Professorat i Investigació
Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth
Formació acadèmica
- Doctor en Filosofía. Universidad de Harvard
- Licenciatura en Ciencias Económicas. Universitat de Barcelona
Àrees d'interès
- ODS 12 - Consum i producció responsables
Ruth V. Aguilera és professora visitant a ESADE Business School durant el curs 2011-2012. És professora titular i membre del Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society del College of Business de la Universitat d'Illinois a Urbana-Champaign. També acompleix càrrecs honorífics a la School of Labor and Employment Relations, al College of Law i al Departament de Sociologia de la Universitat d'Illinois. Té un Diploma universitari en Anàlisi Empresarial per la Universitat de Lancaster, una Llicenciatura en Ciències Econòmiques per la Universitat de Barcelona i un Màster i un Doctorat en Sociologia per la Universitat de Harvard. La recerca de la professora Aguilera se situa a la intersecció de la sociologia econòmica i els negocis internacionals, concretament en els camps de la governança corporativa comparada i la responsabilitat social de l'empresa. Els seus treballs de recerca s'han publicat en revistes científiques com Academy of Management Review, British Journal of Industrial Relations, British Journal of Management, Business Ethics Quarterly, Corporate Governance: International Review, European Sociological Review, Global Strategy Journal, International Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organization Science, and Organization Studies, i també a les actes de diversos congressos i en nombrosos capítols de llibres. A més, és coeditora, junt ament amb Michal Federowicz, del libre Corporate Governance in a Changing Economic and Political Environment: Trajectories of Institutional Change Palgrave McMillan, 2004. És directora associada de Corporate Governance: International Review i membre del consell editorial de set journals del màxim nivell en els camps del management i els negocis internacionals.
Publicacions destacades
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2024). Gobierno corporativo: del cumplimiento normativo a la creación de valor empresarial y social. Harvard Deusto Business Review, (350), pp. 78-83.
- Edman, J., Cuypers, I. R., Ertug, G. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2024). Nationalist sentiments and the multinational enterprise: insights from organizational sociology. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 55 (7), pp. 825-839. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Desender, K. & Lõpezpuertas-Lamy, M. (2024, August). From Universal Owners to Owners of the Universe? How the Big Three Are Reshaping Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance: An International Review. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Crespí-Cladera, R., Martín-Oliver, A. & Pascual-Fuster, B. (2024). Ownership, Control, and Productivity: Family Firms in Comparative Perspective. Journal of Management. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Federo, R., Justo, R., Merida, A. & Pascual-Fuster, B. (2024, July). The Corporate Governance of Business Groups Around the World: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Corporate Governance: An International Review. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Bermejo Boixareu, V. J., Capape Aguilar, J. & Cuñat, V. (E-pub ahead of print). (2024). The systemic governance influence of expectation documents: Evidence from a universal owner. The Review of Corporate Finance Studies. DOI:
- Ellimäki, P., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Hurtado-Torres, N. E. & Aragón-Correa, J. A. (2024). The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises' environmental outcomes vol 54, pg 910, 2023: The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises' environmental outcomes Journal of International Business Studies, 2023, 54, 5, 910-927, 10.1057/s41267-022-00580-0. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 55 (1), pp. 125. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., De Massis, A., Fini, R. & Vismara, S. (2024). Organizational Goals, Outcomes, and the Assessment of Performance: Reconceptualizing Success in Management Studies. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (1), pp. 1-36. DOI:
- Haxhi, I. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2024). Comparative corporate governance. Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management (pp. 32-34). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- Jain, T., Zicari, A. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2023). Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. Research Handbook on Corporate Governance and Ethics (pp. 113-129). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2023). Corporate Purpose in Comparative Perspective: The Role of Governance. Strategy Science, 8 (2), pp. 193-201. DOI:
- Ellimäki, P., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Hurtado-Torres, N. E. & Aragón-Correa, J. A. (2023). The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises' environmental outcomes. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 54 (5), pp. 910-927. DOI:
- Morris, S., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Fisher, G. & Thatcher, S. M. (2023). FROM THE EDITORS THEORIZING FROM EMERGING MARKETS: CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND PUBLISHING ADVICE. The Academy of Management Review, 48 (1), pp. 1-10. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Aragón-Correa, J. A. & Marano, V. (2022). RETHINKING CORPORATE POWER TO TACKLE GRAND SOCIETAL CHALLENGES: LESSONS FROM POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. The Academy of Management Review, 47 (4), pp. 637-645. DOI:
- Campbell, J. T. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2022, October). WHY I REJECTED YOUR PAPER: COMMON PITFALLS IN WRITING THEORY PAPERS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM. The Academy of Management Review, 47 (4), pp. 521-527. DOI:
- Ponomareva, Y., Federo, R., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Collin, S. O. (2022). The cost of conformity to good governance: Board design and compensation. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 30 (4), pp. 399-420. DOI:
- Fainshmidt, S., Smith, A. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2022). Where Do Born Globals Come from? A Neoconfigurational Institutional Theory. Organization Science, 33 (4), pp. 1251-1272. DOI:
- Chhillar, D. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2022). An Eye for Artificial Intelligence: Insights Into the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Vision for Future Research. Business and Society, 61 (5), pp. 1197-1241. DOI:
- Witt, M. A., Fainshmidt, S. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2022). Our Board, Our Rules: Nonconformity to Global Corporate Governance Norms. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67 (1), pp. 131-166. DOI:
- Schnyder, G., Grosman, A., Fu, K., Siems, M. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2022). Legal Perception and Finance: The Case of IPO Firm Value. British Journal of Management, 33 (1), pp. 88-116. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Waldman, D. A. & Siegel, D. S. (2022). Responsibility and Organization Science: Integrating Micro and Macro Perspectives. Organization Science, 33 (1), pp. 483-494. DOI:
- Bacq, S. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2022). Stakeholder Governance for Responsible Innovation: A Theory of Value Creation, Appropriation, and Distribution. Journal of Management Studies, 59 (1), pp. 29-60. DOI:
- Shi, W., Wajda, D. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2022). Interorganizational Spillover: A Review and a Proposal for Future Research. Journal of Management, 48 (1), pp. 185-210. DOI:
- Farah, B., Elias, R., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Abi Saad, E. (2021). Corporate governance in the Middle East and North Africa: A systematic review of current trends and opportunities for future research. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 29 (6), pp. 630-660. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Crilly, D., Fiss, P. C., Furnari, S., Greckhamer, T. & Misangyi, V. F. (2021). Capturing causal complexity: Heuristics for configurational theorizing. The Academy of Management Review, 46, pp. 778-799. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Aragón-Correa, J. A., Marano, V. & Tashman, P. A. (2021). The Corporate Governance of Environmental Sustainability: A Review and Proposal for More Integrated Research. Journal of Management, 47 (6), pp. 1468-1497. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Duran, P., Heugens, P. P., Sauerwald, S., Turturea, R. & VanEssen, M. (2021). State ownership, political ideology, and firm performance around the world. Journal of World Business, 56 (1), 101113. DOI:
- Wajda, D. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2021). THE ROLE OF COUNTRY GOVERNANCE IN FIRM RESPONSES TO ECONOMIC PROTECTIONISM. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. DOI:
- Shi, W., Gao, C. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2021). The liabilities of foreign institutional ownership: Managing political dependence through corporate political spending. Strategic Management Journal, 42 (1), pp. 84-113. DOI:
- Wajda, D. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2021, January). THE ROLE OF COUNTRY GOVERNANCE IN FIRM RESPONSES TO ECONOMIC PROTECTIONISM [Paper presentation]. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2021: Bringing the Manager Back in Management, AoM 2021, Virtual, Online.
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Federo, R. & Ponomareva, Y. (2021). GONE GLOBAL. The Oxford Handbook of Hedge Funds (pp. 318-367). Oxford University Press OUP. DOI:
- Schnyder, G., Siems, M. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2021). Twenty years of 'Law and Finance': Time to take law seriously. Socio-Economic Review, 19 (1), pp. 377-406. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Desender, K. & Lamy, M. L. P. (2021). Bridging Accounting and Corporate Governance: New Avenues of Research. The International Journal of Accounting, 56 (1), 2180001. DOI:
- Federo, R., Ponomareva, Y., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Saz Carranza, A. & Losada Marrodán, C. (2020). Bringing owners back on board: A review of the role of ownership type in board governance. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 28 (6), pp. 348-371. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Fainshmidt, S., Verbeke, A. & Witt, M. A. (2020). The contributions of qualitative comparative analysis QCA to international business research. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 51, pp. 455-466. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Crespí-Cladera, R., Infantes, P. M. & Pascual-Fuster, B. (2020, June). Business groups and internationalization: Effective identification and future agenda. Journal of World Business, 55 (4), 101050. DOI:
- Surroca, J. A., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Desender, K. & Tribó, J. A. (2020). Is managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility always good? A cross-national examination of their combined influence on shareholder value. Strategic Management Journal, 41 (5), pp. 891-920. DOI:
- Filatotchev, I., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Wright, M. (2020). From governance of innovation to innovations in governance. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34 (2), pp. 173-181. DOI:
- Shi, W., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Wang, K. (2020). State ownership and securities fraud: A political governance perspective. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 28 (2), pp. 157-176. DOI:
- Tihanyi, L., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Heugens, P. P., van Essen, M., Sauerwald, S., Duran, P. & Turturea, R. (2019). State Ownership and Political Connections. Journal of Management, 45 (6), pp. 2293-2321. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Henisz, W., Oxley, J. E. & Shaver, J. M. (2019). Special issue introduction: International strategy in an era of global flux. DOI:
- Grosman, A., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Wright, M. (2019). Lost in translation? Corporate governance, independent boards and blockholder appropriation. Journal of World Business, 54 (4), pp. 258-272. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Haxhi, I. & Marano, V. (2019). International corporate governance: A review and opportunities for future research. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 50, pp. 457-498. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Grøgaard, B. (2019). The dubious role of institutions in international business: A road forward. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 50, pp. 20-35. DOI:
- Johnson, K., Williams, C. A. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2019). Proxy voting reform: What is on the agenda, what is not on the agenda, and why it matters for asset owners. Boston University Law Review, 99 (3), pp. 1347-1366.
