Professorat i Investigació
Wiengarten, Frank
Formació acadèmica
- Doctor of Philosophy. University of Ulster
- Máster. Universität Paderborn
- Diplom - Kaufmann.
Àrees d'interès
- ODS 12 - Consum i producció responsables
Frank Wiengarten va finalitzar el seu doctorat, titulat 'Mesurament de l'impacte sobre el rendiment de les aplicacions de negoci electrònic en les relacions entre comprador i proveïdor en el sector automobilístic alemany', al setembre del 2008 a l'Ulster Business School Regne Unit. És diplomat en Negocis i Gestió d'Empreses per la Universitat de Paderborn Alemanya. Un cop va haver finalitzat el seu doctorat va treballar com a investigador postdoctoral a l'UCD Smurfit School of Business Dublín, Irlanda.
A més de la seva carrera acadèmica, ha treballat per a diverses empreses molt conegudes de serveis de consultoria i de logística, com ara PriceWaterhouseCoopers i el DB Schenker Group.
La recerca que Frank Wiengarten duu a terme actualment explora el rol de diverses pràctiques ambientals i sostenibles com ara el certificat ISO 14000, la salut i la seguretat dels treballadors, el reciclatge i la reducció de residus en l'entorn de la cadena de subministrament. En concret, ha explorat l'impacte de factors institucionals com ara el país i el nivell de desenvolupament econòmic sobre el grau d'inversió en pràctiques sostenibles de gestió de la cadena de subministrament. En els seus projectes de recerca anteriors Wiengarten ha explorat el rol i la importància dels sistemes de negoci electrònic en les pràctiques de cadena de subministrament col.laboratives, i ha explorat el rol facilitador de diferents sistemes de negoci electrònic en les pràctiques de cadena de subministrament col.laboratives, com ara l'intercanvi d'informació o la presa de decisions conjunta.Actualment Frank Wiengarten treballa en dos projectes de recerca. En primer lloc, participa en una beca de recerca ESRC que explora l'impacte del certificat ISO 14000/9000 en el rendiment financer de les empreses en diversos països. I, en segon lloc, forma part d'un grup de recerca multinacional que explora la cadena de subministrament sostenible i altres qüestions relacionades amb el rendiment operatiu.
Publicacions destacades
- Yang, Y., Wiengarten, F. & Kalra, J. (2024). Improving supplier diversity and inclusion in supply chains. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 30 (5), 100973. DOI:
- Chen, Y., Wiengarten, F., Fan, D. & Pagell, M. (2024). Complexity and Change: Antecedents of occupational injuries. Safety Science, 176, 106560. DOI:
- Fisher, S. L., Longoni, A., Luzzini, D., Pagell, M., Wasserman, M. & Wiengarten, F. (2024). A just transition towards making precarious work rare, safe, and legal. The Supply Chain (pp. 111-125). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
- Durach, C. F., Parkinson, M., Wiengarten, F. & Pagell, M. (2024). Cracking the code: the effects of codes of conduct and decision frames on supplier selection in financially distressed firms. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 44 (2), pp. 462-482. DOI:
- Longoni, A., Salas, S., Sancha Fernández, C., Sierra, V. & Wiengarten, F. (Accepted/In press). (2024). Exploring the Implications of Working Conditions for Corporate Sustainability in Last-Mile Delivery Platform Companies. Journal of Business Ethics. DOI:
- Durach, C. F., Repasky, T. & Wiengarten, F. (2023). Patterns in firms' inventories and flexibility levels after a low-probability, high-impact disruption event: Empirical evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Production and Operations Management, 32 (6), pp. 1705-1723. DOI:
- Nguyen, H., Onofrei, G., Yang, Y., Pham, H., Wiengarten, F. & Nkhoma, M. (2023). Handling customer green pressures: The mediating role of process innovation among export-oriented manufacturing industries. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23 (4), pp. 2312-2326. DOI:
- Nguyen, H., Onofrei, G., Wiengarten, F., Yang, Y., McClelland, R. & Akbari, M. (2023). The dual environmental customer and green reputation pressures on environmental management systems: the performance implications of manufacturing exports. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 28 (4), pp. 695-709. DOI:
- Durach, C. F., Wiengarten, F. & Pagell, M. (2023). The effect of temporary workers and works councils on process innovation. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 43 (5), pp. 781-801. DOI:
- Nguyen, H., Onofrei, G., Akbari, M., Yang, Y. & Wiengarten, F. (2023). Green Certification Pressures and Sustainability Performance. Business Innovation for the Post-pandemic Era in Vietnam (pp. 157-167). Springer Nature. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Onofrei, G., Fynes, B. & Humphreys, P. (2022). Exploring the quality performance implications of temporary workers: the importance of process capabilities. International Journal of Production Research, 60 (18), pp. 5539-5552. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Durach, C. F., Franke, H., Netland, T. & Schmidt, F. K. (2022, January). Impact pathways: towards an adapted understanding of the development of operational capabilities. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 43 (13), pp. 50-67. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Pagell, M., Durach, C. F. & Humphreys, P. (2021). Exploring the performance implications of precarious work. Journal of Operations Management, 67 (8), pp. 926-963. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F. & Durach, C. F. (2021). Sustainable supply chain management. The Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 281-291). Taylor and Francis Ltd..
