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Bou Alameda, Elena

Associate Professor, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences at Esade
Contracted Doctoral Professor URL

  • Doctor Europeo.
  • EUDOKMA Certification. EUDOKMA
  • Doctora en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses. ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Máster en Dirección y Administración de Empresas. ESADE
  • Licenciada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull

Elena Bou has been Associate Professor in the Department of Operations Management and Innovation at ESADE since 1998. Her teaching activity comprises lecturing in different courses and programmes, covering undergraduate programmes, MBA, Executive Masters, PhD courses and Executive Education.She has worked as a consultant in the implementation of quality systems and organisational change in different types of companies, in private and public organisations and within a European context Spain, Germany and England. She has carried out different research projects including the coordination of the European Research ESPRIT Project: 'Performance Measurement System for Total Quality Management', designing the methodology, product development and system implementation in Spanish, English and German companies. Recently she has carried out the study on knowledge dynamics within organisational and professional practice.Currently, she is member and co-ordinator of ESADE Research Group for Organisational Learning and Knowledge GRACO. She is author of several professional and academic publications and referee of academic journals.

Selected publications
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. (2016). Teaching elephants to dance: Collaborating to create a sustainable future. Renewable Energy Focus, 17 (3), pp. 95-96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ref.2016.04.006.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E., Canals Parera, A. & Moreira Ottani, S. (2013, March). 'High energy' collisions and sustainable collaborations in outlier organisations: The cases of ATLAS Experiment and KIC InnoEnergy [Paper presentation]. SMS Special Conference.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. (2013). Networks of innovation and new modes of PPP: The case of KIC InnoEnergy.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. (2012). L'energia: la innovació d'avui, la prosperitat de demà.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. (2010). Redes creadoras de valor: Value-added networks.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Moreira Ottani, S. (2009, July). Bridging old worlds and building new ones: The challenge of integrating knowledge in innovation networks [Paper presentation]. 25th EGOS Colloquium.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E., Ollé Valls, M., Sauquet Rovira, A. & Svejenova Velikova, S. (2009). Xarxes de coneixement i innovació.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Moreira Ottani, S. (2009, April). Connecting worlds: The role of innovation brokers in the context of innovation networks [Paper presentation]. 2009 International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities OLKC.
  • Bonifacio, M., Bou Alameda, M. E. & Moensted, M. (2009, April). Managing large collaborations in Europe: New challenges for cross-organizational management [Paper presentation]. 2009 International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities OLKC.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Moreira Ottani, S. (2009, April). Connecting worlds: The role of innovation brokers in the context of innovation networks [Paper presentation]. 1st ESADE-HEC Symposium on Transversal Topics 2009.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E., Canestrino, R. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2008, July). Collective networks and communities of practice: The transformation of the Priorat wine region [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research 2008.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & DROEGE, H. (2008, July). The exploration & exploitation dilemma revisited: How does it apply to innovation in professional service firms? [Paper presentation]. 24th EGOS Colloquium.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2008, July). Entrepreneurs, clusters & communities of practice: The Priorat case study [Paper presentation]. 24th EGOS Colloquium.
  • Bonet Guinó, E., Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2008, May). Reflexions on the concept of knowing: From classical epistemology to acts of knowing [Paper presentation]. 8th EURAM Annual Conference 2008.
  • Bonet Guinó, E., Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2008, April). Talking 'in' and 'about' practice: An ethnographic practice-based study of job placement practitioners [Paper presentation]. Organization Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, Copenhagen 2008.
  • Bonet Guinó, E., Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2006). Conocimiento y práctica: apuntes para una reflexión sobre la formación en las escuelas de negocios.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E., Boud, D., Cressey, P. & Docherty, P. (2006, September). Productive Reflection at Work: Productive Reflection at Work. Management Learning, 37, pp. 410-413.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2006, July). 'Knowing' in the consulting practice: Exploring knowledge, people, context and tasks in action [Paper presentation]. 22nd EGOS Colloquium.
  • Bonet Guinó, E., Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2006, May). Understanding expertise: Information and narratives [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research RNMR 2006.
  • Bonet Guinó, E. & Bou Alameda, M. E. (2006, May). Definition and meanings in theory building from Socrates to grounded theory and sensemaking [Paper presentation]. 6th EURAM Annual Conference 2006.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Hernández Manzano, E. (2006). Gestión del Conocimiento sí, pero ¿qué conocimiento gestionar?: implicaciones del estudio de la práctica.
  • Bonet Guinó, E., Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2006, March). Understanding expertise [Paper presentation]. 2006 International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities OLKC.
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2005). 'Knowing' in the consultancy firm: Exploring knowledge, people, context and tools in action. Challenges and issues in knowledge management (pp. 69-106).
  • Bou Alameda, M. E. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (2004). Reflecting on quality practices through knowledge management theory: Uncovering grey zones and new possibilities of process manuals, flowcharts and procedures. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 2, pp. 35-47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.kmrp.8500022.

Contact details
Tel: +34 932 806 162
Ext. 37680
Fax: +34 932 048 105