Professorat i Investigació
Iglesias Bedós, Oriol
Formació acadèmica
- Doctor Europeo. ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull
- Doctor en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses. ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull
- Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. ESADE-Universitat Ramon Llull
Oriol Iglesias és Professor Titular i Director del Departament de Direcció de Màrqueting d'ESADE. Prèviament també a ESADE ha estat Director del Grup de Recerca en Marca GREMAR d'ESADE - URL i Director de l'ESADE Brand Institute.
L'Oriol és Membre del Comitè Científic del Grup Especial d'Interès en Marca, Identitat i Reputació Corporativa de l'Academy of Marketing AM, així com de la Global Brand Conference. També és Membre de l'Editorial Board del Journal of Brand Management i de l'Editorial Review Board del Journal of Product and Brand Management, les dues publicacions acadèmiques de referència a nivell internacional en l'àmbit de la gestió de marca. Durant 6 anys ha estat Membre del Comitè Executiu de l'European Marketing Academy.
Prèviament a la seva carrera professional a ESADE, l'Oriol ha estat soci i director general de Wakaa Networks, una consultoria especialitzada en el camp del màrqueting estratègic, durant set anys. També ha estat soci i director general d'El Terrat Online, una productora de programes televisius, pel·lícules i obres de teatre. Anteriorment, va ser, primer, consultor sènior i, després, director general, d'ATI-Markefin una consultoria del sector de l'oci. Va començar la seva carrera treballant en el Departament de Màrqueting de Xerox.
A més, és coautor de cinc llibres sobre màrqueting i gestió de marca. També ha publicat nombrosos papers científics sobre gestió de la marca i co-creació en journals acadèmics internacionals de primer nivell com California Management Review, Journal of Busines Ethics, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research i European Journal of Marketing, entre d'altres.
Publicacions destacades
- Iglesias, O. (2023). Empresas con conciencia: Más allá de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Libros de Cabecera.
- Markovic, S., Iglesias, O. & Ind, N. (2023). Conscientious business-to-business organizations: Status quo and future research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management, 112, pp. A8-A11. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Mingione, M., Ind, N. & Markovic, S. (2023). How to build a conscientious corporate brand together with business partners: A case study of Unilever. Industrial Marketing Management, 109, pp. 1-13. DOI:
- Ind, N. & Iglesias, O. (2023). Why the practice of CSR needsa conscience. Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 215-230). Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:
- Markovic, S., Iglesias, O., Qiu, Y. & Bagherzadeh, M. (2022). The CSR Imperative: How CSR Influences Word-of-Mouth Considering the Roles of Authenticity and Alternative Attractiveness. Business and Society, 61 (7), pp. 1773-1803. DOI:
- Ind, N. & Iglesias, O. (2022). Freedom and control in brand co-creation communities. Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation (pp. 167-176). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- Iglesias, O., Ind, N. & Schultz, M. (2022). TOWARDS A PARADIGM SHIFT IN CORPORATE BRANDING. The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding (pp. 3-23). Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:
- Ind, N. & Iglesias, O. (2022). In Good Conscience: Do the Right Thing While Building a Profitable Business. Springer International Publishing. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Ind, N. & Schultz, M. (2022). THE ROUTLEDGE COMPANION TO CORPORATE BRANDING. Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:
- Ind, N. & Iglesias, O. (2021). Promises, promises. Handbook of Sustainability-Driven Business Strategies in Practice (pp. 94-107). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- Schmidt, H. L., J. Ind, N. & Iglesias, O. (2021). Guest editorial. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 30 (6), pp. 781-787. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Ind, N. (2020). Towards a theory of conscientious corporate brand co-creation: the next key challenge in brand management. Journal of Brand Management, 27 (6), pp. 710-720. DOI:
- Saleem, F. Z. & Iglesias, O. (2020). Exploring the motivation of affect management in fostering social media engagement and related insights for branding. Internet Research, 30 (1), pp. 67-83. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Bagherzadeh, M. & Singh, J. J. (2020). Co-creation: A Key Link Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Trust, and Customer Loyalty. Journal of Business Ethics, 163 (1), pp. 151-166. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Landgraf, P., Ind, N., Markovic, S. & Koporcic, N. (2020). Corporate brand identity co-creation in business-to-business contexts. Industrial Marketing Management, 85, pp. 32-43. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Ind, N. & Schultz, M. (2020). History matters: The role of history in corporate brand strategy. Business Horizons, 63 (1), pp. 51-60. DOI:
- Roper, S., Iglesias, O. & Rodrigues, C. (2019). Sensory Branding: Special Issue following the 12<sup>th</sup> Global Brand Conference, Linnaeus University, Sweden. Journal of Business Research, 96, pp. 340-342. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Markovic, S. & Rialp, J. (2019). How does sensory brand experience influence brand equity? Considering the roles of customer satisfaction, customer affective commitment, and employee empathy. Journal of Business Research, 96, pp. 343-354. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Singh, J. J. & Sierra, V. (2019). Do Customer Perceptions of Corporate Services Brand Ethicality Improve Brand Equity? Considering the Roles of Brand Heritage, Brand Image, and Recognition Benefits. Journal of Business Ethics, 154 (2), pp. 441-459. DOI:
- Markovic, S., Iglesias, O., Singh, J. J. & Sierra, V. (2018). How does the Perceived Ethicality of Corporate Services Brands Influence Loyalty and Positive Word-of-Mouth? Analyzing the Roles of Empathy, Affective Commitment, and Perceived Quality. Journal of Business Ethics, 148 (4), pp. 721-740. DOI:
- Roper, S., Lim, M. & Iglesias, O. (2018). 'Brands that do Good' 11th global brand conference, University of Bradford School of Management. Journal of Brand Management, 25 (1), pp. 1-2. DOI:
- Sierra, V., Iglesias, O., Markovic, S. & Singh, J. J. (2017). Does Ethical Image Build Equity in Corporate Services Brands? The Influence of Customer Perceived Ethicality on Affect, Perceived Quality, and Equity. Journal of Business Ethics, 144 (3), pp. 661-676. DOI:
- Ind, N., Iglesias, O. & Markovic, S. (2017). The co-creation continuum: From tactical market research tool to strategic collaborative innovation method. Journal of Brand Management, 24 (4), pp. 310-321. DOI:
- Saleem, F. Z. & Iglesias, O. (2016, March). Mapping the domain of the fragmented field of internal branding. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25 (1), pp. 43-57. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Ind, N. J. & Schultz, M. (2015). How Adidas found its second win.
- Iglesias, O. & Saleem, F. Z. (2015). How to support consumer-brand relationships: The role of corporate culture and human resource policies and practices. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33 (2), pp. 216-234. DOI:
- Saleem, F. Z. & Iglesias, O. (2015). Online Personal Branding in the Middle East and North America. Developments in Marketing Science (pp. 18-21). Springer Nature. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Saleem, F. Z. (2015). The Key Role of HR Policies and Practices in Implementing a Relationship Marketing Orientation. Developments in Marketing Science (pp. 722-725). Springer Nature. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Ind, N. J. & Markovic Markovic, S. (2014, December). Managerial perceptions of co-creation [Paper presentation]. 1st Annual World Open Innovation Conference WOIC 2014.
- Rindell, A. & Iglesias, O. (2014). Context and time in brand image constructions. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27 (5), pp. 756-768. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Landgraf, P. (2014, April). The co-creation of core values: A multi stakeholder endeavor [Paper presentation]. 9th Global Brand Conference 2014.
- Iglesias, O. (2013). Estrategias de cocreación: cómo conseguir que los clientes sean parte clave del equipo de innovación.
- Iglesias, O., Ind, N. & Alfaro, M. (2013). The organic view of the brand: A brand value co-creation model. Journal of Brand Management, 20 (8), pp. 670-688. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Saleem, F. (2013, May). The key role of human resources policies and practices in implementing a relationship marketing orientation [Paper presentation]. 2013 AMS Annual Conference.
- Iglesias, O. & Saleem, F. (2013, May). Online personal branding in the Middle East and North America: A comparison of social capital accumulation and community response [Paper presentation]. 2013 AMS Annual Conference.
- Iglesias, O. (2013). Claves para innovar en marca de forma rentable y gestionar un portafolio sostenible.
- Iglesias, O. & Saleem, F. (2013, April). The key role of Human Resource Management in developing brand-consumer relationships [Paper presentation]. 8th Global Brand Conference 2013.
- Iglesias, O. & Rindell, A. (2013, March). Exploring context and time in brand image construction through online consumer narratives [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research RNMR 2013.
- Ind, N., Iglesias, O. & Schultz, M. (2013, March). Building brands together: Emergence and outcomes of co-creation. California Management Review, 55 (3), pp. 5-26. DOI:
- Singh, J. J., Iglesias, O. & Batista-Foguet, J. M. (2012). Does Having an Ethical Brand Matter? The Influence of Consumer Perceived Ethicality on Trust, Affect and Loyalty. Journal of Business Ethics, 111 (4), pp. 541-549. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Markovic Markovic, S. (2012, October). Brand value co-creation: Towards a multiple stakeholder perspective [Paper presentation]. XLIX Asamblea Anual CLADEA 2014.
- Guzmán, F. & Iglesias, O. (2012). The multi-sensory and multi-experiential brand challenge. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 21 (6). DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Bonet, E. (2012). Persuasive brand management: How managers can influence brand meaning when they are losing control over it. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25 (2), pp. 251-264. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Singh, J. J. & Casabayó, M. (2011). Key changes and challenges for brands in an uncertain environment. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 20 (6), pp. 436-439. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Singh, J. J. & Batista-Foguet, J. M. (2011). The role of brand experience and affective commitment in determining brand loyalty. Journal of Brand Management, 18 (8), pp. 570-582. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Saleem, F. (2011, April). Virtual internal brand communities: Exploring the types, motivations and outcomes [Paper presentation]. 7th Global Brand Conference 2011.
