
Ens agradaria conèixer les teves experiències i opinions sobre l'emprenedoria a Esade.
No et perdis cap activitat i uneix-te a la nostra comunitat.
30 years of entrepreneurship
At Esade and the Esade Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI), we believe that entrepreneurship is more than just about creating businesses; it is a driving force that empowers individuals to have a positive influence on the world around them.
Since 1992, when the predecessor of the EEI was launched, we have taken bold strides towards connecting research and academic excellence with the business world and the entrepreneurial spirit of our students.
Our journey to entrepreneurship
As we take a breath to reflect on 30 years of groundbreaking research and entrepreneurship achievements, we stand on the verge of an exciting future. The knowledge and insights we have gained throughout our journey are the stepping stones that will guide us to shaping the next 30 and even 100 years.
have been founded or co-founded by Esade's alumni
(Gorillas in 2020, Rappi in 2015, Wefox in 2015, and Creditas in 2012).
supported by our network of tutors as final degree and master’s projects.
on TOP50 research journals since 2005.
Check our academic research, on TOP50 research journals since 2005.best MBA for entrepreneurship teaching
(Financial Times in 2022).
Calendari d’actes
Per commemorar el 30è aniversari de l’Esade Entrepreneurship Institute, hem organitzat una sèrie d’exposicions, conferències i taules rodones.
30è aniversari de l’Esade Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI)
18 de novembre, de 12.00 a 14.00 h
eGarage (Rambla of Innovation)
Start-up Day d’Esade Alumni
22 de novembre, de 8.30 a 14.30 h
Esade Forum Barcelona
Inspiring transformation, knowledge, and resources
Nurturing entrepreneurial skills and equipping aspiring entrepreneurs with the knowledge and mindset needed for driving innovation and sustainable business development.
Academic Research
By leveraging evidence-based insights, we can navigate the complexities of the entrepreneurial landscape and make better informed decisions.
Entrepreneurship Resources
We have designed it to be a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, founders, the entrepreneurship ecosystem, and dedicated researchers. It can be accessed and used anytime and from anywhere.
Our agenda for the future
As we celebrate, Esade and the EEI reaffirm their commitment to education, research, and inspiring future entrepreneurial leaders who will shape a better society. Our agenda for the future includes ensuring that our wealth of knowledge is accessible to the Esade community and beyond, contributing to social innovation and change. From hosting events like the Entrepreneurship Summit to actively participating in the startup ecosystem, our commitment to the entrepreneurial spirit remains unwavering.