Professorat i Investigació


Professorat i Investigació

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Brinckmann, Jan

Professor ordinari, Departament de Direcció General i Estratègia a Esade
Catedràtic URL
Director acadèmic MSc in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Director, GRIE - Grupo de Investigación en Iniciativa Emprendedora

Formació acadèmica
  • PhD.
  • Master of Economics and Business ADministration. University of Hanover


És professor titular d'Emprenedoria i Estratègia al Departament de Direcció General i Estratègia d'ESADE. Abans d'incorporar-se a ESADE, fou professor adjunt de la Universitat Loyola de Chicago, de la qual fou director del Programa d'Emprenedoria. Prèviament, havia estat professor de la Universitat de Cornell i de la Universitat Tècnica de Berlín. També va fer estades de recerca a la Universitat de Stanford i a la Case Western Reserve University. La seva recerca s'ha publicat en cinc llibres i en prestigioses revistes de recerca, com ara el Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Research Policy i l'Entrepreneurship Journal. És membre del consell editorial de dues destacades revistes d¿emprenedoria, el Journal of Business Venturing i Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Presenta regularment els resultats de la seva recerca sobre emprenedoria als principals congressos internacionals i ha rebut quatre premis al millor paper.És cofundador, assessor i patrocinador de diverses start-ups i empreses de ràpid creixement dels Estats Units, Alemanya i Espanya. És un àngel inversor molt actiu, que dóna suport a iniciatives emprenedores en diferents consells d'administració. Les seves àrees d'interès són el màrqueting emprenedor, el finançament, el desenvolupament del negoci i la internacionalització. Sent passió per aplicar la metodologia de la lean start-up.

Moreover, I am the supervisor of Ph.D. students at ESADE and co-supervisor at WHU Vallendar Deustchland. I also co-teach our Entrepreneurship Research course for Ph.D. candidates which consistently received excellent evaluations. Given my current publications, my regular conference visits to leading entrepreneurship and management conferences Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, the Academy of Management Conference and the Strategic Management Society Conference, my review activities for the Journal of Business Venturing 15 reviews done so far, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, as well as my many research collaborations co-authors include Marc Gruber, Stuart Read, Nicholas Dew, Martin Hoegl, Sung Min Kim, Dietmar Grichnik and Johan Wiklund, I consider myself very well established in the entrepreneurship community known for an empirical quantitative research focus specially drawing on evidence based research. I aspire to be part of the group of top entrepreneurship scholars in Europe publishing high quality research in the top entrepreneurship journals as well as very good management journals. My trajectory to date, I believe, is supporting these ambitions. I am further happy that I was selected to be part of the Research Board of the Entrepreneurship Area at the University of Sankt Gallen together with other very acclaimed scholars. Moreover, ESADE put me in charge of the GRIE Grup de Recerca en Iniciativa Emprenedora - Grup de Recerca Consolidad SGR 00363, as the Director of the Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneruship ranked #3 worldwide Best Masters Entrepreneruship by Eduniversal 2015-2016, and as the Director of the Entrepreneurship area of the Full Time MBA program ranked top 10 worldwide in Entrepreneruship by Financial Times 2015-2016. I am also the director of the ESADE EWokrs, the program that manages and provides a series of activities to foster and support venture creation by ESADE students. Moreover, I am the Director of ESADE support of KIC InnoEnergy Iberia Accelerator EIT. Since 2012, I'm Visiting Lecturer MBA elective on High Technology Venturing and subsequently Visiting Professor MSc Elective on Lean Startup at the University of St. Gallen. More recently we launched the EWorks Program at ESADE to further support the entrepreneurship activities of the ESADE students which I cofounded and where I am the Academic Director. We have created a regular series of Founders Meetups every two weeks, organize visits to the entrepreneurship hotspots Silicon Valley, London and Berlin as well as in Barcelona, organize Accelerator activities, Talks and research events. The current status of citations of my research can be found here:

Publicacions destacades

Dades de contacte
Tel: +34 932 806 162
Ext. 2219
Fax: +34 932 048 105