- Greckhamer, T., Furnari, S., Fiss, P. C. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2018). Studying configurations with qualitative comparative analysis: Best practices in strategy and organization research. Strategic Organization, 16 (4), pp. 482-495. DOI:
- Fainshmidt, S., Judge, W., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Smith, A. (2018). Varieties of institutional systems: A contextual taxonomy of understudied countries. Journal of World Business, 53 (3), pp. 307-322. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Judge, W. Q. & Terjesen, S. A. (2018). Corporate governance deviance. The Academy of Management Review, 43, pp. 87-109. DOI:
- Jain, T., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Jamali, D. (2017). Corporate Stakeholder Orientation in an Emerging Country Context: A Longitudinal Cross Industry Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 143 (4), pp. 701-719. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Ciravegna, L., Cuervo-Cazurra, A. & Gonzalez-Perez, M. A. (2017). Multilatinas and the internationalization of Latin American firms. Journal of World Business, 52 (4), pp. 447-460. DOI:
- De Castro, L. R. K., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Crespí-Cladera, R. (2017). Family Firms and Compliance: Reconciling the Conflicting Predictions Within the Socioemotional Wealth Perspective. Family Business Review, 30 (2), pp. 137-159. DOI:
- Haxhi, I. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2017). An Institutional Configurational Approach to Cross-National Diversity in Corporate Governance. Journal of Management Studies, 54 (3), pp. 261-303. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Desender, K. A., Lee, J. H. & López-Puertas Lamy, M. (2017). The governance impact of a changing investor landscape. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 48, pp. 195-221. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Kabbach De Castro, L. R. (2016). An organizational economics approach on the pursuit of socioemotional and financial wealth in family firms. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Florackis, C. & Kim, H. (2016). Advancing the Corporate Governance Research Agenda. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 24 (3), pp. 172-180. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Andrus, J. L., Bednar, M. K. & Boivie, S. (2016). Are boards designed to fail? The implausibility of effective board monitoring. The Academy of Management Annals, 10, pp. 319-407. DOI:
- Kim, J. U. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2016). Foreign Location Choice: Review and Extensions. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (2), pp. 133-159. DOI:
- Desender, K., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Lõpezpuertas-Lamy, M. & Crespi, R. (2016). A clash of governance logics: Foreign ownership and board monitoring. Strategic Management Journal, 37 (2), pp. 349-369. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Capapé, J. & Santiso, J. (2016). Sovereign wealth funds: A strategic governance view. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30 (1), pp. 5-23. DOI:
- Misangyi, V. F., Greckhamer, T., Furnari, S., Fiss, P. C., Crilly, D. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2016). Embracing Causal Complexity: The Emergence of a Neo-Configurational Perspective. Journal of Management, 43 (1), pp. 255-282. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Crespí-Cladera, R. (2016). Global corporate governance: On the relevance of firms' ownership structure. Journal of World Business, 51 (1), pp. 50-57. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Flores, R. & Kim, J. U. (2015). Re-examining regional borders and the multinational enterprise. Multinational Business Review, 23 (4), pp. 374-394. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Goyer, M. & Jung, D. K. (2015). Institutions and preferences in settings of causal complexity: foreign institutional investors and corporate restructuring practices in France. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26, pp. 2062-2086. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Kim, J. U. (2015). The world is spiky: An internationalization framework for a semi-globalized world. Global Strategy Journal, 5, pp. 113-132. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Talaulicar, T., Chung, C. N., Jimenez, G. & Goel, S. (2015). Editorial: Special issue on 'cross-national perspectives on ownership and governance in family firms'. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 23 (3), pp. 161-166. DOI:
- Terjesen, S., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Lorenz, R. (2015). Legislating a Woman's Seat on the Board: Institutional Factors Driving Gender Quotas for Boards of Directors. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (2), pp. 233-251. DOI:
- Vadera, A. K. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2015). The Evolution of Vocabularies and Its Relation to Investigation of White-Collar Crimes: An Institutional Work Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (1), pp. 21-38. DOI:
- Musacchio, A., Lazzarini, S. G. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2015). New varieties of state capitalism: Strategic and governance implications. Academy of Management Perspectives, 29 (1), pp. 115-131. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Desender, K., Bednar, M. K. & Lee, J. H. (2015). Connecting the Dots: Bringing External Corporate Governance into the Corporate Governance Puzzle. The Academy of Management Annals, 9 (1), pp. 483-573. DOI:
- Garcia-Castro, R. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2015, January). Incremental value creation and appropriation in a world with multiple stakeholders. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (1), pp. 137-147. DOI:
