Diversity and Inclusion: a Deep Dive for Leaders

Datos del programa

A program to helps you to become a more inclusive leader by using your own experiences as a lens through which to examine the power of diversity and address its challenges.

Próximas ediciones y precios

En breve informaremos de las fechas de la próxima edición.

Academic structure


Day 1

  1. The diversity spectrum and relevant DEI concepts explained.
  2. 4 levels of conversations
  3. Conversations that matter - Moving Stories event


Day 2 - Morning

  1. Group reflection on day one
  2. Francesc Granja - Author, coach and associate consultant - How to manage new learnings in a business context?
  3. Experiential activity - practice learnings


Day 2 – Afternoon

  1. Belén Moreu – HR Sn Director Pepsico – corporate best practices
  2. What are organizations doing to manage diversity and inclusion effectively?: What works and what does not work?
  3. Case in point – Apply key learning points to your organization or team

Day 3

  1. Laura guillen - Associate Professor Esade - Exploring deep-level diversity: personality, values and beliefs
  2. Work on a real life business case and reflect on your suggestions with the protagonist of the story: Do you drive positive change?



Day 4

  1. How to address change on different levels? Your mindset and toolbox, your team and your organization.
  2. Exercise: your personal plan to be a DEI changemaker.

Making a difference

Three aspects make this program truly unique:

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