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Boonstra, Jaap

Visiting Professor, Department of People Management and Organisation at Esade
URL Visiting Professor

  • Doctorado en Psicología. University of Groningen

Areas of interest
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • Government
  • CEMS
  • CEMS
  • Social movements
  • Business studies','Alliances','Change management','Leadership
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

Jaap Boonstra is a professor of 'Organizational Dynamics and Leadership' at Esade Business School in Barcelona Spain, professor of 'Organizational Change' at Rotterdam School of Management of the Erasmus university, and a senior lecturer in 'Public Administration' at the Netherlands Institute of Governance in The Hague. Before he worked as a professor of 'Global Leadership' at CEMS, The Global Alliance in Management Education, and as a professor of 'Organizational Change and Learning' at the University of Amsterdam The Netherlands. He also worked as Dean and Academic Director of Sioo, Inter-university Center for Organizational Change and Learning The Netherlands. At ESADE Business School, Jaap is involved in education on strategic and cultural change in organizations, transformational leadership, and organizational and professional development. His research focuses on transformational leadership, success factors to organizational change and innovation, power dynamics in organizations, cross-cultural management and organizational change and development.As an independent consultant he is involved in change processes in international business firms and organizational networks. In addition, he was a member of supervisory and non-executive boards in financial services, the service industry, and public institutes in telecommunications, safety and liveability, social housing, and in health and youth care.Jaap has published more than twenty books and three hundred articles on technological and organizational innovation, management of organizational change, politics in organizations, strategic decision-making and transformational change in production firms, the service sector, public administration and global values-driven alliances. His international handbook 'Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning' was awarded with the best contribution to organizational science by the Dutch association of management consultants. His book 'Organizational Change and Leadership in Organizations' was nominated for Management book of the year. His book 'Change Management Adventures' is reviewed as the most approachable and inspiring books about change management. In 2019 he published 'Organizational Change as Collaborative Play' Boom, 2019 and 'El Cambio como un Juego de Interacción Estratégica' Together with Francisco Loscos, Profit Editorial, 2019. His most recent book 'Alliances for Sustainable Futures' is published in English, Spanish and Dutch with Marcos Eguiguren as co-author Edward Elgar, 2023 / Profit Editorial, 2023 / Boom, 2023.Contribution to coursesESADE, EMBA: Discovering dynamics of transformational change.NSOB, MPA: Transformational LeadershipNSOB, IML: Change Management in the Public SectorRSM, EUR: Organizational Change and Development

Selected publications
  • Boonstra, J. (2024, April). Change as a collaborative process: Challenges for HRD professionals [Online forum post].
  • Boonstra, J. (2024, April). Change as a collaborative process: Challenges for HRD professionals [Online forum post].
  • Eguiguren, M. & Boonstra, J. (2024). CASO GABV: jugando con paradojas en alianzas basadas en valores. Harvard Deusto Management and Innovation, (63), pp. 44-54.
  • Boonstra, J. (Accepted/In press). (2024). Organization development and change. The Handbook of Human Resource Development . Sage.
  • Boonstra, J. (Accepted/In press). (2024). Transforming business. Brilliant Leadership . Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023). Leadership qualities in societal organizations: [{"locale":"nl_NL","text":"Omgaan met dynamiek en onzekerheid. Tijdschrift voor Management en Organisatie, 77 (5/6), pp. 45-60.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023). Strategic collaboration in values-driven alliances. Holland Management Review, 40 (208), pp. 30-39.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023). Identity of organizations. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkeling in Organisaties, 13 (4), pp. 28-37.
  • Boonstra, J. & Eguiguren, M. (2023). Identity of Organizations: [{"locale":"es_ES","text":"quiénes somos y hacia dónde vamos. Harvard Deusto Business Review, (338), pp. 8-18.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023, October). Building a relationship between clients and consultants [Online forum post]. ESADE. https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/building-relationship-consultant-client.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023, October). The art of choosing a consultant [Online forum post]. ESADE. https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/how-choose-consultant.
  • Boonstra, J. & Van Roekel, I. (2023). Collaboration between organizations. Opleiding en Ontwikkeling, 36 (3), pp. 25.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023, September). The life cycle of values-driven alliances [Online forum post]. ESADE. https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/life-cycle-values-driven-alliances.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023, August). Playing around with paradoxes in values-driven alliances [Online forum post]. ESADE. https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/playing-paradoxes-values-driven-alliances.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023, July). Nine qualities of values-driven leadership in sustainable alliances [Online forum post]. ESADE. https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/qualities-leadership-values-sustainable-alliances.
  • Boonstra, J. & Eguiguren, M. (2023). Alliances for sustainable futures: Creating and managing purpose-driven alliances. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781035308231.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023). Caso GABV: Jugando con paradojas en alianzas basadas en valores.
  • Boonstra, J. & Eguiguren, M. (2023). Playing with paradoxes in values-driven alliances.
  • Boonstra, J. (2023). Reflections: From planned change to playful transformations. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14697017.2022.2151149.
  • Boonstra, J. (2022). 60 Years of change management: Reflections and foresights.
  • Boonstra, J. & Dubbeldam, M. (2022). Twintig jaar cultuurverandering: van instrumenteel ontwerpen naar min of meer terloops ontwikkelen. [Twenty years of cultural change in organizations: from an instrumental approach to an emergent process].
  • Boonstra, J., Kuyvenhoven, J. & Riedstra, S. (2021). Large scale and deep change process in a Ministry of Justice: Lessons for theory and practice.
  • Boonstra, J. (2021). Finding your way in a forest of colors.
  • Boonstra, J. (2021). Perspectives on leadership. Looking for your own destiny.
  • Boonstra, J. & Brillo, J. (2021). Shaping sustainable innovation based on cultural values. Sustainable Innovation (pp. 162-182). Taylor and Francis Ltd..
  • Boonstra, J. & Rond, F. (2021). Change as collaborative play. An practice based case study.
  • Boonstra, J. (2021). Play, playfulness and organizational change.
  • Boonstra, J. & Loscos Arenas, F. (2021). Cambio organizativo: juego, colaboración y diversión.
  • Boonstra, J. (2021). Managing strategic and cultural changes in organizations.
  • Boonstra, J. (2021). Managing strategic and cultural change in organizations.
  • Boonstra, J. (2020). The future of organizational development.
  • Boonstra, J. (2020). Managing organizational cultures in a global world.
  • Boonstra, J. (2020). Organization change as collaborative play (2nd ed.).
  • Boonstra, J. (2020). The end of planned change: Can we play together.
  • Boonstra, J., Casado González, J. M., Correa Domenech, M., Costa Guix, G., González Pascual, A., Jain, K., Kugler, T., Lee, Y., Motro, D., Narayanan, P., Noussair, C., Parke, M. & Ye, B. (2020). El papel de las emociones en la empresa. Harvard Deusto Business Review, pp. 28-56.
  • Boonstra, J. (2020). Impulsando la transformación organizacional. Cómo analizar el nivel de preparación de nuestra organización para enfrentarse a los cambios.
  • Boonstra, J. (2020). 25 years of change management. From planning to collaboration. Dit is management! 25 jaar in 10 thema's (pp. 55-72).
  • Boonstra, J. & Loscos Arenas, F. (2019). El cambio como un juego de interacción estratégica. Una visión positiva sobre el cambio y la renovación en organizaciones.
  • Boonstra, J. (2019). Slow death of planned change: Can we play together?. Forbes, pp. 1-4.
  • Boonstra, J. (2019). Organizational change as collaborative play.
  • Boonstra, J. & Loscos Arenas, F. (2019). Más allá del cambio planificado ¿jugamos?.
  • Boonstra, J. (2019, May). What kind of leader are you? [Online forum post].
  • Boonstra, J. (2019). Liderança e cultura organizacional para inovação [Leadership and organizational cultures for innovation].
  • Boonstra, J. (2018). Perspectivas sobre el liderazgo.
  • Boonstra, J. (2018, October). Seven mindsets of innovative leaders [Online forum post].
  • Boonstra, J. (2018, October). Seven misconceptions about leadership [Online forum post].
  • Boonstra, J. (2018). (1 ed.).
  • Boonstra, J. (2018). Leadership and organizational culture based on sustainable innovational values: Portraying the case of the Global Alliance for Banking Based on Values GABV.
  • Boonstra, J. (2018, June). Four leadership styles to boost innovation [Online forum post].
  • Bennebroek Gravenhorst, K. M., Es, R. v., Hartog, D. d., Volberda, H. & Wierdsma, A. (2018). Boonstra, J. J. (Ed.), .
  • Boonstra, J. J. (Ed.), (2018). Perspectieven op leidinggeven [Perspectives on Leadership].
  • Boonstra, J. (2018). .
  • Boonstra, J. J. (Ed.), (2018). .
  • Boonstra, J. (2018, February). 5 leadership traits to succeed in multi-cultural organizations [Online forum post].
  • Boonstra, J. (2018). .
  • Boonstra, J. (2018). El significado de las culturas en las organizaciones.
  • Boonstra, J. (2017, December). 8 key game strategies to embrace change in organizations [Online forum post].
  • Boonstra, J. (2017). Aptitudes para conseguir impacto en el cambio estratégico y cultural.
  • Boonstra, J., Burguer, Y., de Bruijn, H., Twist, M. v., van Es, R. & Vermaak, H. (2017). .
  • Boonstra, J. (2016). Banking sector must evolve to create a better world.
  • Boonstra, J. (2016). Revolutionising the banking industry.
  • Boonstra, J. (2015). Change management adventures (1 ed.).
  • Boonstra, J. (2013). Cultural change and leaderschip in organizations. A practical guide to succesful organizational change (2 ed.).
  • Boonstra, J. & de Caluwé, L. (2007). Intervening and changing: Looking for meaning in interactions.
  • Boonstra, J. (2004). Dynamics of organizational change and learning. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/9780470753408.
  • Rietveld, P. & Boonstra, J. (1995). On the supply of network infrastructure - Highways and railways in European regions. The Annals of Regional Science, 29 (2), pp. 207-220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01581807.

Contact details
Tel: +34 932 806 162
Ext. 22650
Fax: +34 932 048 105