
Esade Library Research guides

Use Esade Library Research guides to find relevant resources for your work.

Company information

Company reports, SWOT analyses, news

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Markets & Industries information

Market research, consumer habits, forecasts, market shares

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Financial information

Balance sheets, income statements, data on financial markets

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Legal resources

Legislation, case law, doctrine, forms

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How to cite

Referencing, Citing, Plagiarism, APA Style

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Geopolitics sources to help you understand the sociopolitical context of business practice

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Country Information

Country profiles, macroeconomic data, competitiveness, news

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Business in Society

Sustainability sources to analyze issues, companies, and industries

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Final Bachelor and Master's Project

A selection of knowledge resources to help you with your Final Project

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Law Final Bachelor and Master's Project

A selection of knowledge resources to help you with your Law Final Project

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Resources for research

Journal articles, Research Office, Decision Lab

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Research outputs dissemination

Research outputs, digital identity, academic networks

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Research impact evaluation

Journal rankings, Impact Factor, Altmetrics, Accreditations

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War in Ukraine

Tracking the impact on the Economy, Industry, Society and more

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Tracking the impact on the Economy, Business, and more

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