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Del Viva, Luca

Professor, Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting at Esade
URL Associate Professor
Investigador, Research Group in Economics and Finance

  • PhD in Economia Aziendale. Università di Pisa
  • Laurea Degree in Economia Aziendale. Università di Pisa


Luca Del Viva holds a PhD in Management from the University of Pisa, Italy.

He is currently an Assistant Professor of Finance in the Department of Financial Management and Control at ESADE. 

His past and current research focuses on the impact of banking regulation in preserving financial stability, financial system and sovereign credit risk, credit risk and the role of information ambiguity in asset pricing. His recent research focuses on the evaluation of the new banking regulation in preventing banking crisis published in Journal of Banking and Finance and in Annal of Finance. His on-going research examines the effect of incomplete information and idiosyncratic risk in asset pricing.

Additionally, in separate projects, he attempts to study the interconnection between the financial system and the sovereign credit risk, the effects of the countercyclical banking capital requirements and empirically tests the validity of structural models of credit risk.

Luca is an ad hoc referee for the Journal of Financial Intermediation, the Journal of Banking and Finance and International Finance. Personal Website https://sites.google.com/site/lucadelviva/

Selected publications

Contact details
Tel: +34 932 806 162
Ext. 2209
Fax: +34 932 048 105