People Leadership and Team Management

Driving change

Dades del programa

Participants in the program will improve their leadership competencies. This will have an impact on their teams efficiency and performance.

Properes edicions i preus

En breu informarem de les dates de la propera edició.


The program is structured in two modules. 

Module 1

We will examine the following...

  • Why is it important to manage people? The relevance of people management.
  • Competence models. 
  • Human groups and their management. 
  • The relationship between the superior and his/her team of collaborators. 
  • Change management. 
  • Self-knowledge, self-management and self-motivation. 
  • Self-assessment and development of management skills.
  • The contribution of people. The formal linking processes.
  • Emotional interaction.
  • Performance and performance evaluation.
  • Construction of high performance teams.
  • Persuasive communication and influence.
  • Negotiation and organizational facilitators.
  • Climate and communication.
  • Human Resources Planning.
  • Synthesis. People Management.

Module 2

Personalised Module

  • This module consists of 3 personal interviews, each lasting an hour and a half, over a maximum period of 4-5 months, plus 20 hours of online work.
  • Participants will receive the individual support they need to set their professional project in motion. Each participant proposes a personal objective which will be the focus of all the coaching sessions. The methodology to be used will be objective-based mentoring or coaching methodology.


  • Pere Carneado Raich

    Director · La Caixa

    Excellent. This program’s content works on areas that have an impact on people and team leadership, providing you with a wide variety of knowledge that decisively affects how you make decisions in this area.

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  • Manel Sánchez

    Fairs, Exhibitions & Customs Manager · DSV Spain

    My initial expectations regarding the value of this type of course were completely exceeded by the sheer interest taken in highlighting the enormous and immediate usefulness of the tools, ideas, concepts and case studies shared and designed to help us develop the best way to manage people and teams. One of the keys to this success was the program’s faculty, who knew from experience how to help us think and gave us the tools to get the best out of the people who work for us and who are, ultimately, the drivers of any change in the company.

  • Eulàlia Llopis

    Regional Sales Manager · Palex Medical, S.A.

    After this experience, I feel like I’ve taken a leap forward in time. The course has given me tools and helped me to discover the “secrets” to good leadership, which would otherwise have taken me years to learn. In addition to the technical concepts it taught me, I would go so far as to say that it has changed my perspective on how to work with people and helped me to understand and manage many of the challenges this entails. It has made me grow!

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Raya, Andrés - Dirección de Personas y Organización

Andrés Raya

Academic Assistant, Department of People Management and Organisation at Esade.

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Beatriz Olvera

Beatriz Olvera

Academic assistant of the Department of People Management and Organization

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Plans, Joan - Dirección de Personas y Organización

Joan Plans

Academic Assistant, Department of People Management and Organisation

Director of and Member of SpeakTacular.

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Marc Correa

Marc Correa

Senior Lecturer, Department of People Management and Organisation at Esade.

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Steven Guest

Steven Guest

Adjunct Lecturer of the Department of People Management and Organization

Consultant and coach.

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Ricard Serlavós

Ricard Serlavós

Lecturer, Department of People Management and Organization

Director of the evaluation and management skills development program.

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Conoce a Vanessa Quiroga

Conoce a Miguel Angel Ibanez

Conoce a Emanuele Monza

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