- Garcia-Castro, R. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2014). Family involvement in business and financial performance: A set-theoretic cross-national inquiry. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5 (1), pp. 85-96. DOI:
- Bell, R. G., Filatotchev, I. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2014). Corporate governance and investors' perceptions of foreign ipo value: An institutional perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 57 (1), pp. 301-320. DOI:
- Desender, K., Aguilera Vaqués, R., Crespi, R. & García-Cestona, M. (2013). When does ownership matter? Board characteristics and behavior. Strategic Management Journal, 34 (7), pp. 823-842. DOI:
- Garcia-Castro, R., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Ariño, M. A. (2013). Bundles of firm corporate governance practices: A fuzzy set analysis. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 21 (4), pp. 390-407. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Flores, R., Mahdian, A. & Vaaler, P. (2013). How well do supranational regional grouping schemes fit international business research models?. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 44, pp. 451-474.
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Goyer, M. & Kabbach De Castro, L. R. (2013). Regulation and comparative corporate governance. Oxford handbook of corporate governance (pp. 23-45). DOI:
- Bell, R. G., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Filatotchev, I. (2013). Corporate governance and configuration research. Configurational Theory and Methods in Organizational Research (pp. 159-180). Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., De Castro, L. R. K., Lee, J. H. & You, J. (2012). Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets. Capitalisms and Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century . Oxford University Press OUP. DOI:
- Haxhi, I. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2012). Are codes fostering convergence in corporate governance? An institutional perspective. The Convergence of Corporate Governance (pp. 234-248). Palgrave MacMillan. DOI:
- Garcia-Castro, R. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2012). A decade of corporate governance reforms in Spain 2000-10. The Convergence of Corporate Governance (pp. 187-211). Palgrave MacMillan. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Crespí-Cladera, R. (2012). Firm family firms: Current debates of corporate governance in family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 3 (2), pp. 66-69. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Desender, K. & De Castro, L. R. K. (2012). A bundle perspective to comparative corporate governance. The SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance (pp. 379-405). SAGE Publications. DOI:
- Sears, J. B., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Dencker, J. C. (2012). The role of human resource management in cross-border acquisitions. Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, Second Edition (pp. 415-435). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. DOI:
- Rupp, D. E., Williams, C. A. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2011). Increasing corporate social responsibility through stakeholder value internalization and the catalyzing effect of new governance. Managerial Ethics (pp. 69-88). Taylor and Francis Ltd..
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2011). Governance in a transnational era. In Asmussen, C., Pedersen, T. & Devinney, T., Tihanyi, L. (Eds.), Dynamics of Globalization (pp. 33-42). DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., De Castro, L. R. K. & Crespí I Cladera, R. (2011). Uncertainty awareness and corporate ownership concentration. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Williams, C. A. (2011). "Law and finance". The Embedded Firm (pp. 256-274). Cambridge University Press. DOI:
- Judge, W., Filatotchev, I. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2010). Comparative corporate governance & international business research. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18 (6), pp. 493-495. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Jackson, G. (2010, June). Comparative and international corporate governance. The Academy of Management Annals, 4 (1), pp. 485-556. DOI:
- Bucheli, M. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2010). Political survival, energy policies, and multinational corporations: A historical study for standard oil of New Jersey in Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela in the twentieth century. Management International Review, 50 (3), pp. 347-378. DOI:
- Vadera, A. K., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Caza, B. B. (2009). Making sense of whistle-blowing's antecedents: Learning from research on identity and ethics programs. Business Ethics Quarterly, 19 (4), pp. 553-586. DOI:
- Williams, C. A. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility in a Comparative Perspective. The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility . Oxford University Press OUP. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2009). Codes of good governance. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 17 (3), pp. 376-387. DOI:
- Choi, S. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2009). CSR dynamics in South Korea and Japan. Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 123-147). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2009). A comparative analysis of corporate governance systems in Latin America. Corporate Governance in Developing Economies (pp. 151-171). Springer US. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Cuervo-Cazurra, A. & Kim, S. (2009). Taking stock of research on codes of good governance. Codes of Good Governance Around the World (pp. 1-32). Nova Science Publishers.
