Aitor Erce
Aitor Erce works as an independent research advisor for the European Investment Bank and is currently a visiting fellow at LUISS.
12 Jan, 2024
The functioning of the European electricity market needs new instruments to encourage investment in large-scale renewable energy projects and storage. Although in theory markets such as the European could incentivize investment, in practice they have failed to do so. In fact, at a certain point of maturity, the price decline in the electricity markets reduced […]
26 May, 2022
La necesidad de alinear objetivos de descarbonización e independencia energética de Rusia aumenta el requerimiento de políticas para racionalizar nuestro consumo energético. Las políticas más prometedoras para hacerlo son las que afecten al precio de la energía mediante impuestos y similares, especialmente para hogares, particulares y establecimientos comerciales, por dos razones: Mantienen la señal de […]
10 Dec, 2021
The European Commission proposed last July a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) devoted to tax imported products based on their carbon content, hence subjecting them to the same carbon price as European products and reducing the risk of leakage.
24 Sep, 2021
Creemos que la redistribución de cargos que supone el FNSSE va en la dirección correcta. Consideramos, sin embargo, que valdría la pena reconsiderar el diseño específico de compensaciones o complementarlo.
21 May, 2020
In this policy insight, we argue the benefits of using borrowing and lending capacities as two separate instruments of EU policy.