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Ferrás Hernández, Xavier

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences at Esade
Contracted Doctoral Professor URL
Decano Asociado EMBA, MBA Unit
Investigador, Center for Innovation in Cities
Investigador, IIK - Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management

  • Doctor en Organización y Administración de Empresas.
  • MBA. Esade Business School
  • Ingenierio de Telecomunicaciones. UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE CATALUNA
  • . ETS Enginyers deTelecomunicacions

Xavier Ferràs has a PhD in Economics and Business from UB and MBA from ESADE and Telecommunications Engineer from UPC.Professor of Operations Management, Innovation & Data Sciences at ESADE since 2002. He serves as advisor in many business organizations & companies. He has been Executive Director of Business Custom Programs. He  has been Dean of the Faculty of Business and Communication at the University of Vic. Until 2012, he was Director of the ACC10 Centre for Business Innovation Catalan Agency for Competitiveness, and was responsible for technology transfer policies, R&D and development of clusters in Catalonia. He has previously served as CIDEM Director of Business Development, Head of Innovation, Co-ordinator of the Technological Innovation Plan for Catalonia 2001-2004, and member of the committee drafting the Research and Innovation Plan 2005-2008. Among other executive positions related to technology and innovation, he has been a member of the boards of trustees and executive boards of BAIE aerospace cluster, Biocat biotechnology cluster, CTM technological centres advanced materials, Barcelona Media audio-visual, CTAE Aerospace, LEITAT manufacturing, the Microsoft Productivity Centre in Manresa, the Catalan Foundation for Research, the i-CERCA Foundation Research Centre of the Catalan Government, Invertec Venture Capital Company, and Creafutur. He previously worked in the automobile industry and as Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering. Author of 'Innovación 6.0: el Fin de la Estrategia' Plataforma, 2010. Co-author of 'Pasión por Innovar' Granica, 2006, 'Tanto Creces, Tanto Vales' Granica, 2005, and '50 Lecciones de Management' Granica, 2007.Speaker at over 200 national and international conferences on strategy, innovation and technology management.

Selected publications

Contact details
Tel: +34 932 806 162
Ext. 2673
Fax: +34 932 048 105