- Li, Y. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2008, November). Target director turnover in acquisitions: A conceptual framework. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 16 (6), pp. 492-503. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Filatotchev, I., Gospel, H. & Jackson, G. (2008). An organizational approach to comparative corporate governance: Costs, contingencies, and complementarities. Organization Science, 19 (3), pp. 475-492. DOI:
- Jeong, D. Y. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2008). The evolution of enterprise unionism in Japan: A socio-political perspective. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46 (1), pp. 98-132. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Vadera, A. K. (2008). The dark side of authority: Antecedents, mechanisms, and outcomes of organizational corruption. Journal of Business Ethics, 77 (4), pp. 431-449. DOI:
- Vaaler, P. M., James, B. E. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2008). Risk and capital structure in Asian project finance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25 (1), pp. 25-50. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Dencker, J. C. & Yalabik, Z. Y. (2008). Institutions and organizational socialization. Thought Leadership in Advancing International Business Research (pp. 153-189). Palgrave MacMillan. DOI:
- Flores, R. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2007). Globalization and location choice: An analysis of US multinational firms in 1980 and 2000. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 38 (7), pp. 1187-1210. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2007). Corporate Governance and Employment Relations. Corporate Governance and Labour Management (pp. 1-31). Oxford University Press OUP. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Rupp, D. E., Williams, C. A. & Ganapathi, J. (2007, July). Putting the s back in corporate social responsibility: A multilevel theory of social change in organizations. The Academy of Management Review, 32 (3), pp. 836-863. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2007, January). Translating theoretical logics across borders: Organizational characteristics, structural mechanisms and contextual factors in international alliances. Journal of International Business Studies JIBS, 38 (1), pp. 38-46. DOI:
- Vaaler, P. M., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Flores, R. (2007). New Methods for Ex Post Evaluation of Regional Grouping Schemes in International Business Research. In Ketchen, D., Bergh, D. (Ed.), Research Methodology in Strategy and Management (pp. 161-190). DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Flores, R. & Vaaler, P. M. (2007). Is it all a matter of grouping? Examining the regional effect in global strategy research. A New Generation in International Strategic Management (pp. 209-228). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- Rupp, D. E., Ganapathi, J., Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Williams, C. A. (2006). Employee reactions to corporate social responsibility: An organizational justice framework. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27 (4), pp. 537-543. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R., Williams, C. A., Conley, J. M. & Rupp, D. E. (2006). Corporate governance and social responsibility: A comparative analysis of the UK and the US. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 14 (3), pp. 147-158. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Dabu, A. (2005). Transformation of Employment Relations Systems in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Industrial Relations, 47 (1), pp. 16-42. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2005). Corporate governance and director accountability: An institutional comparative perspective. British Journal of Management, 16 (SPEC. ISS.), pp. S39-S53. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Dencker, J. C. (2004). The role of human resource management in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15 (8), pp. 1355-1370. DOI:
- Cuervo-Cazurra, A. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2004). The Worldwide Diffusion of Codes of Good Governance. Corporate Governance and Firm Organization . Oxford University Press OUP. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2004, March). Codes of Good Governance Worldwide: What is the Trigger?. Organization Studies, 25 (3), pp. 415-443. DOI:
- Krug, J. A. & Aguilera Vaqués, R. (2004). TOP MANAGEMENT TEAM TURNOVER IN MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions (pp. 121-149). JAI Press. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Yip, G. S. (2004). Corporate governance and globalization. Creating Value through International Strategy (pp. 55-67). Palgrave MacMillan. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. & Jackson, G. (2003). The cross-national diversity of corporate governance: Dimensions and determinants. The Academy of Management Review, 28 (3), pp. 447-465. DOI:
- Aguilera Vaqués, R. (1998). Directorship interlocks in comparative perspective: The case of Spain. European Sociological Review, 14 (4), pp. 319-342. DOI: