Clubs and Associations

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Clubs and Associations

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Enhance Your MBA Experience

Esade MBA student clubs offer you the chance to develop leadership and management skills, expand your interests and meet likeminded people. The clubs are divided into two categories: business and social. Being active in a club is a clear signal to prospective employers that you’re a team player with broad interests, and that you have the drive to follow your passion. All of the clubs are run by students and coordinated by the MBA student association (MBASA).

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MBASA 2024

MBASA Clubs & Communities

Beyond the classroom, students have an incredible opportunity through the MBASA Clubs & Communities to dive deeper into specific career interests and personal hobbies, build their leadership and management abilities, and engage with others to learn, grow, and connect. Three different types of clubs make up the student association club system: Business clubs, Communities, and Social clubs.


Business Clubs

Business clubs center on an industry, sector, or professional skillset, and offer students development and networking opportunities. They are limited to a maximum of 15 clubs to ensure resources (budget, time) are not spread too thin and activity is manageable.

Objective: increase the network, knowledge and job opportunities of students with a common professional interest.

Consulting Club

consulting club

President: Harshvardhan Singh Chauhan


The Consulting Club is dedicated to introducing its members to the world of consulting and providing business skills that are transferable to all industries. To gain a deep understanding of the consulting industry and create a strong platform for the upcoming batches. 


Our vision is to have a well-organized club to provide maximum value addition in the consulting career of the Consulting club members in cooperation with careers and other stakeholders and create connections with the consulting industry through meaningful events, and strategic partnerships. We believe in collaboration with other clubs within and outside Esade and consulting companies. We strive to create a collaborative and inclusive environment for the consulting club. 

What do we do?

  • Case preparation workshop and case drills: Collective preparation for the consulting application process.  
  • Events and Panel Discussion: Networking events, industry experts, and alumni speaker series.
  • Consulting Career Treks: Broaden member’s understanding of consulting and expand their professional network.
  • Career Support: Support the members of the consulting club leveraging the Esade network; a Mentoring program for 1st Year MBA students.
  • Case Book: Create and maintain an Esade case book in collaboration with multiple consulting firms.
  • Case Competition: Promote Esade in multiple case competitions to develop case-solving skills and prepare for consulting roles. 

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Consulting Club

Energy & Environment Club

Energy & Environment Club

President: Luca Lavorini

Our Mission

To make the Esade MBA Alumni aware about the role of Energy Business in our society, which is living a period of technological, social and climate changes. The club will dive with members through the main energy fields of Oil&Gas, Renewables, Generation&Supply and Decarbonisation, understanding current trend and discovering job opportunities.

Our Vision: 

To have in the next years future leaders more conscious about the deep roots of Energy in our society and willing to develop their career achieving sustainability and social responsibility goals, by taking courageous decision without dividing firms targets from socio-environmental targets.

Potential Activities: 

  • Company presentations and visits on site.
  • Networking events.
  • Competitions.
  • School-wide sustainability promotion.
  • Career Workshops.
  • Initiatives.

Company Opportunities: 

  • Direct exposure to top MBA students and future energy leaders.
  • Leverage unique perspectives of talented MBA candidates, adding extra value to projects.
  • Recruit and employ passionate students with international and proven work experience from a globaly recognized business school.

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Club President
VP of Oil&Gas
VP of Renewables
VP of Generation&Supply
VP of Decarbonisation

Energy & Environment Club

Entrepreneurship Club

Entrepreneurship Club

President: Santiago Sosa


Empowering aspiring entrepreneurs at the FT MBA at Esade, our mission is to cultivate a dynamic community that fosters collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and hands-on learning. We strive to inspire and support our members as they transform innovative ideas into successful ventures and help members who are looking to find career paths in the ecosystem. 


To be the driving force of entrepreneurial curiosity at FT MBA at Esade, our vision is to create a hub of creativity where diverse minds converge to ideate, innovate, and build groundbreaking ventures, or collaborate on existing ones. We aim to produce socially responsible entrepreneurs who lead with resilience, adaptability, and ethical values, leaving a lasting impact on industries and communities worldwide. 

What do we do

  • Support aspiring entrepreneurs to test and formulate new ideas for new ventures 
  • Share the knowledge of all members to create a collaborative community for aspiring entrepreneurs and for job seekers in the ecosystem. 
  • Be part of networking events in the very dynamic Barcelona startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem. 
  • Asist club members to find career paths in the entrepreneurial environment (startups, high growth companies, Venture Capital etc.). 
  • Connect with all Esade allies and community to create opportunities for creation of new ventures and job search. 
  • Access to top events in Barcelona and Europe for diverse industries and a trek with fellow club members. 

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Entrepreneurship Club

Finance Club

Finance Club

President: Emilio Garcia

What do we do

At the Finance Student Club at Esade, we foster a dynamic community dedicated to enriching your academic and professional journey in finance. Through engaging educational conferences, hands-on technical skill development, and vibrant networking events, we provide a space for growth, collaboration, and real-world preparation.

Our mision

Our mission is to empower and inspire finance enthusiasts at Esade. We commit to cultivating a collaborative environment that prioritizes student-centricity, skill development, and networking. By bridging academic knowledge with practical application, we aim to shape future leaders who not only excel in their careers but also contribute meaningfully to the world of finance. 

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Finance Club

Healthcare Club

Healthcare Club

President: Valentina Pacheco


Our mission is to foster the spirit of the Esade community and to expose our members to prominent healthcare companies and key stakeholders. We aim to create an environment committed to innovation and excellence, encapsulating an ecosystem where Esade's diverse talents seamlessly integrate with industry pioneers.


Our vision is to create a lasting impact in both the healthcare industry and the Esade community by empowering future healthcare leaders. We aim to shape a future where our impact extends far beyond our community, leaving an enduring legacy of transformative leadership and unparalleled innovation in the healthcare industry.

What do we do?

  • Community: Build strong and lasting connections with the healthcare club members and alumni.
  • Events & panel discussions: Industry professionals and alumni speaker series, networking events and company visits. 
  • Treks: Broaden members' understanding of the healthcare sector and expand their professional network.
  • Careers support: Support members interested in changing industry or function by leveraging the Esade network.

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Healthcare Club

Innovation & Business Development Club

President: Maria Eduarda Faria Goes Frias


Being a recent merged club with a plural community of members with multiinterests in business, the mission of the Innovation & Business Development Club is to create a dynamic space where design meets business strategy, innovation meets growth, the art of sales meets opportunity and business development meets the ultimate path to success. We believe that we can build this club based on this mix where constant exchange, learning, collaboration, and creativity are encouraged.


Our vision is to be a driving force within Esade MBA, representing the school motto ’break, create, transform’ as a tangible club. Where members potentialize their MBA experience through shared knowledge, connections with people in the I&BD industry and facilitated visits to companies, ultimately shaping empowered professionals of the future through their creativity, strategic thinking, and collaborative spirit.

What do we do

  • Promote the design thinking tools and how to apply for business problems or to generate new ideas
  • Provide the necessary tools & knowledge for design, innovation, sales and business-development
  • Strength the members’ network (through carrers, alumni, msc and externals)
  • Connect members with some companies in the field (with events, visits, pannels, etc.)
  • Share the latest trends happening in the industry with the related interests

How Do We Do It

  • Organizing club’s face-to-face encounter between the members (exchange experiences, workshops and in-house activities)
  • Bringing guests speakers related to Design, Innovation, Sales or Business Development from a company or with academic expertise
  • Building an active library (digital books, articles, posts, case studies) and collective reference list (contacts, companies, experts in the field, events)
  • Visiting companies or promoting the participation of members in projects with companies (international case competitions, open innovation challenge, etc)

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Innovation & Business Development Club


Marketing Club

Marketing Club

President: Justus Wrede

Our Vision

To be the premier platform for marketing activities recognized for our hosting outstanding events with leading industry speakers. We strive to provide members with extensive opportunities for growth, networking, and knowledge exchange by hosting events with companies and industry leaders who are looking for a unique set of profiles and a platform to share their insights about current and future trends and how to succeed in this dynamic environment.  

Our Mission

To empower and inspire our diverse community of marketing enthusiasts by providing access to pioneering industry leaders across various sectors and applying the insights we gain to real-world projects. We aim to foster a collaborative environment that accelerates our growth, equipping us with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic world of marketing. We offer companies a platform to promote their company, values, and culture to highly motivated and passionate students from a globally recognized business school and the opportunity to recruit profiles with significant work experience and international exposure.

What do we do

1. Guest Speakers and Company Visits:

  • Impactful Voices: Further your learning through exposure to industry experts.
  • Behind-the-scenes: Explore companies firsthand with exclusive visits that bring theory to life.

2. Alumni Insights Series:

  • Success Stories: Engage with seasoned alumni boasting 10+ years' experience. Learn from their triumphs and gather valuable insights.
  • Career Kickstart: Connect with alumni with less than 3 years of experience for insider tips on internships and job searches.

3. Marketing Job Atlas:

  • Navigate Your Future: Access the Marketing Job Atlas, your go-to resource for sector insights, company details, current job openings, alumni connections, and recruiter contacts.

4. Marketing Club Evenings:

  • Insights from Peers: Join our Marketing Club Evenings, where students host themed events like "FMCG Evening" and "Agency Evening" to share field-specific insights.

5. Real-world Projects: 

  • Firsthand experiences: Be part of the MBAT Sponsor Challenge! Help secure sponsor(s) for the annual athletic competition MBAT, the largest gathering of MBAs in Europe.

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Marketing Club

Net Impact Club

Net Impact Club

The Net Impact Club is a vibrant and diverse community of future leaders, united by a shared commitment to driving positive change and cultivating a prosperous global economy. By building a heightened awareness of sustainability across industries and functions, we empower members to integrate this essential mindset into their professional journeys, shaping a future where collaboration and conscious business practices intersect to create meaningful and sustainable impact.

President: Emma Rydén
Executive VP: Jérémie Meyer
VP of Strategy: Tasha Cornell-Roberts
VP of Business Development: Alejandro Bohórquez Castilla
VP of Careers: Chiara Achermann

Our vision

The Net Impact Club envisions a future where diverse leaders collaboratively drive positive change, fostering a global economy that thrives on sustainability and kindness. Fostering a net impact mindset is vital across industries and sectors, and there is no more imperative time than now to gain a global perspective on how businesses can make a positive impact on our environment and our society.

Our mission

To build awareness of sustainability across industries and functions, and empowering our members to integrate this mindset into their professional endeavours. Through collaboration, we strive to make a lasting impact by cultivating a spirit of conscious business decision-making that contributes to a prosperous global economy.

Our Values

We believe in harnessing the collective strength of a diverse group of individuals, collaborating to drive positive change, and championing sustainability as a fundamental principle in shaping a prosperous and compassionate global business community.

  • Diversity: We value the richness of diverse perspectives and recognise that strength lies in the varied experiences and backgrounds of its members.
  • Collaboration: Fostering a spirit of collaboration, the club emphasises the importance of working together to drive positive change, believing that collective efforts lead to greater impact.
  • Sustainability: Grounded in the principle of sustainability, the club champions environmentally conscious and socially responsible practices as fundamental to shaping a prosperous global business community.

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Net Impact Club


Sports Business Club

Sports Business Club

President: Javier Mc Farlane

What we do

Our Sports Business Club is not just about networking; it's about creating a dynamic and supportive community that leverages our collective passion for sports and business. 


We aim to provide our members with valuable opportunities for professional development, networking, and community support, all while fostering a deep passion for the sports industry, while having fun on and off the court. 


Establish the Sports Business Club as the go-to hub for students who are passionate about sports and business at Esade. We envision a club that empowers its members to excel in the sports industry through hands-on experiences, mentorship, networking, and participation, and create a lasting legacy of excellence.

Value Proposition from the Club

Collaboration: Opportunities to enhance your professional skills through hands-on experiences, such as organizing treks and trips that will give you insights into the sports industry, we can join other clubs to make it possible.

Community: Building a close-knit community where we support each other throughout our MBA journey. Whether it's preparing for interviews, perfecting your cover letter, or seeking feedback, we're here for you.

Exposure and Connection: Connect with industry experts, and leaders through webinars and events, helping expand our network and gain exposure to various career paths within the sports business sector, this could be either with our own contacts or from Esade.

MBAT: We will start preparations in advance and work closely with the MBAT organizing committee to ensure that our participation is flawless. Our goal will be to make sure that as many people as possible can participate, on and off the field, and to make this experience unforgettable for everyone.

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Sports Business Club

Technology Club

Tech & Media Club

President: Mihir Vaidya

Our Value 

We aim to provide an avenue for future leaders in the Technology sector to learn about the diverse world of Technology across AI, Advertising, Finance, etc, and the managerial implications in this ever-growing sector. 

What do we do

  • We invite guests for expert sessions, conduct seminars and workshops, conduct teck treks to Tech Hubs globally, and build connections with companies for networking events. 
  • We also leverage the students' past experiences in the tech sector to provide career support and job insights regularly.  

Opportunities for Companies 

  • Direct exposure to Top MBA students with an average work experience of 5+ years from diverse countries and backgrounds (technology, consulting, marketing, and finance) 
  • Access to talent from a globally recognized MBA school for internships and job opportunities.

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In the event a proposed Business club during the registration process does not reach the minimum number of members (15) it will become a community. There will be a maximum of five communities.

Objective: increase the network, knowledge and job opportunities of students with a common professional interest.

Asia Business Club

Asia Business

President: Adriene Rivera

What we do

The Asia Business Club nurtures a close and cohesive Asian community within Esade, while also spreading awareness of the diverse and fascinating cultures of our region to the entire university through the coordination of social, cultural, and professional events. 

Mission Statement

Embracing the significance of Asia, home to over half of the world's population, we are deeply passionate about its immense potential. We are committed to providing tailored insights into the region drawing from our firsthand experiences. Our mission is to bridge the gap between Asia and Esade through our diverse activities, bringing the essence of Asia closer to our university community.

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Asia Business Club

Blacks in Business & Allies Club

Blacks in Business & Allies Club

President: Ayooluwa Adebola

Board: Temi Olufotebi, Daniela Angarita, Tracy Trenary, Ngozichukwu Mbakamma.

Our Vision & Mission  

Esade Blacks in Business & Allies' (BIB&A) aims to promote the advancement of Esade's Black People Of Color (BPOC), increase the representation of Black professionals in the Esade community, and broaden the mindset of our Allies through education of social issues. By creating an inclusive environment, we will be able to aid Esade in these aspects:

  • Equip students of all races and backgrounds with tools on how to be an ally in all situations.
  • Enable the development of successful leaders through education and awareness of successful BPOC (Black, People of Color) from all sectors and walks of life.
  • Provide a safe space for diversity and inclusion conversation
  • Foster meaningful conversations on social topics
  • Create a network for Esade's BPOC current and alumni students

What We Do 

Our goal is to promote the successful progression of Black students on ESADE's Campus, creating not just a club for BPOC but a safe space for D&I conversations and recognizing unconscious bias. We plan to increase the representation of BPOC, build awareness about BPOC's challenges and collaborate with other affinity clubs to increase and strengthen the diverse community at Esade to promote Equality as aligned with Esade's "DO good Do Better." with the following activities:

  • Help students to identify attractive career opportunities in companies whose value aligns with diversity.
  • Case study sessions on cases focused exclusively on Black protagonists to showcase "Black Brilliance."
  • Inter-school & Inter-club events
  • BPOC Guest speakers
  • Annual BIBA Alumni event
  • Corporate events and treks focusing on BiB&A e.g.: Blacks at Bain.

Companies we work with: 

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Latam Business Club

Latin America Business

President: Luis Miguel Centanaro

What do we do 

We want to highlight LATAM as a cultural and business hub for the Esade community, at a professional and social level.