- Iglesias, O., Sauquet, A. & Montaña, J. (2011). The role of corporate culture in relationship marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 45 (4), pp. 631-650. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Saleem, F. (2011, February). Internal branding: Exploring the literature to develop an integrated model [Paper presentation]. 1st International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation COBIIR 2011.
- Iglesias, O. & Alfaro Faus, M. (2010). En búsqueda de un nuevo marketing.
- Iglesias, O. (2010). Difference and repetition. Meaning at work (pp. 137-142).
- Colet Petit, E., Fontcuberta Llanes, J., Garcia Gay, R., García Lancha, O., Iglesias, O., Mària Serrano, J., Parada, M., Platikanova, P., Rodón Mòdol, J., Roig Navarro, C., Royo Morón, C., Sayeras Maspera, J., SUÁREZ BARRAZA, M. F., Vinaixa Serra, J., Vives, L., Wareham, J., Alfaro Faus, M., Batllori Lloveras, G., Gimbert Ràfols, X., HERAS FORCADA, M. Á. & Sesé Muniategui, F. (2010). El MBA de ESADE: todos los conocimientos para alcanzar el éxito profesional.
- Flory, M. & Iglesias, O. (2010). Once upon a time: The role of rhetoric and narratives in management research and practice. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 23 (2), pp. 113-119. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Sørdal, M. F. (2010). Redes sociales: retos y oportunidades desde la perspectiva de las marcas.
- Iglesias, O. & Alfaro Faus, M. (2010). Introducción al marketing. El MBA de ESADE: todos los conocimentos para alcanzar el éxito profesional (pp. 215-262).
- Ilipinar, G., Montaña Matosas, J., Iglesias, O., Kristensen, T. & Johnston, W. (2009, October). Designer as midwife: Towards a new state of mind? [Paper presentation]. 3rd annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research, Seoul 2009.
- Ilipinar, G., Montaña Matosas, J., Iglesias, O., Kristensen, T. & Johnston, W. (2009, March). Designer as midwife [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Rethoric and Narratives in Management Research RNMR 2011.
- Iglesias, O. & Alfaro Faus, M. (2009). De marcas, consumidores y marketing en época de crisis.
- Iglesias, O. & Alfaro Faus, M. (2009). La marca y la gestión de las emociones.
- Calabretta, G., Montaña, J. & Iglesias, O. (2008). A cross-cultural assessment of leading values in design-oriented companies. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 15 (4), pp. 379-398. DOI:
- Iglesias, O. & Singh, J. J. (2008, September). The role of brand experience and affective commitment in determining brand loyalty [Paper presentation]. 4th International Colloquium of AM's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG, Atlanta 2008.
- Capprioti, P. & Iglesias, O. (2008). Brand management. Lo que se aprende en los mejores MBA: volumen II (pp. 363-380).
- Calabretta, G., Iglesias, O. & Montaña Matosas, J. (2008, August). The integration of users and designers in product design: A comparison between off-line and on-line companies [Paper presentation]. ISBM Academic Conference 2008: Advances in B-to-B marketing, Chicago 2008.
- Calabretta, G., Iglesias, O., Moll de Alba Mendoza, I. & Montaña Matosas, J. (2008, June). Design orientation as a driver of organizational culture [Paper presentation]. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Vancouver 2008.
- Iglesias, O., Montaña Matosas, J. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2008, January). A study of the corporate culture of a relationship marketing oriented firm [Paper presentation]. 7th International Marketing Trends Conference 2008.
- Calabretta, G., Iglesias, O. & Montaña Matosas, J. (2008, January). A cross-country case study of organizational culture in design-oriented companies [Paper presentation]. 2008 AMS Annual Conference.
- Bonet Guinó, E., Iglesias, O., Jensen, H. S. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2007, May). Background of the debate on quantitative and qualitative methods [Paper presentation]. 7th EURAM Annual Conference 2007.
- Iglesias, O. (2004). Las relaciones y las redes: la estructura fundamental del marketing relacional. Temas clave en marketing relacional (pp. 11-25).
- Iglesias, O. (2004). Relaciones y redes en el sector turístico. Temas clave en marketing relacional (pp. 175-180).
- Bonet Guinó, E., Iglesias, O. & Pons Freixas, C. (2003, July). A study of Hitchcock's film 'The rear window' on how we interpret social action [Paper presentation]. 19th EGOS Colloquium.
- Iglesias, O. (2003, April). Relationships and networks as the core for a new approach to marketing in the tourism sector [Paper presentation]. European Pre-Doctoral Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure Barcelona 2003.
- Cerveró Puig, J., Iglesias, O. & Villacampa Laita, O. (2002). Marketing turístico.
- Cerveró Puig, J., Iglesias, O. & Villacampa Laita, O. (2001). Màrqueting turístic.