Professora adjunta, Departament de Societat, Política i Sostenibilitat a Esade
Professora contractada doctora URL
Formació acadèmica
Doctorado en Filosofía. Johns Hopkins University
Àrees d'interès
ODS 7 - Energia neta i assequible
ODS 10 - Reducció de les desigualtats
Publicacions destacades
Tang, K. (2023). The political economy of special economic zones: the cases of Ethiopia and Vietnam. Review of International Political Economy, 30 (5), pp. 1957¿1983.
Tang, K. (2021). Development Finance and Distributive Politics: Comparing Chinese and World Bank Finance in sub-Saharan Africa. China Africa Research Initiative Working Paper.
Tang, K. (2020). Lessons from East Asia: comparing Ethiopia and Vietnam's early-stage special economic zone development. China Africa Research Initiative Working Paper.
Tang, K. & Shen, Y. (2020). Do China-financed dams in Sub-Saharan Africa improve the region's social welfare? A case study of the impacts of Ghana's Bui Dam. Energy Policy, 136, 111062.