Innova Law

Betting on innovation in the legal field

Driving innovation in the legal world

Innovation is transforming society, industries, our ways of communicating, buying, learning, working ... and the world of law. Innova Law is part of the drive by Esade Law School to introduce innovation into classrooms and learning methodologies, to inspire the disruptive spirit in our students, and organise activities that connect current events and future trends.

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Courses, workshops, breakfast meetings

Innovation and its impact on various legal spheres are the central topic of numerous talks and educational and informative events organised during the year.

Upcoming events will be announced as soon as on campus activities are resumed.

Initiatives by former students

Esade Law School encourages creative and holistic thinking among its students. Entrepreneurship, innovation, the use of new technologies, and financial-business training leads many of them to create their own business ideas and ground-breaking initiatives within the legal world.

Meet the Esade alumni who are bringing innovation to the legal world with their projects and be inspired by their ideas and initiatives.

  • Giró, Oriol

    Giró, Oriol

    Creator of the EMINDSET LAW FIRM start-up

    Oriol is a former student of the University Master in Law Practice and together with a colleague he started the Emindset Law Firm – a firm that advises and accompanies technology companies, YouTubers, and new investors in the legal and financial fields. His time at ESADE enabled him to develop his differential skills by combining law, business, and entrepreneurship. His legal knowledge and business vision led him to focus on a niche market by offering services to technology companies, investors in start-ups, and the new generation of digital creators: YouTubers and influencers. He chose to create a model that differed from traditional firms by charging lower fees and offering good working conditions for employees by eliminating long days of endless work and offering family-friendly working hours: ‘You can be a lawyer and be happy’.

    Visit the web

  • Galeano, Isabella

    Galeano, Isabella

    Creator of ‘The Quirky Lawyer’ and ‘The Technolawgist’

    Isabella is a former student and now a lecturer at ESADE and the creator of a podcast on iTunes about legal innovation: The Quirky Lawyer. As an expert on legal innovation, she advises lawyers who want to learn about trends in legal innovation and the technologies transforming the sector. Isabella's aim is to use new technologies to share complex technical knowledge in an accessible way – and so inspire lawyers to easily adopt new ideas in the legal field.


    Listen on iTunes

    She has just released The Technolawgist: Law, Tech, Future which publishes content about Legal Tech and legal innovation – together with news about technology and digital change.


    The sector is in full transformation and lawyers are increasingly interested in Legal Tech, innovation, and artificial intelligence. The objective is to create a space for reflection and strategic debate that will become a benchmark in the Legal Tech sector.

    See the latest articles published here