Professorat i Investigació
Casabayó Bonás, Mònica
Formació acadèmica
- Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Humanities and Social Science.
- Máster en Dirección y Administración de Empresas. ESADE
- Llicenciada en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses. ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull
Àrees d'interès
- ODS 12 - Consum i producció responsables
Va arribar a ESADE de forma gradual i progressiva des del món professional. Ha estat membre del Comitè de Màrqueting i Merchandising de l'AECOC i directora de Màrqueting d'Euromadi Ibérica.
Ha compaginat la dedicació a ESADE amb projectes de consultoria per a diverses empreses, entre les quals destaquen Decathlon, Mahou, 'la Caixa', Syngenta, Llanera, Supermercados Pujol Global Marketing Award, 1998.
Participa activament en un projecte de recerca sobre els aspectes metodològics de la investigació de màrqueting, concretament, sobre l'aplicació de tècniques d'altres disciplines intel'ligència artificial, principalment a problemes clàssics de màrqueting, segmentació i previsió del comportament del consumidor.
Ha publicat en diverses revistes nacionals i internacionals, especialitzades en màrqueting.
És professora d'ESADE des de l'any 2000.
Publicacions destacades
- Dávila, J. F. & Casabayó, M. (2024). Instagram paths to materialism in young people: social comparison and identification with influencers. Behaviour and Information Technology. DOI:
- Casabayó, M. & Ferrás-Hernández, X. (2024). Educational Transformation: A 'Skunk' Team Approach in Reshaping Business Bachelor's Programs in Spain. SSRN Electronic Journal.
- Riu Vila, D., Casabayó, M., Sayeras Maspera, J., Rovira Llobera, X. & Agell, N. (2022). A new method to assess how curricula prepare students for the workplace in higher education. Educational Review, 74 (2), pp. 207-225. DOI:
- Casabayó, M., Dávila, J. F. & Rayburn, S. W. (2020). Thou shalt not covet: Role of family religiosity in anti-consumption. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44 (5), pp. 445-454. DOI:
- Carreras, F., Casabayó, M., Gallo, Í., Luis Bassa, C., Moreno De los Ríos, P., Sábada, T. & Sanmiguel, P. (2020). Sumando ideas 'Marketing' de 'Influencers': ¿Tiene realmente el impacto esperado?.
- Nguyen, J., Armisen, A., Sánchez-Hernández, G., Sanchez-Hernandez, G., Casabayó, M. & Agell, N. (2020). An OWA-based hierarchical clustering approach to understanding users' lifestyles. Knowledge-Based Systems, 190, 105308. DOI:
- Agell, N., Casabayó, M. & Mohanty, P. (2019, June). Stop product failure!: Applying fuzzy TOPSIS and AHP to define a framework to understand innovator group customers in FMC [Paper presentation]. 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rome .
- Casabayó, M. & Dávila Blázquez, J. F. (2019, May). Instagram paths to materialism in young people [Paper presentation]. 48th European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC 2019.
- Agell, N., Casabayó, M. & Mohanty, P. (2018, December). Identifying variables to define innovator group in the healthy food industry: A fuzzy approach [Paper presentation]. 38th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2018.
- Dávila, J. F., Casabayó, M. & Rayburn, S. W. (2018). Religious or secular? School type matters as a moderator between media exposure and children's materialism. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42 (6), pp. 779-791. DOI:
- Casabayó, M. & Dávila Blázquez, J. F. (2018, April). Harry Styles or Leo Messi? Differences between boys and girls in the selection of media celebrities [Paper presentation]. 8th International Child and Teen Consumption Conference.
- Mohanty, P., Agell, N. & Casabayó, M. (2018). Identifying variables to define innovator group in the healthy food industry. In Bramer, M., Petridis, M. (Ed.), Artificial Intelligence XXXV - 38th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2018, Proceedings (pp. 440-445). Springer Verlag. DOI:
- Casabayó, M. & Dávila Blázquez, J. F. (2017, May). This is not a game: Parents' religiosity and its role in children's materialism [Paper presentation]. 46th European Marketing Academy Annual Conference EMAC 2017.
- Dávila, J. F., Casabayó, M. & Singh, J. J. (2017). A World beyond Family: How External Factors Impact the Level of Materialism in Children. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51 (1), pp. 162-182. DOI:
- Casabayó, M., Costa Guix, G. & Vila Fernández-Santacruz, M. (2015, April). Exploration of the interaction between spirituality and market orientation: Causes and effects on managers [Paper presentation]. Spirituality and Creativity in Management World Congress, Barcelona 2015.
- Casabayó, M. & Costa Guix, G. (2014). Soul Marketing. Porque el directivo, el cliente y el ciudadano son la misma persona.
- Agell, N. & Casabayó, M. (2014, October). Influencer detection approaches in social networks: A current state-of-the-art [Paper presentation]. 17è Congrés Català d'Intel·ligència Artificial CCIA 2014.
- Agell, N., Casabayó, M., Puigbò, J. Y., Sánchez-Hernández, G. & Sanchez-Hernandez, G. (2014). Influencer detection approaches in social networks: A current state-of-the-art. Artificial Intelligence Research and Development: Recent Advances and Applications (pp. 261-264). DOI:
- Agell, N., Banerjee, S. & Casabayó, M. (2014, July). Exploring the role of consensus measures in decision science: An experience towards summarizing users' opinions [Paper presentation]. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies.
- Casabayó, M. & Dávila Blázquez, J. F. (2014, June). Ranking de los factores que afectan el materialismo en niños. Un análisis empírico [Paper presentation]. I Jornada para jóvenes investigadores de UNIJES-ACM 2015.
- Casabayó, M. & Dávila Blázquez, J. F. (2014, June). Lead us not into temptation: Does family religiosity influence children's materialism? [Paper presentation]. 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference EMAC 2014.
- Agell, N. & Casabayó, M. (2014). El gran potencial de la lógica difusa.
- Puigbò, J. Y., Sánchez-Hernández, G., Sanchez-Hernandez, G., Casabayó, M. & Agell, N. (2014). Influencer detection approaches in social networks. In Agell, N., Pujol, O. & Museros, L. (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence Research and Development - Recent Advances and Applications (pp. 261-264). IOS Press. DOI:
- Casabayó, M., Agell, N., Sánchez-Hernández, G. & Sanchez-Hernandez, G. (2014). Improved market segmentation by fuzzifying crisp clusters: A case study of the energy market in Spain. Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (3), pp. 1637-1643. DOI:
- Casabayó, M. & Dávila Blázquez, J. F. (2013). Influences in children's materialism: A conceptual framework. DOI:
- Casabayó, M. (2013). La mare té molts desitjos. Conviure amb el càncer quan tens fills petits.
- Casabayó, M. & Dávila Blázquez, J. F. (2012, December). Influences in children's materialism: A conceptual framework [Paper presentation]. 5th International Child and Teen Consumption CTC 2012.
- Casabayó, M. & Agell, N. (2012). A fuzzy segmentation approach to guide marketing decisions. Fuzzy methods for customer relationship management and marketing: Applications and classifications (pp. 291-311). IGI Global. DOI:
- Iglesias, O., Singh, J. J. & Casabayó, M. (2011). Key changes and challenges for brands in an uncertain environment. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 20 (6), pp. 436-439. DOI:
- Casabayó, M. (2010). El consumidor, en el punto de mira de las decisiones en márketing.
- Casabayó, M. & Martin Garreta, F. d. B. (2010). Fuzzy Marketing: cómo comprender al consumidor camaleónico.
- Casabayó, M. (2009, May). Fuzzy marketing. A possible innovative approach to decision marketing [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Stirling 2009.
- Casabayó, M. (2009). ¿Está dispuesto el consumidor a comprar productos más ecológicos?.
- Agell, N., Casabayó, M., Samà Monsonís, A., Sánchez-Hernández, G. & Sanchez-Hernandez, G. (2008, June). Forecasting customer's loyalty by means of an unsupervised fuzzy learning method [Paper presentation]. 28th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting.
- Agell, N., Casabayó, M. & DAWSON, J. A. (2008). Artificial intelligence: ¿Fiction film or business reality?.
- Casabayó, M. (2008). Nuevas tendencias para mejorar la toma de decisiones.
- Gimmy, G. & Casabayó, M. (2008). Innovation is not a democracy. How consumer concept testing impacts the capability of Fast Moving Consumer Goods companies to generate truly innovative products. Innovative Marketing, 4 (2), pp. 25-32.
- Agell, N., Casabayó, M. & DAWSON, J. A. (2006, January). Forecasting customer's behaviour in the Spanish grocery industry: Identifying the customers who are going to buy online [Paper presentation]. 5th International Marketing Trends Conference 2006.
- Casabayó, M. (2006). El valor de la información en márketing.
- Agell, N., Aguado Chao, J. C., Banchillería Masó, R. & Casabayó, M. (2005, November). An unsupervised learning algorithm to store pattern recognition [Paper presentation]. Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, Santiago de Compostela 2005.
- Casabayó, M. (2005). The retailing Oracle.
- Casabayó, M., Agell, N. & Aguado, J. C. (2004). Using ai techniques in the grocery industry: Identifying the customers most likely to defect. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14 (3), pp. 295-308. DOI:
- Agell, N., Aguado Chao, J. C. & Casabayó, M. (2004). Using AI techniques in grocery industry: Identifying the customers most likely to defect.