Our goals

  • Highlight the opportunities brought by the LATAM growing economies. Latin America is highly entrepreneurial and driven which brings business prospects for all who search for it. We want the ESADE community to know all that LATAM has to offer from a business perspective. 
  • Strengthen the network, of LATAM students, alumni, and partners. ESADE should strive to have a big presence of LATAM leaders, and that is done through a community. In this sense, we want to encourage guest speakers on business, economic, and social topics and alumni who want to share their experience in the region.
  • Increase the awareness of the LATAM heritage and culture with those who share an interest or passion for the region, through activities such as cultural fairs, food competitions, the commemoration of the most significant dates from LATAM countries, among others.
  • Along with Esade Careers help in the strengthening of ties with employers and alumni, who can foster professional development opportunities in the region.

Our Vision  

The essence of our success is the long-lasting network we will continue to build, which will be instrumental for leading positive change in the LATAM region, and the reflection on future challenges we will tackle as business and social leaders.
The club will continue the work of establishing Esade Business School in Latin America as a Top Business School in the world and contributing to the personal growth of the members of the Esade Community.

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Latam Business Club

LGBTQA+ & Allies Club


President: Alejandro Perez

What we do

Our club promotes the visibility and awareness of LGBTQ+ students on Esade's campus and helps prepare them for a career in the business world. Through a mix of social events, networking opportunities, alumni engagement and campus activities, we strive to create not just a club, but also to build a community of allies as proof of Esade's ongoing commitment to diversity.

Our Vision 

We aim to create an inclusive community at Esade, celebrate LGBTQ+ identities, and make a more loving world. As Esade’s only school-wide club, we reach out to all study programs to ensure that LGBTQ+ students have a welcoming community of support on campus. We balance a mix of social and professional activities for all members regardless of their orientation. We are also increasing the visibility of staff and student allies in addition to planning social events that make the most of our time here in Barcelona. 

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Instagram: @esadelgbtq

Women in Business and Allies Club (WIBAC)

Women in Business

What We Do

The Women in Business and Allies Club (WIBAC) is a dynamic community dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive professional landscape. Our club is a vibrant group of individuals committed to empowering women in the business world, while also promoting collaboration and understanding among all genders.  Through unwavering support, education, and advocacy, we aim to inspire positive change, shaping a future where every voice is heard, every talent is recognized, and every member is equipped to lead with confidence and impact.

Leadership Team

President - Joanne Bartolome
VP Partnership - Lara Bartilotti Picanço 
VP Careers - Rita Marcelino 
VP Marketing - Adriana Brousset 
VP Mentorship - Júlia Vieira 
VP Events - Carina La Garde 


The Women in Business & Allies Club envisions a world where all individuals, regardless of gender, thrive and excel in the dynamic landscape of business. We aspire to be a transformative force, cultivating a community that celebrates the unique strengths of women while actively promoting inclusivity and allyship. Our vision is to create a powerful network that not only empowers women in their professional journeys but also champions equality, diversity, and collaboration.


Our mission is to create a supportive space where women, men, and non-binary folk can thrive, share experiences, and build meaningful connections. We believe in the power of diversity and the invaluable contributions that every individual brings to the table. As advocates for equality, we actively encourage the participation of allies – men and women alike – who share our vision for a more inclusive workplace.


What sets our club apart is the emphasis on both personal and professional growth. Through a series of engaging events, workshops, and networking opportunities, members can develop their skills, gain insights from successful professionals, and cultivate a strong support system.

  • Leadership: We believe in the strength of collaboration and actively encourage partnerships and alliances among our members, allies, and the broader community.
  • Allyship: We recognize the importance of allies in promoting gender equality and welcome the active participation of individuals of all genders in our efforts.
  • Celebration: We celebrate the achievements and milestones of our members, recognizing and applauding their contributions to the business community.
  • Integrity: We believe in doing what’s right, and fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome, respected, and heard.

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Women In Business & Allies Club (WIBAC)

Social Clubs

Objective: organize and facilitate sports, hobby, and leisure activities for students that have a common interest.

Business Communications Club

President: Mark Halstead


Our mission as the Esade Business Communication club is to empower MBA students with the transformative skills, insights and support essential for mastering business communication. We are dedicated to cultivating a community of future leaders who excel in conveying ideas, building meaningful connections and navigating the intricate landscape of professional communication. Through dynamic learning experiences, hands-on training, and a supportive network, we strive to equip our members with the confidence and proficiency to thrive in diverse business communication scenarios. We also strive to provide a view into the Business Communications sector and possible networking opportunities in this field.


We envision the Esade Business Communications Club as the link for cultivating a new generation of leaders distinguished by their exceptional communication skills. We foresee a community where members seamlessly integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills. We aim to provide a space where our members would have access to the support required to overcome their language inhibitions and barriers, gain knowledge and learn more about the Communications sector. We aspire for our members to lead through impactful leadership and compelling narratives.


  • To offer knowledge sessions with public speaking experts about theoretical communication techniques
  • To organize practical speaking sessions for Esade MBA students (topics such as: Toastmasters format, elevator and/or startup pitches, etc)
  • To provide debate sessions to improve your ability to communicate in an impactful manner
  • To provide feedback and structured guidance about public speaking skills
  • To select and train Esade MBA students for the annual TEDx Esade conference
  • To provide access to people in the Business Communications sector
  • To collaborate with the Esade careers, alumni and other MBA programs to provide knowledgeable and meaningful events

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Business Communications Club

Data Analytics & AI Club

President: Ayush Panara


Ecosystem focused on exploration on usage of data analytics and AI across in diverse careers and learning the real world implications via industry engagement We envision a community committed to empowering individuals in every stream to excel in this new technology.


  • Empower members through hands-on experiences in data analytics and AI toold.
  • Bridge academia with industry, creating opportunities for students to delve into the realms of data analytics and AI and how research finding can be applied to business sense.
  • Engage with current alumni and connections in leadership roles on how they have applied this evolving digital landscape to solve problems.

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Data Analytics & AI Club

Digital Transformation Club

President: Felix Maria Hajek

Welcome to the Digital Transformation Club, your comprehensive gateway to the dynamic and rapidly evolving world of technology. As a central hub for technological
exploration and innovation, our club is passionately dedicated to immersively connect MBA students with the cutting-edge realms of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and VR/AR/XR. Our mission is two-fold: to keep you informed and adept in the face of the global tech revolution, and to equip you with the practical tools and insights necessary to excel in the modern business landscape.

Our Focus Areas:

  • Blockchain: Dive deep into the potential of blockchain in transforming business practices. We offer interactive sessions and real-world applications to help you understand and explore the practicality of cryptocurrencies, smart contracts,
    and DApps. 
  • Artificial Intelligence: Engage in a comprehensive understanding of AI's profound and sweeping impact on both business and society. Through hands-on
    activities and discussions, we delve into machine learning and AI-driven business strategies, allowing you to grasp how AI influences decision-making
    and innovation.
  • VR/AR/XR: Step into the future with Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (XR). Our club offers experiences that demonstrate how these immersive technologies are not only reshaping customer engagement but are also revolutionizing business operations.

What We Offer:

  • Practical Workshops: Our workshops and mini-projects are designed to offeryou hands-on experience with new technologies, giving you a real feel for the tools shaping the business world of tomorrow.
  • Resource Hub: Access our curated selection of informative articles, tools, and practical tips. These resources are specifically chosen to streamline your learning and enhance your application of emerging technologies in a business context.
  • Collaborative Projects: Engage in collaborative projects that apply technological concepts to real-world business scenarios. These projects are designed to enhance your practical understanding and application skills.

Our Mission

Our primary objective is to ensure that you are proficient and well-versed in the key areas of digital innovation. We prepare you to confidently tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities in a tech-driven business world. The Digital Transformation Club is more than a community; it is a vital resource and a catalyst for aspiring leaders in the digital age.

Join Us

Step into a world where cutting-edge technology and business intersect. Enhance your MBA journey and prepare for a future shaped by technology with the Digital Transformation Club. Together, let’s embrace and shape the future of technology in business!

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Digital Transformation (Cryptocurrency & Web3)

Family Business Club

Family Business Club

President: Nickolaos Papaioannou


  • Fostering a vibrant and enduring community.  
  • Cultivating long-lasting connections and collaborations. 
  • Striving to form partnerships with other institutions in Barcelona. 


  • Creating an environment for networking, mentorship, and idea-sharing. 
  • To serve as a hub for knowledge exchange. 
  • Providing a platform for insightful talks, seminars, and workshops. 

What We Do

  • Organize events featuring successful family business owners, and specialized professors to share their insights and experiences. 
  • Offer workshops concentrating on key aspects like succession planning, strategic growth, and family dynamics in business. 
  • Act as a bridge connecting our members not only within the MBA program but also establishing ties with other educational institutions and business networks across Barcelona. 
  • Encouraging an environment that allows open discussions and constructive conflicts among members to facilitate successful succession or effective collaboration within family business dynamics. 

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Family Business Club

Fashion, Retail, and Luxury Club

Luxury, Fashion & Retail_Blue

President: Camila Restrepo

Navigating Careers in Style 

At the Luxury, Fashion, and Retail Club, we guide ESADE MBA students through the practical facets of the luxury, fashion, and retail industries, equipping them for successful career changes or continuations on their professional paths. 


Our mission is clear — introduce MBA students to the diverse realms of luxury, fashion, and retail, paving the way for a future career in these dynamic industries.


We envision a collaborative space for growth and innovation, where partnerships with companies and alumni are forged for the mutual benefit of current and future members. 

What We Offer

Are you eager to delve into the practicalities of fashion, retail, and luxury industries? Perhaps you're contemplating a career switch? The ESADE MBA Fashion, Retail, and Luxury Club is your go-to resource, providing practical insights and support. 

Career Transition Assistance

Considering a shift in your career path? Our club is committed to offering resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Whether you're transitioning from finance, technology, or other fields, we're here to facilitate your seamless entry into the dynamic world of fashion, retail, and luxury. 

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The Luxury, Fashion & Retail Club

G.A.M.E. Club

President: Pablo Espona

What We Do 

The G.A.M.E. Club aims to connect students and professionals in games, arts, media & entertainment and to form both a social and professional community that enriches the MBA and the opportunities members have for creative expression. We hope to unveil the secrets behind the corporate side of the creative industries, illuminating members on the multitude of roles they can take in companies like Disney, Activision, Sotheby's, Spotify and more.

Our Vision 

Create a lasting legacy and strong reputation for Esade in the Games, Arts, Media & Entertainment industries through our activities, network, and Esade alumni in the industry.

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G.A.M.E. (Games, Arts, Media & Entertainment) Club

Human-Centered Innovation Club

President: Rui Brites


The Human-Centered Innovation Club is committed to creating an active and collaborative space for MBA students to explore, discuss, and embrace innovation centered around people.
Our mission is to motivate and empower aspiring business leaders to use human-centered approaches to drive positive change in the business world and society.
We envision a generation of leaders capable of drawing from the learnings of this club to magnify their impact in the issues they are most passionate about solving.

What we do

Educational Experience:

  • Introduce members to the concept of human-centricity and discuss its implications for business 
  • Explore practical applications through specific examples of companies, functions, and projects

Career Building:

  • Guide members on how to build a career in human-centered innovation
  • Provide support on application of tools to any professional passion

Promoting Innovation Mindset:

  • Encourage members to cultivate an innovation mindset by staying informed about the latest trends and advancements in business innovation.
  • Provide a platform for members to share ideas and insights, fostering a culture of creativity and forward-thinking.

How we do it

Community Engagement:

  • Connect club activities to individual passions, spanning areas such as entrepreneurship, marketing, data, AI, technology, social impact, sustainability, finance, and beyond
  • Engage with the local community through projects, initiatives, and events that apply human-centered innovation principles to address societal challenges.
  • Foster a sense of social responsibility among members, emphasizing the role of business in contributing positively to society.

Hands-On Workshops and Events:

  • Organize regular workshops, seminars, and events focused on practical skills and methodologies related to human-centered design thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
  • Collaborate with industry professionals and experts to provide valuable insights and real-world perspectives.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

  • Facilitate collaboration among MBA students from various specializations, promoting cross-disciplinary interactions that mirror real-world business scenarios.
  • Encourage partnerships with other student organizations, departments, and industry partners to enrich the learning experience.

Membership Benefits:

Networking opportunities with like-minded MBA students, faculty, and industry professionals.
Access to exclusive events, workshops, and resources focused on human-centered innovation.
Opportunities to collaborate on projects that have a real impact on local and global communities.
Development of critical skills in design thinking, problem-solving, entrepreneurship, and strategy.

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Human-Centered Innovation

Operations & Supply Chain Club

Operations & Supply Chain Management Club

President: Johann Robleto


The Operations & Supply Chain Club is built on collaboration, knowledge sharing, and real-world application. We want to provide members with all the skills, insights, and connections necessary to achieve their personal goals.   

Our vision

Our vision is to prepare our members to understand not only how supply chain works in different industries but also to identify risks and improvement opportunities. 

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Operations and Supply Chain Club

Real estate Club

real state club

President: Álvaro Riera
Executive VP: Katrina Koruga
VP of Events: Conor McKiernan
VP of Strategy: Daniel Marion

The Real Estate Club is about connecting people around this business, hanging out meeting new friends, and sharing our knowledge in this field with love and passion.

Our Mission

Our mission is to connect people interested in this business, coming from different backgrounds, but talking about it in a friendly mood and sharing their experiences to learn and improve from different perspectives.

In this way, we can attract many people with the same interest and start a little community to gather information from different points of view.

What do we do

First, we will try to meet up once a month to comment on the real estate situation around the world and some open positions at big companies.

In addition, we will hold a community meeting and have dinners in Barcelona. We will try to make some trips around Europe to realize different opportunities and what is going on in other countries.

To conclude, the main goal of the club is to gather people with the same interest in the real estate industry and have fun learning and sharing thoughts about everything that could surround this business.

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Real estate

Esade MBASA VP 2024

  • Vitor Vssimon

    MBASA President

    One of the main reasons for applying to MBASA was because I quickly learned this association was at the heart of Esade's MBA experience. Setting guidelines, empowering the student clubs and organizing opportunities for growth and learning throughout the cohort seemed like a rewarding challenge. And I was not wrong. I cannot imagine my MBA journey without all the teachings that being in such a position has offered me and I will take those learnings to future projects and endeavours.

    My role as president is coordinating projects and priorities within the MBASA board so we can work as effectively as possible and achieve our collective objectives!

  • Nikita Samyal

    VP of Communications

    In the heart of Esade, the MBA clubs and Student Associate are committed to fostering growth with values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the backdrop. Active involvement in these vibrant clubs helps us establishes lasting partnerships, network and amplify outside classroom learning.

    As the Vice President of Communications, my responsibility is to articulate and promote these diverse activities, creating a narrative that reflects the rich tapestry of the MBA community. Through this, I contribute to uniting us in our collective career pursuits, working towards continuously enhancing the MBA experience for myself and my peers. 

Discover the MBASA World at Esade

Connect with success on MBASA's Instagram. Follow their inspiring journey now!

Full Time MBA Sunset Gala.

The MBAs hosted their first ever, end of year Sunset Gala in order to celebrate all of their hard work and efforts throughout the first year of the MBA alongside Esade Faculty and Staff.

Esade is a global academic institution known for the quality of its education, its international outlook, and its focus on holistic personal development, as well as for its strong ties to the business world. At Esade we aim to drive meaningful change through social commitment and innovation.


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Click on the link below to learn more about the new MBA for future "creative activists".

Full Time MBA - Flip your perspective, rethink success

Clubs and Associations

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