- Choi, T. Y., Narayanan, S., Novak, D., Olhager, J., Sheu, J. B. & Wiengarten, F. (2021). Managing extended supply chains. Journal of Business Logistics, 42 (2), pp. 200-206. DOI:
- Durach, C. F., Wiengarten, F. & Choi, T. Y. (2020). Supplier¿supplier coopetition and supply chain disruption: first-tier supplier resilience in the tetradic context. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40 (7-8), pp. 1041-1065. DOI:
- Pagell, M., Parkinson, M., Veltri, A., Gray, J., Wiengarten, F., Louis, M. & Fynes, B. (2020). The tension between worker safety and organization survival. Management Science, 66 (10), pp. 4863-4878. DOI:
- Sancha Fernández, C., Wiengarten, F., Longoni, A. & Pagell, M. (2020). The moderating role of temporary work on the performance of lean manufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research, 58 (14), pp. 4285-4305. DOI:
- Durach, C. F. & Wiengarten, F. (2020). Supply chain integration and national collectivism. International Journal of Production Economics, 224, 107543. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Lam, H. K. & Fan, D. (2020). Value creation through expanding the online distribution channel. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 120 (4), pp. 714-729. DOI:
- Jovanovic, M., Raja, J. Z., Visnjic, I. & Wiengarten, F. (2019). Paths to service capability development for servitization: Examining an internal service ecosystem. Journal of Business Research, 104, pp. 472-485. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Fan, D., Pagell, M. & Lo, C. K. (2019). Deviations from aspirational target levels and environmental and safety performance: Implications for operations managers acting irresponsibly. Journal of Operations Management, 65 (6), pp. 490-516. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Li, H., Singh, P. J. & Fynes, B. (2019). Re-evaluating supply chain integration and firm performance: linking operations strategy to supply chain strategy. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24 (4), pp. 540-559. DOI:
- Pagell, M., Wiengarten, F., Fan, D., Humphreys, P. & Lo, C. K. (2019). Managerial Time Horizons and the Decision to Put Operational Workers at Risk: The Role of Debt. Decision Sciences, 50 (3), pp. 582-611. DOI:
- Onofrei, G., Prester, J., Fynes, B., Humphreys, P. & Wiengarten, F. (2019). The relationship between investments in lean practices and operational performance: Exploring the moderating effects of operational intellectual capital. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 39 (3), pp. 406-428. DOI:
- Kull, T., Wiengarten, F., Power, D. & Shah, P. (2019). Acting as Expected: Global Leadership Preferences and the Pursuit of an Integrated Supply Chain. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 55 (3), pp. 24-44. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F. & Longoni, A. (2018). How does uncertainty affect workplace accidents? Exploring the role of information sharing in manufacturing networks. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38 (1), pp. 295-310. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Singh, P. J., Fynes, B. & Nazarpour, A. (2017). Impact of mass customization on cost and flexiblity performances: the role of social capital. Operations Management Research, 10 (3-4), pp. 137-147. DOI:
- Durach, C. F. & Wiengarten, F. (2017). Environmental management: The impact of national and organisational long-term orientation on plants' environmental practices and performance efficacy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, pp. 749-758. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Fan, D., Lo, C. K. & Pagell, M. (2017). The differing impacts of operational and financial slack on occupational safety in varying market conditions. Journal of Operations Management, 52, pp. 30-45. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Lo, C. K. & Lam, J. Y. (2017). "How does Sustainability Leadership Affect Firm Performance? The Choices Associated with Appointing a Chief Officer of Corporate Social Responsibility". Journal of Business Ethics, 140 (3), pp. 477-493. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P., Onofrei, G. & Fynes, B. (2017). The adoption of multiple certification standards: perceived performance implications of quality, environmental and health & safety certifications. Production Planning and Control, 28 (2), pp. 131-141. DOI:
- Rodríguez, J. A. & Wiengarten, F. (2017). The role of process innovativeness in the development of environmental innovativeness capability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, pp. 2423-2434. DOI:
- Durach, C. F. & Wiengarten, F. (2017). Exploring the impact of geographical traits on the occurrence of supply chain failures. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 22 (2), pp. 160-171. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Ahmed, M. U., Longoni, A., Pagell, M. & Fynes, B. (2017). Complexity and the triple bottom line: an information-processing perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37 (9), pp. 1142-1163. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F. & Ambrose, E. (2017). The role of geographical distance and its efficacy on global purchasing practices. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37 (7), pp. 865-881. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F. (2016). The interplay between environmental and quality/lean practices in supply chains. Joining complexity science and social simulation for innovation policy: Agent-based modelling using the SKIN platform (pp. 76-107).
- Chavez, R., Yu, W., Feng, M. & Wiengarten, F. (2016). The Effect of Customer-Centric Green Supply Chain Management on Operational Performance and Customer Satisfaction. Business Strategy and the Environment, 25 (3), pp. 205-220. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P., Giménez Thomsen, C. & McIvor, R. (2016). Risk, risk management practices, and the success of supply chain integration. International Journal of Production Economics, 171, pp. 361-370. DOI:
- Visnjic, I., Wiengarten, F. & Neely, A. (2016). Only the Brave: Product Innovation, Service Business Model Innovation, and Their Impact on Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 33 (1), pp. 36-52. DOI:
- Chavez, R., Yu, W., Giménez Thomsen, C., Fynes, B. & Wiengarten, F. (2015). Customer integration and operational performance: The mediating role of information quality. Decision Support Systems, 80, pp. 83-95. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Bhakoo, V. & Giménez Thomsen, C. (2015). The impact of host country regulatory quality on the value creation process in e-business supply chains. International Journal of Production Research, 53 (16), pp. 4963-4978. DOI:
- Singh, P. J., Wiengarten, F., Nand, A. A. & Betts, T. (2015). Beyond the trade-off and cumulative capabilities models: Alternative models of operations strategy. International Journal of Production Research, 53 (13), pp. 4001-4020. DOI:
- Betts, T., Wiengarten, F. & Tadisina, S. K. (2015). Exploring the impact of stakeholder pressure on environmental management strategies at the plant level: What does industry have to do with it?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 92, pp. 282-294. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F. & Longoni, A. (2015). A nuanced view on supply chain integration: A coordinative and collaborative approach to operational and sustainability performance improvement. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20 (2), pp. 139-150. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Giménez Thomsen, C., Fynes, B. & Ferdows, K. (2015). Exploring the importance of cultural collectivism on the efficacy of lean practices taking an organisational and national perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 35 (3), pp. 370-391. DOI:
- Chavez, R., Yu, W., Jacobs, M., Fynes, B., Wiengarten, F. & Lecuna, A. (2015). Internal lean practices and performance: The role of technological turbulence. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, pp. 157-171. DOI:
- Yu, W., Chavez, R., Feng, M. & Wiengarten, F. (2014). Integrated green supply chain management and operational performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 19, pp. 683-696. DOI:
- Lo, C. K., Pagell, M., Fan, D., Wiengarten, F. & Yeung, A. C. (2014). OHSAS 18001 certification and operating performance: The role of complexity and coupling. Journal of Operations Management, 32 (5), pp. 268-280. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F. (2014). Creating business value through e-business in the supply chain. Handbook of strategic e-business management (pp. 237-254).
