Conoce Esade

Do Good. Do Better.

Nuestro compromiso desde 1958. Formar a líderes para que actúen de forma reflexiva y considerada y hagan lo correcto.

Creemos que el cambio significativo se produce cuando la innovación va de la mano del compromiso social y cuando aplicamos la tecnología desde la óptica de la sostenibilidad.

Nuestro objetivo es promover una nueva generación de líderes, con unas competencias únicas y la capacidad de tomar decisiones deliberadas, para hacer avanzar el mundo sin dejar a nadie atrás.

Innovación unida a un impacto social

Para Esade, ofrecer una experiencia de aprendizaje totalmente holística es clave; apostamos por crear una experiencia educativa centrada tanto en la adquisición de conocimientos técnicos y en la excelencia académica, como en el desarrollo de los valores humanos esenciales y de la integridad.

Esade - Do Good. Do Better.

Change is the only constant. Technologies change, organisations change, society changes. But a better society is not built by change for the sake of change. Meaningful change happens when innovation and social commitment come together. That’s why we created Esade 60 years ago. Today we reinforce this commitment. It is not just about doing things right, it is about doing the right things. Not only do good, but do better.

Do good, do better is our commitment to contribute to build free, prosperous, and fair societies.
Do good, do better means to foster a new generation of leaders devoted to creating a better future.
Do good, do better encompasses our reason to exist, our purpose. A solid statement we must first exert on ourselves before demanding it from others. We continue to set the path towards a meaningful transformation.
Let’s do good, let’s do better.

More info:

Esade is a global academic institution known for the quality of its education, its international outlook, and its focus on holistic personal development, as well as for its strong ties to the business world. At Esade we aim to drive meaningful change through social commitment and innovation.


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