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Grabs, Janina

Assistant Professor, Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability at Esade
Contracted Doctoral Professor URL
Investigador, IIS - Instituto de Innovación Social
Investigador, GRIIS - Grupo de investigación en Innovación Social

  • Ph D in Political Science. University of Münster
  • M Sc in agricultural and Food Economics. University of Bonn
  • M Sc in Business and Economics. Swedish University of agricultural Sciences
  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. McGill University

Janina Grabs is an Assistant Professor of Business and Society at the Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability at ESADE Business School, Barcelona. She received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Münster, Germany, and previously was a post-doctoral researcher at ETH Zurich and visiting researcher at Yale University. Her work focuses on the private governance of sustainability in global value chains, with a special focus on tropical agricultural commodities such as coffee and palm oil. Her work on the effectiveness of private sustainability governance in the coffee sector has been widely recognized, inter alia with ESG's Oran R. Young Prize, APSA's Virginia M. Walsh Dissertation Award, and ECPR's Giandomenico Majone Prize, and is published in the book 'Selling Sustainability Short? The Private Governance of Labor and the Environment in the Coffee Sector' 2020, Cambridge University Press, which received the AoM 2021 ONE Book Award as well as APSA's Lynton Keith Caldwell Book Award. She has further published in leading peer-reviewed journals including Regulation & Governance, Business Strategy and the Environment, New Political Economy, the Journal of Economic Geography, Ecological Economics, and the Journal of Environmental Management.Janina is also a research fellow of the Earth System Governance project, is the Earth System Governance Journal's Book Review Editor, serves on the Outreach Committee of the International Studies Association's Environmental Studies Section, and sits on the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance's Steering Committee.

Selected publications

Contact details
Tel: +34 932 806 162
Ext. 5339
Fax: +34 932 048 105