- Wiengarten, F., Pagell, M., Ahmed, M. U. & Giménez Thomsen, C. (2014). Do a country's logistical capabilities moderate the external integration performance relationship?. Journal of Operations Management, 32 (1-2), pp. 51-63. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Pagell, M. & Fynes, B. (2013). ISO 14000 certification and investments in environmental supply chain management practices: Identifying differences in motivation and adoption levels between Western European and North American companies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 56, pp. 18-28. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Fynes, B., Cheng, T. C. & Chavez, R. (2013). Taking an innovative approach to quality practices: Exploring the importance of a companys innovativeness on the success of TQM practices. International Journal of Production Research, 51 (10), pp. 3055-3074. DOI:
- Chavez, R., Giménez Thomsen, C., Fynes, B., Wiengarten, F. & Yu, W. (2013). Internal lean practices and operational performance: The contingency perspective of industry clockspeed. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33 (5), pp. 562-588. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Fynes, B. & Onofrei, G. (2013). Exploring synergetic effects between investments in environmental and quality/lean practices in supply chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18 (2), pp. 148-160. DOI:
- Lo, C. K., Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P., Yeung, A. C. & Cheng, T. C. (2013). The impact of contextual factors on the efficacy of ISO 9000 adoption. Journal of Operations Management, 31 (5), pp. 229-235. DOI:
- Pagell, M., Wiengarten, F. & Fynes, B. (2013). Institutional effects and the decision to make environmental investments. International Journal of Production Research, 51 (2), pp. 427-446. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P., Cao, G. & Mchugh, M. (2013). Exploring the Important Role of Organizational Factors in IT Business Value: Taking a Contingency Perspective on the Resource-Based View. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15 (1), pp. 30-46. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P., McKittrick, A. & Fynes, B. (2013). Investigating the impact of e-business applications on supply chain collaboration in the German automotive industry. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33 (1), pp. 25-48. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Pagell, M. & Fynes, B. (2013). The importance of contextual factors in the success of outsourcing contracts in the supply chain environment: The role of risk and complementary practices. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18 (6), pp. 630-643. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F. & Pagell, M. (2012). The importance of quality management for the success of environmental management initiatives. International Journal of Production Economics, 140 (1), pp. 407-415. DOI:
- Lu, J., Humphreys, P., McIvor, R., Maguire, L. & Wiengarten, F. (2012). Applying genetic algorithms to dampen the impact of price fluctuations in a supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 50 (19), pp. 5396-5414. DOI:
- Chavez, R., Fynes, B., Giménez Thomsen, C. & Wiengarten, F. (2012). Assessing the effect of industry clockspeed on the supply chain management practice-performance relationship. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17 (3), pp. 235-248. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Pagell, M. & Fynes, B. (2012). Supply chain environmental investments in dynamic industries: Comparing investment and performance differences with static industries. International Journal of Production Economics, 135 (2), pp. 541-551. DOI:
- Giménez Thomsen, C. & Wiengarten, F. (2011, July). Assessing the influence of information sharing and information quality on customer integration [Paper presentation]. 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference EurOMA 2011.
- Wiengarten, F., Fynes, B., Humphreys, P., Chavez, R. & McKittrick, A. (2011). Assessing the value creation process of e-business along the supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16 (4), pp. 207-219. DOI:
- Giménez Thomsen, C. & Wiengarten, F. (2011, April). Exploring the relationship between information sharing, information quality and customer integration: A contingency perspective [Paper presentation]. 22nd Annual POMS Conference, Reno 2011.
- Wiengarten, F., Fynes, B., Pagell, M. & de Búrca, S. (2011). Exploring the impact of national culture on investments in manufacturing practices and performance: An empirical multi-country study. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 31 (5), pp. 554-578. DOI:
- Cao, G., Wiengarten, F. & Humphreys, P. (2011). Towards a Contingency Resource-Based View of IT Business Value. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 24 (1), pp. 85-106. DOI:
- Wiengarten, F., Humphreys, P., Cao, G., Fynes, B. & McKittrick, A. (2010). Collaborative supply chain practices and performance: Exploring the key role of information quality. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15 (6), pp. 463-473. DOI: