Professorat i Investigació
De Marchi, Valentina
Formació acadèmica
- Economía y Management. Universita degli Studi di Padova
- Economía y Gestión de redes. Universita Ca Doscari Venezia
- Marketing y Gestión de empresas. Universita Ca Foscari Venezia
Àrees d'interès
- ODS 9 - Indústria, innovació i infraestructures
- ODS 12 - Consum i producció responsables
- ODS 8 - Treball digne i creixement econòmic
La professora Valentina De Marchi és doctora en Economia i Management per la Universitat de Pàdua Itàlia i màster en Economia i Gestió de Xarxes per la Universitat Ca’ Foscari de Venècia.
Abans d’incorporar-se a Esade en 2022, era professora associada de la Universitat de Pàdua. Ha estat professora visitant del Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness de la Universitat de Duke Estats Units, del Departament d’Innovació i Economia de l’Organització de la Copenhagen Business School Dinamarca, del Departament d’Administració d’Empreses i Màrqueting de la Universitat Jaume I i del Center for Frugal Innovation in Africa de la Universitat Erasmus de Rotterdam Països Baixos.
S’interessa per entendre com les empreses poden desenvolupar innovacions mediambientals en el context de les cadenes de valor globals i dels negocis internacionals. Ha investigat en economia circular i tecnologies digitals 4.0, en les tensions i paradoxes de les innovacions mediambientals, en el desenvolupament local i en les pràctiques de sostenibilitat, especialment en el context de les pimes en districtes industrials.
És autora o coautora de més de 54 articles de Scopus, publicats a revistes com Research Policy, Business Strategy & the Environment, el Journal of Business Ethics, l’International Journal of Production Economics i Economic Geography. Ha publicat números especials a revistes com la California Management Review i coeditat el llibre Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation. És editora adjunta del Journal of Industrial and Business Economics i membre dels consells editorials d’Organization & Environment i del Journal of International Business Studies i, des de 2023, és subdirectora del Journal of International Business Policy.
És molt activa en les comunitats acadèmiques: és representant nacional a la European International Business Academy EIBA; ha estat presidenta del Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment GRONEN 2020-2022, i membre del comitè organitzador de les xarxes globals de la Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics SASE 2018-2023.
L’apassionen l’impacte i la projecció; és ponent de xerrades TedX, participa regularment en actes polítics i sectorials, i ha col·laborat en diversos projectes de recerca nacionals i internacionals.
Publicacions destacades
- Danese, G. & De Marchi, V. (2024, December). Business adaptation strategies to climate change: A systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 485, 144322. DOI:
- Carmine, S., De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2024). Industrial districts, multinational corporations, and their local/global paradoxes. Investigaciones Regionales, 2024 (60), pp. 89-103. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. (Accepted/In press). (2024). Legitimation Strategies for Regenerative Business Practices Throughout Supply Networks. Journal of Supply Chain Management.
- De Marchi, V. (2024). Policies for an environmentally sustainable development in global value chains. Handbook of International Business Policy (pp. 346-356). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- Van Assche, A. & De Marchi, V. (2024). Defining the boundaries of international business policy research. Journal of International Business Policy, 7 (1), pp. 1-11. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. (2024). Strategic Alliances in the Renewable Electricity Sector: The effects of governance choice and ESG performance (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Department of Society, Politics, and Sustainability.
- De Marchi, V. (2023). Saving the planet requires to account for global value chain emissions.
- Molina-Morales, F. X., De Marchi, V., Martínez-Cháfer, L. & Valiente-Bordanova, D. (2023). Everything must change for us to remain the same. Resilience in the face of disruptive innovations in industrial districts. European Planning Studies, 31 (12), pp. 2614-2636. DOI:
- Alford, M., De Marchi, V. & Krishnan, A. (2023). Drivers, tensions and trade-offs in achieving social and environmental upgrading in global value chains. Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 43-60). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- Ponte, S., De Marchi, V., Bettiol, M. & di Maria, E. (2023). The horizontal governance of environmental upgrading: Lessons from the Prosecco and Valpolicella wine value chains in Italy. Environment and Planning A, 55 (8), pp. 1884-1905. DOI:
- Lacidogna, G., Borla, O. & De Marchi, V. (2023). Statistical Seismic Analysis by b-Value and Occurrence Time of the Latest Earthquakes in Italy. Remote Sensing, 15 (21), 5236. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. (2023). What local wine producers can teach global industries about green practices.
- Pineda-Escobar, M. A., De Marchi, V. & Knorringa, P. (2023). Advancing the measurement of frugal innovation. Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement (pp. 375-390). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- De Marchi, V. & Carmine, S. (2023). Willing & Able: Configurations for a Paradoxical Frame in Corporate Sustainability.
- Carmine, S. & De Marchi, V. (2023, April). Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability Toward a Systems Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 184 (1), pp. 139-158. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. & Gereffi, G. (2023). Using the global value chain framework to analyse and tackle global environmental crises. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 50 (1), pp. 149-159. DOI:
- Krishnan, A., De Marchi, V. & Ponte, S. (2023). Environmental Upgrading and Downgrading in Global Value Chains: A Framework for Analysis. Economic Geography, 99 (1), pp. 25-50. DOI:
- Carmine, S. & De Marchi, V. (2022). Tensions and outcomes in corporate sustainbility: The moderating role of paradoxical frame. Journal of Cleaner Production, 380, 134952. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., Cainelli, G. & Grandinetti, R. (2022). Multinational subsidiaries and green innovation. International Business Review, 31 (6), 102027. DOI:
- Dyba, W. & De Marchi, V. (2022). On the road to Industry 4.0 in manufacturing clusters: the role of business support organisations. Competitiveness Review, 32 (5), pp. 760-776. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., Molina-Morales, F. X. & Martínez-Cháfer, L. (2022). Environmental innovation and cooperation: A configurational approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182, 121835. DOI:
- Pasquali, G. & De Marchi, V. (2022). Public Governance and Technological Capabilities in the Kenyan Leather Industry. African Affairs, 121 (484), pp. 419-441. DOI:
- Ortolan, S., Neunhaeuserer, D., Giacomelli Quinto, J., Barra Chicote, R., Centanini, A., Battista, F., Vecchiato, M., De Marchi, V., Celidoni, M., Rebba, V. & Ermolao, A. (2022, June). Potential Cost Savings for the Healthcare System by Physical Activity in Different Chronic Diseases: A Pilot Study in the Veneto Region of Italy [Paper presentation].
- De Marchi, V. & Alford, M. (2022). State policies and upgrading in global value chains: A systematic literature review. Journal of International Business Policy, 5 (1), pp. 88-111. DOI:
- di Maria, E., De Marchi, V. & Galeazzo, A. (2022). Industry 4.0 technologies and circular economy: The mediating role of supply chain integration. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31 (2), pp. 619-632. DOI:
- Panwar, R., Pinkse, J. & De Marchi, V. (2022). The Future of Global Supply Chains in a Post-COVID-19 World. California Management Review, 64 (2), pp. 5-23. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., Pineda-Escobar, M. A., Howell, R., Verheij, M. & Knorringa, P. (2022, January). Frugal innovation and sustainability outcomes: findings from a systematic literature review. European Journal of Innovation Management, 25 (6), pp. 984-1007. DOI:
- Alonso-Martínez, D., De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2021). The sustainability performances of sustainable business models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 323, 129145. DOI:
- Apa, R., De Marchi, V., Grandinetti, R. & Sedita, S. R. (2021). University-SME collaboration and innovation performance: the role of informal relationships and absorptive capacity. Journal of Technology Transfer, 46 (4), pp. 961-988. DOI:
- Hofstetter, J. S., De Marchi, V., Sarkis, J., Govindan, K., Klassen, R., Ometto, A. R., Spraul, K., Bocken, N., Ashton, W. S., Sharma, S., Jaeger-Erben, M., Jensen, C., Dewick, P., Schröder, P., Sinkovics, N., Ibrahim, S. E., Fiske, L., Goerzen, A. & Vazquez-Brust, D. (2021). From Sustainable Global Value Chains to Circular Economy¿Different Silos, Different Perspectives, but Many Opportunities to Build Bridges. Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1 (1), pp. 21-47. DOI:
- Lica, D., di Maria, E. & De Marchi, V. (2021). Co-location of R&D and production in fashion industry. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 25 (1), pp. 133-152. DOI:
- Bettiol, M., Capestro, M., De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Sedita, S. R. (2021). Industrial districts and the fourth industrial revolution. Competitiveness Review, 31 (1), pp. 12-26. DOI:
- Molina-Morales, F. X., De Marchi, V. & Martínez-Cháfer, L. (2021). Absorptive capacity and radical innovation in industrial districts. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 33 (9), pp. 1088-1100. DOI:
- di Maria, E., De Marchi, V. & Bonel, E. (2021). Spin-offs, Environmental KIBS and the Role of Universities for Sustainability. Sustainable Development Goals Series (pp. 53-64). Springer. DOI:
- Bolisani, E., Fedeli, M., Bierema, L. & De Marchi, V. (2021). United we adapt: communities of practice to face the CoronaVirus crisis in higher education. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 19 (4), pp. 454-458. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. (2020). Thesis title: "Fast as a tortoise. Paradox in sustainability: conceptual and empirical insights" (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Department of Society, Politics, and Sustainability.
- Dyba, W., Stryjakiewicz, T. & De Marchi, V. (2020). Knowledge sourcing and cluster life cycle¿a comparative study of furniture clusters in Italy and Poland. European Planning Studies, 28 (10), pp. 1979-1998. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E., Golini, R. & Perri, A. (2020). Nurturing International Business research through Global Value Chains literature: A review and discussion of future research opportunities. International Business Review, 29 (5), 101708. DOI:
- Alonso-Martínez, D., De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2020). Which country characteristics support corporate social performance?. Sustainable Development, 28 (4), pp. 670-684. DOI:
- Cainelli, G., De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2020). Do knowledge-intensive business services innovate differently?. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 29 (1), pp. 48-65. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2020). Achieving circular economy via the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies. Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning (pp. 163-178). Springer. DOI:
- Bolisani, E., Fedeli, M., De Marchi, V. & Bierema, L. (2020). Together we win. In Wensley, A., Evans, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, ICICKM 2020 (pp. 72-79). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2019). Environmental upgrading and suppliers' agency in the leather global value chain. Sustainability Switzerland, 11 (23), 6530. DOI:
- di Maria, E., De Marchi, V. & Spraul, K. (2019). Who benefits from university¿industry collaboration for environmental sustainability?. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20 (6), pp. 1022-1041. DOI:
- di Maria, E., De Marchi, V. & Gereffi, G. (2019). Local clusters and global value chains. Handbook on Global Value Chains (pp. 403-416). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E., Krishnan, A. & Ponte, S. (2019). Environmental upgrading in global value chains. Handbook on Global Value Chains (pp. 310-323). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- Golini, R., De Marchi, V., Boffelli, A. & Kalchschmidt, M. (2018). Which governance structures drive economic, environmental, and social upgrading? A quantitative analysis in the assembly industries. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, pp. 13-23. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., Giuliani, E. & Rabellotti, R. (2018). Do global value chains offer developing countries learning and innovation opportunities?. European Journal of Development Research, 30 (3), pp. 389-407. DOI:
- Albort-Morant, G., Leal-Rodríguez, A. L. & De Marchi, V. (2018). Absorptive capacity and relationship learning mechanisms as complementary drivers of green innovation performance. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22 (2), pp. 432-452. DOI:
- Bettiol, M., De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2018). Social Entrepreneurship and Upgrading in Emerging Economies. Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Management (pp. 103-118). Springer. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. (2018). Offshore. Exploring the worlds of global outsourcing. Regional Studies, 52 (7), pp. 1022-+. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., Gereffi, G. & Grandinetti, R. (2017). Evolutionary trajectories of industrial districts in global value chains. Local Clusters in Global Value Chains (pp. 33-50). Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Gereffi, G. (2017). Local clusters in global value chains: Linking actors and territories through manufacturing and innovation. Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Gereffi, G. (2017). Industrial districts, clusters and global value chains. Local Clusters in Global Value Chains (pp. 1-18). Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Gereffi, G. (2017). New frontiers for competitiveness and innovation in clusters and value-chains research. Local Clusters in Global Value Chains (pp. 213-225). Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:
- Antonietti, R., De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2017). Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: Evidence from Italian manufacturing firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 155, pp. 103-113. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2017). Regional Innovation Systems or Innovative Regions? Evidence from Italy. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 108 (2), pp. 234-249. DOI:
- Bettiol, M., De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2016). Developing capabilities in new ventures: A knowledge management approach. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 14 (2), pp. 186-194. DOI:
- Chiarvesio, M., De Marchi, V. & di Maria, E. (2015). Environmental Innovations and Internationalization: Theory and Practices. Business Strategy and the Environment, 24 (8), pp. 790-801. DOI:
- Cainelli, G., De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2015). Does the development of environmental innovation require different resources? Evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 94, pp. 211-220. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., Lee, J. & Gereffi, G. (2014). Globalization, Recession and the Internationalization of Industrial Districts: Experiences from the Italian Gold Jewellery Industry. European Planning Studies, 22 (4), pp. 866-884. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2014). Industrial districts and the collapse of the marshallian model: Looking at the italian experience. Competition and Change, 18 (1), pp. 70-87. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Ponte, S. (2014). Multinational firms and the management of global networks. Orchestration of the Global Network Organization (pp. 463-486). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- Bettiol, M., De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Grandinetti, R. (2014, January). New ventures and the development of marketing capabilities: the role of business innovation ecosystems [Paper presentation]. 9th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics IFKAD, Matera.
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Ponte, S. (2013). The greening of global value chains: Insights from the furniture industry. Competition and Change, 17 (4), pp. 299-318. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2013). Knowledge strategies for environmental innovations: The case of Italian manufacturing firms. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17 (4), pp. 569-582. DOI:
- Bettiol, M., De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Grandinetti, R. (2013). Determinants of Market Extension in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services: Evidence from a Regional Innovation System. European Planning Studies, 21 (4), pp. 498-515. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Micelli, S. (2013). Environmental Strategies, Upgrading and Competitive Advantage in Global Value Chains. Business Strategy and the Environment, 22 (1), pp. 62-72. DOI:
- Bettiol, M., De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Grandinetti, R. (2013, January). Smart networks for innovation and production: the role of designers, makers and customers [Paper presentation]. 8th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics IFKAD, Zagreb.
- Bettiol, M., De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Grandinetti, R. (2013). Managing knowledge in smart networks. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 13 (3), pp. 245-262. DOI:
- di Maria, E., Bettiol, M., De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2012). Developing and managing distant markets: The case of KIBS. Economia Politica, 29 (3), pp. 361-379. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. (2012). Environmental innovation and R&D cooperation: Empirical evidence from Spanish manufacturing firms. Research Policy, 41 (3), pp. 614-623. DOI:
- Galeazzo, A., Tognazzo, A. & De Marchi, V. (2012). Environmental leaders in the private sector. Environmental Leadership (pp. 209-217). SAGE Publications. DOI:
- De Marchi, V. & Grandinetti, R. (2012, January). The economy of the north eastern Italy: [{"locale":"it","text":"crisi e discontinuità evolutiva. Industria, 33 (1), pp. 129-164. DOI:
- De Marchi, V., di Maria, E. & Frederick, S. (2007). North Carolina's textile and apparel industry: Recent survey results. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 5 (4).